
Seed Of The Stars

In the beginning, there was nothing. Then, there was a creator that created a great tree. From that tree, the universe was created. But, in the universe was the weak and pathetic humans. They were given only the ability to think, so the gods had pity on them. A god had given them mana. Another gave them ways to fight back with that mana. The greatest gift was given to only a single human. It was a seed from the tree that created life. And with the power of the seed, the manifestation of mankind's desires began to take hold. That was how the first ever champion of mankind, a "Sprouted" was born. ~~~~ Our story takes place in modern magical times, where everybody has something called a "Seed". At the age of 16, every child must go to awaken their seed, the event of a lifetime. Nobles protect the civilians from danger of demons and beasts under the law of the first king- "Noblesse Oblige", but it's the dream of our main character to become a sort of a hero! Our main character, Nova and his friend Rai- ends up "Sprouting", a phenomenon that occurs when their seed is fully saturated with mana, right on the spot of the examination. With Seeds that qualify themselves to attend the same school as the nobles, they're forced to take place in "Noblesse Oblige" as well! From then on, it's up to them to see where their Seeds will take them. Disclaimer: There ARE some cultural references in this story. Please keep in mind, just in case you get interested or confused. Thank you for the amazing support! Please leave a review and add this book to your library!! Coverart drawn by https://twitter.com/Blumbus_ To stay up to date and check out some fanart, please check my twitter! https://twitter.com/AlanOfTheStars

Alanala · Aktion
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218 Chs


Oswald made his way back to the two.

『What did you do in there?』[Sarena]

『Just checked to see if she was in there.』[Oswald]

『So? Did you manage to confirm it?』[Sarena]

『Yeah. She's an elf, alright.』[Oswald]

The line was sparse. Just a few people who were convinced in their ability to eat.

『I wonder.. Can either of you clear the challenge?』[Nova]

『Oh. Us? Easily. Challenge ramps up every year you're here.』[Oswald]

『Then, shouldn't you go take your 3rd year challenge instead?』[Nova]

『..It may seem weird- but we can easily handle the amount of food that is served here.』[Sarena]

『..What? But.. it's enough to make me explode..』[Nova]

『When you're a stronger mage, your body naturally becomes stronger to correspond with your growth. Of course, you'll need a fast digestive system and more food for your body.』[Oswald]

『Well, to be sure- you definitely precede your class when it comes to eating a lot.』[Sarena]

『I.. Am not sure if that's good or not.』[Nova]

It was finally Sarena's turn to get her food.

『I want a Super Mega Beef Bowl.』[Sarena]

A bowl the size of half a cow appeared.

『...There's no way she's going to eat all that, right?』[Nova]

『She will. She's "Black Hole Sarena", after all.』[Oswald]

Sarena hit him lightly on the arm.

『Shh. You're just too much of a twig.』[Sarena]

『Alright. Then, I'll have an omelette rice.』[Oswald]

『..But that's not on the me-』[Nova]

Before he could complete his sentence, an omelette rice the size of an arm appeared.

『..I guess I want one too now.』[Nova]

Not a moment later, one appeared. Instead of one that looked like Oswald's it was pure golden in color, almost blinding.

『..Isn't this a big difference in treatment?』[Oswald]

As he said that, a ketchup bottle appeared and drew a heart onto the top of the omurice.

Nova nervously chuckled as he picked it up.

「Isn't.. she a bit biased?」[Nova]

He didn't complain though.

『Ha..ha. Thank you Freyana.』[Nova]

As he went to go sit down, he heard the noises of pans and pots clattering from the kitchen.

『Is she in trouble?!』[Nova]

『..No. Sit down. It's better that way.』[Oswald]

『..Uh. Okay..』[Nova]

『Hey! You.』[???]

A large man with gelled up hair that towered above Nova overshadowed him.

『Yes..? How can I help you?』[Nova]

『I saw that. You got special treatment. What makes you so much better than us?』[???]

『I.. Don't know?』[Nova]

『I bet you can't even handle that amount of food. Let's see why you're so special.』[???]

Nova stared back at him with squinted eyes.

『...If you're looking to see who can finish their food first, you're on!』[Nova]

The man sat himself next to Nova, then they both raised their spoons to dine in silence.

After some time, he began to slow down.

Nova continued at his normal pace the entire time.

「Oh? It's a lot easier to eat! I feel that Freyana put her all in this!」[Nova]

『..They aren't even circulating their mana.』[Oswald]

『..No. The one besides Nova is starting to.』[Sarena]

『Isn't Nova a bit of a beast..?!』[Oswald]

The man stopped when his stomach was about to burst.

As he stopped, Nova also put down his spoon, but it was for a different reason.

『I'm done. Thank you Freyana!』[Nova]


The pots and pans in the kitchen were heard again.

『Hah.. She's got it bad, huh?』[Sarena]

『That's the least of it.』[Oswald]


The man was groaning in pain.

Nova stood up and stretched behind the man.

『Phew! That was delicious!』[Nova]

He looked toward the man with gelled hair and extended his hand.

『It was a great fight.』[Nova]

The man looked at Nova with a complicated look in his eyes, before he smiled and grabbed his hand.

『Yeah. The name is Andrew Strife.』[Andrew]

『I'm Nova. Just Nova.』[Nova]

『..Oh? You're a houseless?!』[Andrew]

『Yup. One of two civilians this year.』[Nova]

『The ones that beat down Thean Bayron and Jack Rayber?』[Andrew]

『..That was their names?』[Nova]

He looked at Nova with a strange look.

