
Conversations with Kirishima

Classes have been particularly boring these past few days, whether that be because my focus has been on my anxious sorta friend or simply because I've gotten tired of listening to things I already know. It's the former as I never really have a problem with listening and learning even if I already know the stuff. With our talk a few days back I have been keeping a close eye on Eijiro, which isn't very hard since he still has lunch with Mina and I, each day showing up with less and less encouragement needed from me. It's kinda funny the way he somewhat marvels at Mina who treats him like a long-time friend, the boy had expected something completely different. He doesn't talk much out of the three of us, but he's opened up just a bit more, even telling us who his favorite hero is.

Each day with this guy has me feeling some sort of pride at having taken the time to befriend him.

One day, we're alone at the lunch table, Mina having to take care of something with her club this time around. With just the two of us, conversation was sparse, but things are no longer awkward, the both of us have gotten used to each other enough for that. He hasn't brought up our conversation from that day until that moment, picking at his food as he recalls the day and well, tells me what has been on his mind for a while.

"You were right"

I was very much confused when he said this as I was not sure what he was referring to. Being confused I chew my food slowly, cheeks puffed with the amount I stuffed into my mouth as I await an explanation before simply scanning his mind to figure out what this was about. I'm not always on full alert and reading minds, more often than not I'm practicing the mind control part of my quirk, trying to subtly influence some random person. I've tested my powers more against the few students, who have some sort of mental ability or incredible willpower. Those often result in terrible headaches on both parts, but it's good practice.

"I should change" there's determination this time, something I haven't really seen from him before this point.

"Hey, hey, don't go changing because I told you so" because well, that' is terrible and I did feel bad if he thought he had to become something entirely different because I pointed a few things out. "And I never said you should change, I said you should work your stuff out"

"I know, sorry" he apologizes sheepishly, running a hand through his dark hair and forcing it out of his face. "It's just, I thought about what you said and I realize you have a point, multiple points"

I'm quiet as he talks, simply eating my lunch. He needs to get this off his chest and just say what he wants to say, there is no reason for me to cut in yet. It would be interesting to hear what he has to say and what his perspective is.

"If I truly want to be a hero I should learn to accept my quirk as my own and move past the issues I have with it" he looks at his hands as he says this, clenching his fists as his skin hardens. I pretend not to notice as he doesn't think I saw "And I need to learn to be brave and believe in myself"

Hmm, okay, good to know I helped out somehow.

"But it's hard"

"Of course it's hard," I say. "It's not easy to make these changes, you know, so just take your time. We have practically three years"

He sighs, slumping a bit as he returns to his food.

"How do people do it?"

"Do what?"

"Go out there and face danger with no fear, how does All Might always keep that smile on his face. How does Crimson Riot charge in with no hesitation" he sounds almost desperate with the question, desperate for an answer he knows he won't get.

"Sometimes it's fear that drives people to selfless and brave acts" when you know as much as I do about this world and most of the heroes within, you come to understand how they go out there and risk their lives every day. And when you think about it, it makes perfect sense, right? Fear is something we humans always experience, fear will always be there, it is what this fear does to you that's important. You either let it eat you up from the inside out and crush you, or you let your fear motivate you to be something better and prevent the very thing you fear. "You should watch some of Crimson's interviews"

Eijiro is staring at me with wide eyes, surprised and perhaps admiring me right now. It's more the mention of crimson than anything else, I think.

"In one of his interviews Crimson Riot discloses that despite his reputation of courageous heroism and being a risk-taker, he actually feels fear when putting his life on the line, and condemns anyone who doesn't" I recall what I can remember from said interview. I did take the time to actually watch the stuff. "He fears the look of a dying person's face even more than he fears death itself and that is what drives him"

Eijiro falls into another lapse of silence, this time indulging in his food before we have no time left. His face is near unreadable but mentally he's wondering if he has stumbled upon a fellow Crimson Riot fan while also questioning how much of a fan he himself is if he didn't even know what drives his hero. It's amusing to listen to his inner monologue and his promise to watch every single Crimson Riot interview. I do him one better and name the one I had been referring to so he can see for himself. This interview had been the one to inspire him so I'm hoping it still has this effect on him.

"Can I ask you your favorite hero is, Fox?"

I'm left to blankly stare at him for a moment because I don't have a favorite hero. There are some I like better than most and some I despise but none I consider my favorite or admire.

"I don't have a favorite" I admit to him and he looks a bit disappointed, having hoped I liked Crimson as much as him.

"How come?" He's curious now and I don't really have the answer to this question so I say as much.

"There are some I like and some I don't, but favorite? I don't have them" maybe I'll meet a hero that I'll someday admire, but as for now, I've got no idol to look up to like most children. And if I find my idol it's likely not going to be a hero, or at least not one well known.

He doesn't say anything more, occupied with eating his food. His hair constantly gets in his face, something he seems to be very used to because it doesn't seem to bother him. Unlike him, if my hair ever gets in my face I will do everything to get it out of my face because I really cannot with that.

"Why do you want to be a hero, Fox?" Eijiro suddenly asks. Apparently, he hadn't meant to ask this as he seems very surprised and immediately apologetic when the question leaves his mouth. "I'm sorry, I didn't actually mean to ask, I am just curious, because well, you really don't seem like the type"

I quirk a brow and more apologies start spilling from his mouth

"I'm sorry, that sounds wrong, I'm not judging or assuming, just curious b-" this goes on for the whole time it takes me to finish my lunch and empty two juice boxes.

