
Seducing Lucas

Eleanor suddenly pulled me by the wrist, drawing close to my ear. "If you know what's good for you, stay away from Lucas." I yanked my hand off her grasp and spat to her face, "No, I won't. I want him." ***** The last year of high school is running by fast, and most students are hopefully holding onto the expectation that something eventful will happen at this time of their lives; Sage Radley is no different. With the arrival of a new hot student, Lucas Martell, Sage anticipates the start of a fiery love encounter in her dull life. Yet, it doesn't materialize. He is just too quiet, too enclosed. Soon, stories of his rebellious ways begin to creep to the surface and it almost seems like his cover has been blown. The rumors scream an impending doom for whoever dares to cross. Yet, Sage is determined to find out the truth, and whatever is going on in that head of Lucas's too. All she wants is a peak story, but sadly, her Prince Charming never even looks her way. Will she be able to gain his attention? Or will she forever remain one of those 'obsessed flirts' in his book? Only the perfect decision can determine what will exist between her and Lucas. And that revolves around one sneaky dare: "Kiss Lucas."

thebaddiegrace · Urban
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6 Chs

Wild Altercation


I frantically pulled my eyes open and stared at the damned alarm clock.

7:00 AM! It screamed in my face.

I sighed.

It was `tomorrow` already.

I had slept off in the clothes I wore to school the previous day. From the edge of the bed where I laid, I stared outside the window.

The morning sky was stuck between bright and gloomy. The sun had not come out yet and the atmosphere was chilly.

My stomach rumbled loudly.

I sighed.

Dragging out of bed, I walked out of my bedroom.

Lady was laying on the couch, fast asleep. The living room was dark and a little stuffy as it stank of its usual alcohol odour. Even more filthy plates had covered the centre table and the rug beside where she laid.

Yesterday's dinner must have been sumptuous for her to have eaten that much.

I stared at her as her eyes were closed and for the first time, she looked at peace.

I held back the hooking lump in my throat.

No one would understand.

If Amaya and Caleb ever found out, all they'd do is laugh it off like a funny roast. They'd call me dramatic when I wasn't with them and they'd mock me.

They'd draw away if I ever showed them how I truly felt, what I hid inside.

I can't let that happen. They're all I've got. I can't lose them too.

I'll soon be done with high school. I make sure I get excellent grades each time. I'll leave here in a flash and go get a fresh breath of life in college.

Just like Jordan did.

I scanned Lady's face

It's such a shame, though. We'd both eventually leave her here, all alone. She wasn't really at fault, but she's going to have to suffer in pain even more than the perpetrator.

My heart ached.

I stacked up the dirty plates and took them to the kitchen to wash.

The baptised plates clacked from kissing each other while I neatly arranged them in their positions. I quickly rounded up dishwashing and started to tidy up the kitchen itself.

She'll be so amazed when she wakes up. I smiled.

I cleaned the aisle and swept the tiles. Looking from afar, it felt like the cleaning was done by a professional.

"What are you doing?" Lady stood at the kitchen entrance with her arms across her breasts.

Her gaze was numb and direct. They held none of the looks I had anticipated for.

I dropped the broom in my hand, "I-I wanted to clean-"

"And who sent you that? Do you not have school today? Have you seen the damn time?" She glared at me, occupying the area she stood with a wide stance.

I stared at the work I had done then looked back at her.

I hated my eyes. They always gave my emotions away. Everyone else shielded theirs from me. I couldn't know what they felt inside.

I was just different.

I sniffled, "I just wanted to do some work."

"Oh, really? Some work. The `some work` you never did in your life. You just magically had the urge to do it today. Will you get the hell out of here and go get dressed for school?"

I approached her, aiming to walk out of the kitchen.

"I swear to God, if they call me that you got to school a second late, I promise you that you'll be sorry."

I trailed out of the kitchen and over to my room as tears washed down my cheeks.

She watched me go, still mumbling loudly, "Fucking pain in the ass. Just like her stupid father."

Closing the door behind me, I let my tears freely pour. As I stepped into the bathroom, I turned on the shower and let the cold water softly hit my bare skin.

I stared at the bathroom wall and smothered my hair to the back.

Nothing would ever be enough for her. It wasn't worth trying anymore.

Done dressing up, I walked out of my room in a black top and a pair of green joggers.

