
What Will I Suck Now?

"I can't believe this, no this can't happen to me, this can't happen to me again. I am not going to lose my baby, no you are not going to be a sacrificed baby, you will live baby, please lord not another sacrifice for a stupid cult."

Dee was crying and Jake was trying to calm her down but the effort was not bearing any fruit. Her eyes were red, her body was wet and she needed to be calmed down. She grabbed Jake and shook him. 

"Nothing is supposed to happen to them please, don't let anyone take them away from me please, please don't allow any of them to be a sacrifice. I don't want them to suffer the same fate that I was supposed to. to go through. That shouldn't happen. Jake, are you listening to me? They are not supposed to go through any of this."

She felt like Jake was not listening to anything she said. She shook him harder and Jake was afraid that something bad had happened to Dee. She thought that she is running mad or the nightmare has shocked her. He stood there, Like a paralyzed man, she didn't know what to do except to look at her.  He was not moving as Dee kept on calling his name. 

"I am so sorry that you have to go through this. I am so sorry that you have to bear this but please, take care of them like they are the last thing you have."

Jake held her close and rocked her back and forth trying as much as he could to make sure that she feels safe. He didn't know what the nightmare was about but he wanted to make sure that she feels safe right now. 

He was late for work today. He had a lot of things to do and he felt bad for letting Dee go home all alone, sleep alone and take the shower all alone. He thought he would even finish and come help her take a shower but that was not happening. When he came home, the first thing he saw was Dee shaking in bed trying to call her a baby, she didn't mention any name but she used, 'baby' which alarmed him. Right now she can't stop asking him to take care of the babies as if she won't be there for the babies. 

"Hun, we will take care of them together, we will make sure that nothing bad happens to them, we will make sure that they grow up loved and taken care of. Even if it means killing so that they live, that is going to happen, nothing is going to happen to my babies, okay?"

Dee calmed down and settled next to him. She was all silent now, just shedding some tears and it broke Jake down. He didn't want her to be stressed up. He wanted her to be okay, smiling, and healthy. Shedding a tear was not a part of the deal. Now she has to shed a tear and he felt bad about it.

He gently helped her out of the dresses she was wearing and changed the sheets. 

"Can we sleep in the kids' room, I just want to be there. I don't want to be in here, please."

Jake couldn't say anything. After showering and helping her. They went to the kids' bedroom and slept on the bed to make sure that Dee was calm. 

Dee wa, not a sleep, sje was starting right through the night. She was looking at the three beds in front of her. The carpet was laid down on the floor and thought of how they would be safe. The windows were wide but were bulletproof making it hard for anyone to get in or out. The areas for letting air in and out were high up no one could reach them. She was hopeful that it was safe for them. 

She wanted to turn around and look at Jake but he was holding on to her so tightly. Jake didn't want her to move from her. 


She called hoping he was asleep so that he can remove his arms. She wanted to stand and move around the room because she couldn't sleep anymore.

Jake was not asleep, he was busy sniffing her hair that was washed in a nice shampoo.

"I am here baby, is everything okay?"

"Aren't you sleeping? You don't need to be awake because I am awake."

Dee turned around and he was there, staring back at her she switched the bedside lamp and looked at him. He didn't look like someone was asleep. He was all awake like a guard. 

"I am sorry I had to make you go through this, you can sleep now."

Jake held her hands and removed the hair that wed blocking her face. Her eyes were better now and they were not swollen the way they were previously. Her cheeks had come back to their original color. The eyes could see clearly.

"You are not making me do anything. I am fine and nothing is wrong, I just wanted you to tell me what the dream was all about, hun, I am bothered by it. You were shaking and talking to a baby."

Dee looked down but Jake wanted her to feel confident. He lifted her face so that she can look at her. 

"It is just a dream, I was panicking that's why I was shaking."

Dee said but she knew a lot of things happened in that dream and she should probably tell Jake about it. She should consider saying everything so that Jake can be sure of what he is going to do. 

"Look, I know you don't want to talk about it but if you say something, I will be able to do everything that I can and make sure you are fine. I am concerned Dee."

Dee cleared her throat and said everything. She didn't mention anyone's name and excluded even Ferm whom she saw in her dreams. Jake was now widening his eyes while looking at her.  This didn't look like a normal dream to him. He feared that maybe Dee was going through some hard times or this is a vision and is bound to happen. 

"Has any of your drama ever come true?"

"No, I haven't had any dreams come true. They are usually silly dreams and nothing happens to them you know. I think this is one of those silly dreams."

Jake shook his head. He knew this was not one of that silly dreams and it needed to be looked into. Talking about a sacrifice, her child was not going to pass through the same thing that her wife almost went through. 

"I am worried now. Do you know of anyone who was not jailed because of the cult and knows that you are pregnant?"

Der shook her head.

            "And Fern?"

"Fern was just a girl and she didn't love any of those things. I don't think she wanted to be the one who kills people and even takes their parts of the body for sale. She is reformed now, she bakes her cakes, sells them, and makes an honest living through her videos."

Jake knew he can't trust Fern to be closer to Dee even for a minute. He wanted to tell her that she can't see Fern anymore but he kept it to himself. He instead thought of another way to work on that. He would have guards all around in case Ferm comes to her office because she is not allowed in the house.

