
Seducing Lucas

Eleanor suddenly pulled me by the wrist, drawing close to my ear. "If you know what's good for you, stay away from Lucas." I yanked my hand off her grasp and spat to her face, "No, I won't. I want him." ***** The last year of high school is running by fast, and most students are hopefully holding onto the expectation that something eventful will happen at this time of their lives; Sage Radley is no different. With the arrival of a new hot student, Lucas Martell, Sage anticipates the start of a fiery love encounter in her dull life. Yet, it doesn't materialize. He is just too quiet, too enclosed. Soon, stories of his rebellious ways begin to creep to the surface and it almost seems like his cover has been blown. The rumors scream an impending doom for whoever dares to cross. Yet, Sage is determined to find out the truth, and whatever is going on in that head of Lucas's too. All she wants is a peak story, but sadly, her Prince Charming never even looks her way. Will she be able to gain his attention? Or will she forever remain one of those 'obsessed flirts' in his book? Only the perfect decision can determine what will exist between her and Lucas. And that revolves around one sneaky dare: "Kiss Lucas."

thebaddiegrace · Urban
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6 Chs


Hi! I see you found your way here.

Firstly, I'd like to thank you for giving my book a chance. No matter how small the numbers may be, it is always a delight to see someone take an interest in your work of art. And for that, I am glad you turned my way.

Secondly, this serves as a disclaimer; the book, Seducing Lucas, contains minimal scenes of sexual activity, depiction of violence, and other experiences that may be upsetting for some readers.

To get such readers covered, all chapters that hold such activities will be tagged with a similar disclaimer, so that they may be skipped.

A short synopsis of the sensitive chapter will be placed in the last comment section in order to keep triggered readers on track.

Over to the main story, this book may simply be described as a high school romance with some bad boy spice. All school characters are within the age range of fifteen(15) and eighteen(18).

Just to create awareness beforehand, no actual detail of the plot will be spilled here. So, have your curiosity drive you into the story and unravel the nostalgic imagination yourself.

Note: All events happened before the outbreak of the Corona Virus Disease of 2019. Do not fret.

Rather, relax and maybe reminisce about your past high school days as you read.

Have fun. :)


Keep reading! ^_^

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