I had brushed out my tangled hair and let it down, then applied concealer to hide the dark circles that surrounded my eyes.

"Hurry on now. Take care," Lady called out from the couch as I pulled open the front door.

I put on a smile, "You too, Lady."

She flip her head around to face me, a stern look washed across her face, "How many times have I told you not to call me that?"

I quickly walked out of the house and closed the door.

Not now. I've got school.

My stomach rumbled again as I walked down the street.

I should have taken a slice of bread or something.

The streets leading to school were free and lacking of people. Only occasionally would I see students walk behind me or across the road, then later have to part ways with them.

Being just a stone's throw away from the house, I walked into the school not too long from when I started my journey.

Students trooped into Briggedon High; big, small, short, tall, people of diverse personalities. They strolled in pairs and groups of threes, discussing amusing events as they laughed or held hands.

I clutched at my bag strap and stared at the last floor of the three-storey building.

We're back. I smiled and sprinted off.

I checked the time on the wall clock as I stepped into the class.

8:02 AM.

Luckily, the teacher hadn't walked in.

The class was almost full and chatters of the students filled within.

Amaya was already seated, fully concentrated on the Tiktok she was watching on her phone.

She stared over in my direction as I pulled my chair back. On exchanging glances with me, she quickly averted her eyes.

My eyes drooped to the ground and I took a seat.

I brought out my Maths notebook from my bag and set it on the table alongside my writing materials.

Much to my annoyance, my stomach rumbled for the millionth time.

Will you shut the fuck up!

I felt a little nudge on my right arm.

Amaya slowly stretched a cute little lunchbox towards me, "I knew you wouldn't have breakfast today, so I brought you some pancakes. Eat it quickly before the teacher comes in."

I accepted her gift, staring at her. Her eyes were dull and held dark bags.

"Thanks," I said.

She looked away, "It's nothing."

I uncovered the lid and like a hungry lion, devoured the pancakes.

"Sage," Amaya suddenly called out.

"Yeah?" I turned to her as I packed the empty lunchbox, sipping from an apple juice box.

"That food you ate was poisoned," she smirked devilishly.

"What?" I widened my mouth, allowing the juice in my mouth to drip on the table.

"I'm just joking. Stop making a mess," she laughed.

I hit her arm, laughing also, "When will you quit doing this? You almost gave me a heart attack."

Her laugh dissolved into a heart-melting smile as she stared at me.

"What?" I widened my eyes.

"I like when you're happy—"

I bit my lip, warning my tears that I would kill them if they ever dared to come out.

"—And even when you're not, I'll always be there. A shoulder for you to cry on. I thought about it yesterday and found it silly for us to quarrel over something like this. If you don't want me to know some certain dark shit, fine. And if you do realise that you need someone to confide in, I'll always be waiting for you," she shrugged.

"Just don't let it be too late, though, 'cause I'll never forgive myself if something bad happens to you on my watch."

I pulled her into a warm hug, "Thanks, Amaya. That means a lot."

"Yeah. You've got to sit up now, the teacher's coming in."

I drew away from our hug and straightened my top at the sight of the Maths teacher.

He began the class, drawing his every speech and movement like he was a sloth.

Soon enough, most students started to rub their eyes. I had, on several occasions, had to tap Amaya to get her to come back to life.

He mostly had us looking at his backside and was teaching the whiteboard instead of us, his students.

The usual scent danced around my nostril and I breathed it in.

He always smelled so nice.

I could see as some of the ladies almost turned their heads 180 degrees, just to get a sight of him.

Mr. Matthews faced the class, "Who just walked in?"

All heads turned towards Lucas's direction. There was no need for him to signify.

"And why are you coming into my class late? You live on the other side of the world?" The teacher furrowed his brows.

"Maybe I do," Lucas let his eyes droop into a dash and folded his arms.

"Who are you talking to like that?" The teacher slowly advanced to Lucas's table, letting his anger take hold of his facial expression.

Lucas looked straight into the teacher's eyes, unperturbed, "Why are you so offended? If you didn't want such an answer, you shouldn't have offered questions that lead to it."

The class gasped.

He really dared to talk back to Mr. Matthews.

He stopped just in front of Lucas's table and stared into his eyes, "Do you want to be expelled? Cause I can get you expelled right this instant if you want to be so foolish!"