"I will ask Claire to take a look at several sites in case one is discovered, we will make sure that we kill those people, they are not going to touch you or my baby, okay?"

Dee nodded, though she wasn't afraid of anything now. When she woke up she was afraid that things might turn worse but she wasn't now. She didn't think Ferm can do anything bad to her. She was changed now.

"I don't want you to take anything that Fern bakes, okay?"

"Why? She can't do anything bad to me, Jake, why are you still doubting her?"

"Hun, it's not about doubting her, I don't think it's okay for you to eat anything that is not made from the house. That is why today's food Dan had to bring one that was made from the house. It wasn't anything made in the street or cafeteria. I want to make sure whatever you are eating is healthy, okay?"

Dee was now concerned with how Jake was taking things. She thought it was just a dream and nothing serious for him to be worried about. He was worried about everything it scared him. She wished that she never told him about the dream.  Seems the dream is making everything worse and she was not planning on that. 

She went back to bed and Jake let her sleep, he was worried now. He stood, walked to the window, and stood there. Looking out through the field. The sun rises from this area and he could see the field very well. The whole wall was made of glass but it was frosted glass. He walked back to the bed and started looking at the dolls that he placed on the bed. He takes care of them because he was practicing. He realized that they were all there. They were sleeping. He imagined how he would be taking care of the babies holding them, and calming them down.

"If something was to happen and the hospital tells you to choose, whom will you choose?"

Jake was startled by that question. He turned and looked at Dee who was talking to her. He didn't know what Dee meant by that question. 

            "Hun, what are you talking about?"

Dee was now sitting at the edge of the bed. Playing with her hands.  Jake placed the doll back and gently covered it. When he was done, he took slow steps closer to Dee. He knelt in front of her.

"Nothing is going to happen to the babies, nothing is going to happen to you. Nothing! I will still choose all of you baby, even if it means dying for you all, I will make sure I die for all of you. I can't choose between You or the babies. It's hard to decide you know. I need you to be there, you are not dying on me the way your mum left, I promise you, you are going to see your children grow up into beautiful people. They will be great and I know they will be amazing like you and me."

Dee smiled. Her heart was something else. She knew its hard for Jake to get what she wanted. She still smiled knowing that Jake was planning for them and the babies. She didn't want to tell him anything that was going to mess that up. She was afraid though, afraid that maybe he will be broken if she leaves. He let him be what he wanted to be. He is a fighter and will fight everything.

       "Cone here."

Jake grabbed her gently and placed the baby in her arms. She made her practice how to breastfeed the baby the way they were taught in the classes. She had to feed two at once. This was easy so that when one of them is full, the other one can take over. 

Dee cried while doing this. As much as she liked to do it, she knows she won't be doing it 

"It's just amazing, I am waiting to feel how they are going to suck my breast and pull them."

"So what will I be suckling? I enjoyed suckling them you know."

              "Shut up, you will drink milk from a glass."

Jake pouted. They were having a very amazing conversation and they both enjoyed it. Jake took the opportunity to learn how to change the diapers and nappies. How to wipe the child using wet wipes and how to bathe the babies. By the time the sun was shining, they had washed the toys, Dee had breastfed them, they had sung them to sleep and they were exhausted. They slept in the same room. 

"I love you, hun."

Dee turned around and looked at Jake. She placed her lips on his and kissed them before laying her head on his chest.

"I love you to hun "


"Today, we are going for her. We can't just sit around and watch her sit in her house. You know it will be hard for us to get her?"

Fern was asking Christopher that they go for Dee from her house today. She was afraid that maybe she won't get any time to snatch the babies from her. She has tried as much as she could to stay closer to her but that was not happening. Sometimes when she wants to see her,  she is busy and most of the time Jake is the one answering her phone making it hard for her to decide on what to tell him. 

She wanted to get Dee out of the place so that she can stay with them from the sixth month. That was easy to monitor the baby, to take care of the baby until she gives birth then she going to offer the sacrifice. 

She knew that the first pregnancy doesn't take exactly nine months and Dee can deliver maybe eight months before the nine months.  She wanted that to happen under her watch. She had done a lot of YouTube searches and she learned how to deliver a baby and with the help of Christopher, they were ready for the delivery. 

"Okay, I did a round walk of most houses that looks like theirs. The compounds are just the same. Since Dee said she usually walks every day around the compound, there is an entrance that is made of wood and I don't think there are any cameras there. It will be easy to take our time and make sure that we get her."

Fern thought of that idea but she felt it was a bit lame. She thought of convincing someone to walk around and monitor how they are doing. When she walks up to where then they will get a holding place to take her over. 

Christopher agreed with her. And they planned to hire someone to do the work. They had a lot of plans. They walked to the room that they had planned for Dee. It was an underground room and it has no windows just a slim bed and a toilet that she can use it.  

"This is the perfect place, whoever goes inside here will be wearing a mask so that it can be easy for us to hide our identity, we don't want to reveal who we are."

Fern nodded. The door was all metal and it wa hard to break through. They smiled and high-fived each other before leaving the place.