『You beat them up without knowing who they were?』[Andrew]

『They were starting a fight. Doesn't matter who they are.』[Nova]

Andrew gently shook, before he burst into laughter.

『..Good! You're a great guy, Nova! Let's be friends!』[Andrew]

Nova smiled back at him.

『We aren't already?』[Nova]

『..You're right! Hahaha! I, Andrew Strife, will call you my brother! If anyone ever gives you a problem, let me know!』[Andrew]

『Hmm… Strife? Isn't that one of the 7 great houses?』[Nova]

『Yeah! But don't worry about it. Just treat me like normal!』[Andrew]

『Alright! You're on!』[Nova]

They both laughed while grabbing each other by the hand.

『By the way, are you also a first year?』[Nova]

『Yeah! Of course I am.』[Andrew]

『Woooah! You're at least 7 feet tall!』[Nova]

『7 feet 2 inches!』[Andrew]



『..There's something wrong with them.』[Sarena]

『Maybe it's because they're freshman...』[Oswald]


After they had exchanged contacts and separated, Nova waited outside.

『Nova, what are you doing waiting?』[Oswald]

『Well, I wanted to see Freyana.』[Nova]

『..I see. She's a good one. Take care of her.』[Oswald]

Oswald began to walk away with Sarena who waved bye at Nova.


Just as they left, the cafeteria was closed and Freyana walked out.

『Phew.. I'm so tireeeeed~!』[Freyana]

『Good work.』[Nova]


Freyana suddenly stiffened up.

『Wh-Wh-What are you doing here?!』[Freyana]

『I just wanted to thank you.』[Nova]

Freyana stuttered for a bit while grabbing something from her back pocket.

『Pl-Pl-Please take this!』[Freyana]

She gave him a cookie that was in the shape of a heart.

『..Are you sure I'm worth this?』[Nova]

Freyana looked at him with a confident look.


『..I'm just a commoner, you know? And you just met me today.』[Nova]

『..We elves can.. See mana. Every living being has a mana that says things about their being. When I saw your mana, I fell in lo-l-lovv-lo-.』[Freyana]

Nova had a distraught look.

『Love? But.. what if I love someone else too? I'm not sure if I'm ready for commitment..』[Nova]

She looked at Nova with a flushed face.

『..You said too.』[Freyana]

『..Yeah, I guess I did..?』[Nova]

『Does that mean you like me too?』[Freyana]

He turned away from her.

『I've never been in love before.. I wouldn't know.』[Nova]

She joyfully bounced around him, until she was in front of him.

She had a happy look on her face.

『As long as you don't hate me, I'm satisfied! I know you can't say no to girls. I heard through the door. As long as you love me, I don't care if you have just me, or 100 girls!』[Freyana]

He turned his face away from her and put his hands over his eyes.



She looked down at her chest, before growing a bright red.


『..I'm sorry.』[Nova]

She gently grabbed his hand away from his face, then turned his face to look at her.

『Well, I like that about you too.』[Freyana]

She pulled him in, then for a moment, the world fluttered.

Nova felt like his breath was being drained from his body.

Everything was silent, but he felt like the world screamed deafeningly.

By the time her lips left his, his heart was pounding fiercely.

『...I love you.』[Freyana]

She gently skipped around the corner.

Nova stood there, before losing strength in his legs, as he fell on his butt.

He placed his fingers to his lips.

「..They were so soft.」[Nova]

Around the corner, was Freyana who was sitting on the floor, holding her hand over her mouth.

「..What did I just do?!」[Freyana]

She began to turn a bright red, all the way to her ears.

She pulled her ears down to her cheeks.

「..I love him.」[Freyana]

Nova was still sitting there on the floor.

「I.. like her.」[Nova]

A dark shadow stood at the opposite side of the hallway, staring at the two of them.

「..What just happened?!」[Sarena]

Oswald stood there, with a line of tears going down his face.

「..It happened, already!���[Oswald]

Sarena talked in a very quiet voice.

『Oi! I know you said it was bad, but it was THAT bad?!』[Sarena]

『She said that the first leader of the elves fell in love the exact same way that Nova and her met. I guess it's just an example of history repeating itself!』[Oswald]

『But.. That's Nova's first kiss, his first girlfriend! How do you think it's going to go for him?!』[Sarena]

『He's a great kid! If she loves him, I'm sure it will end up happily!』[Oswald]

『..She just told him that he could have more than 1 girlfriend, and this happens his first day here?! What if he gets corrupted?! If he becomes a womanizer?!』[Sarena]

『There's no way. This is Nova! The same person who called us master just because you told him to.』[Oswald]

Oswald stayed silent for a moment, though.

『Though, they did say that the headmaster had a harem, himself...』[Oswald]

『...That's horrible. And he's so innocent too! What if he ends up in some older girl's han-』[Sarena]

As she was talking, Nova popped up around the corner.

『Os-bro? Sis-rena? What are you doing here?』[Nova]

『..We were concerned for you!』[Oswald]

『Why? Nothing could have gone wrong right?』[Nova]

『I don't know, we just had a feeling.』[Sarena]

『Well, I'm going to head back. Thank you for watching over me.』[Nova]

When they heard "watching" they felt a pang of guilt in the back of their minds.

He walked past them back to his room.

「..Too naive..」[Oswald and Sarena]

yo seriously I shouldn't have promised 1 chapter per 1k wth is wrong with you all. ANOTHER 1K IN 1 DAY. Also: made a mistake on a previous chap- sorry for the confusion. How do you guys like the new cover? COMMENT. plz, I feel like nobody actually reads my novel HAHAHA

So.. Freyana best girl? Sarena best girl? WHO?

Alanalacreators' thoughts