"Kirishima" he's reminding me of Deku with the way he spirals into mumbling. I have to call him three times to get his attention. He asked a simple question, there's no need to be nervous or apologetic. "It's fine"

He doesn't appear to believe me, but takes my word for it.

"It's a simple question you know?" I shrug. "I won't suddenly hate you for it"


"You've apologized over ten times, maybe even twenty" I point out, and immediately he tries to apologize again until he catches himself, rubbing at the back of his neck sheepishly.

"Now to answer your question," I say while stuffing my lunch box in my backpack. "I have multiple reasons for wanting to become a hero, one of them is simply to be out there and save people as heroes are supposed to do" that's basically the same thing anyone aspiring to become a hero will tell you. Often times you have to wonder if they are telling the truth or not. At least Katsuki was honest with his motives, as selfish as they may be. "But that's what everyone says when you ask them this question, at least most of them. It really depends on how far you're willing to go to save someone"

"How far are you willing to go?" He wonders and I consider this a good question because I had never taken the time to think about it.

How far would I go to save another's life?

"I don't know" I admit, not sure how I would actually act in such a situation. It's all well and nice to say you'll go out there and save a life, but when push comes to shove how will you act? It is only when pushed against a wall that someone's true nature is revealed. It is only when the situation is dire that one's true self can be found. It is only when you have to choose between your life and someone else's that you come to understand. "I could just say that I'm willing to risk it all to save a life, but I have no actual idea of knowing what I'll do when the time comes. I can easily say that if my family were in danger, I would not hesitate to risk my own life, but things are different when the person in need of help is a stranger. We become far more selfish when our own lives are in the balance"

It's a bit daunting when you realize you might not be as heroic as you thought yourself to be when the time arrives. I want to save those who others don't see, the ones that are ignored, the ones who never get the help they need, but when push comes to shove will I be able to? A bit depressing when you think of it. Far more crushing if I cannot do what I've set out to.

I should really take the time to consider these things, shouldn't I?

"You make me think about a lot of things, you know that?" I smile at the boy, hoping to put him at ease when I feel his anxiousness building with my silence. He believes he's upset me and I want to reassure him. "You're an eye-opener"


"Have you ever trained?"

Eijiro and I are once more awaiting our guardians at the usual bench, this time conversation coming in a bit more. We haven't strayed much from the topic of heroes and I have just silently been listening to whatever Eijiro has to say. He hasn't shown me his quirk yet, he's still a bit insecure about his power. He'll come around, that I know, so I have to be patient. He's gotten a bit more comfortable with me and I'm glad. It's good to know that I can help him by just being here and listening, offering what little I can. I don't tell him what to do, that's not my place, I let him figure that out by himself, I just listen and answer any questions he has for me. He's rather curious.

"Most of my life" he seems surprised and amazed by this.

"I guess you're more prepared than anyone to enter UA," he says

"If that's how you want to see it," I say, watching the cars pass by. "You wanna train?"

"I should" he nods. "It's best, isn't it?"

"Seeing that you wanna go to UA and be a hero, yeah, training is beneficial"

"What type of training do you do?"

"Martial arts mostly and I also practice my quirk" I reveal. "I've started implementing my quirk into my fighting recently"

The only reason I had not done this sooner is simply because I wanted a good handle on my elemental abilities before even trying to fighting with it. I can't lose control in the middle of a practice fight and risk hurting someone. Over the years I've gotten amazing control of my quirk so it's about time I start pairing it with my fighting. Seeing as I had chosen specific styles that correspond with my abilities it should be quite fun. I do imagine having different fighting styles under my belt will work to my benefit. Especially since each style can be so easily paired with an element.

"I should learn to fight" there's a chuckle, almost taking me by surprise because he never chuckled. I don't say anything, not wanting to ruin this. "Maybe you should teach me"

"No can do, best you find out what style you wanna learn and get an instructor or something" he should find something that works well with his hardening abilities. "The way I fight works with my quirk"

"Something that pairs well with my quirk" he's thoughtful, considering what little styles he knows. "I'll have to think about this"

"Take your time"

"My mothers like you," he says at random, completely straying from our topic. He seems to realize this as he had been thinking out loud and goes red in the face, apologizing for the suddenness.

It's amusing.

"They do huh?" I had figured. They treated me like their own kid and that was the first time I went over.

"Yeah, they say you're sweet and cute" he relays, not looking at me. "It's embarrassing"

I could imagine. Must be something to have your parents talking about a friend you just made. At least it's all positive.

"If it's anything, I really like your mothers, be sure to tell them"

They are really kind to me and they are really hot, so yes, I have taken quite a liking.

And one of them has this amazing voice that just floored me the first time. I was taken by surprise when that women opened her mouth. Her voice sounds like one belonging to a goddess to the point I felt I should not have been blessed like this. It's smoother than silk, sweeter than honey and I'm pretty sure I was obviously awestruck because this woman seemed beyond amused with me. Her wife is no better, subtly teasing me when she notices my awe and I could read her thoughts as clear as day. She knew I was in love with her woman's voice and she couldn't help but agree with me.

If that woman told me to jump off a cliff, I would.

Okay that's an exaggeration, but she really has a voice I would listen to without hesitation. It just sounds that good, a bit too good.

Imagine being attracted to a voice.