
Seducing Lucas

Eleanor suddenly pulled me by the wrist, drawing close to my ear. "If you know what's good for you, stay away from Lucas." I yanked my hand off her grasp and spat to her face, "No, I won't. I want him." ***** The last year of high school is running by fast, and most students are hopefully holding onto the expectation that something eventful will happen at this time of their lives; Sage Radley is no different. With the arrival of a new hot student, Lucas Martell, Sage anticipates the start of a fiery love encounter in her dull life. Yet, it doesn't materialize. He is just too quiet, too enclosed. Soon, stories of his rebellious ways begin to creep to the surface and it almost seems like his cover has been blown. The rumors scream an impending doom for whoever dares to cross. Yet, Sage is determined to find out the truth, and whatever is going on in that head of Lucas's too. All she wants is a peak story, but sadly, her Prince Charming never even looks her way. Will she be able to gain his attention? Or will she forever remain one of those 'obsessed flirts' in his book? Only the perfect decision can determine what will exist between her and Lucas. And that revolves around one sneaky dare: "Kiss Lucas."

thebaddiegrace · Urban
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6 Chs

A dare

"You two don't mind wearing my dad's clothes, do you?" Loren asked as she handed the boys a black T-shirt and a pair of joggers each.

"Why don't you give them gowns instead? I know for one that it'll match Caleb's personality perfectly," I chuckled.

Caleb flicked his finger at my forehead right as he accepted the clothes.

"Ow! What the fuck?" I gripped my forehead in my palms.

Caleb drew close to me, so close that I could feel his hot breath on my skin. It seemed weird but it was just what I needed during the cold weather.

Loren giggled and drew Caleb away, "Alright, Mister. This house is parent-free doesn't mean you can go wild. Let's go get changed."

She handed me the clean set of clothes that Amaya and I were to change into.

"You can go change in my room," she announced before dragging the boys off.

"Wait. Why do I have to go? That's my girlfriend!" Erik yelled.

Amaya and I laughed, watching him struggle to free himself from Loren's firm grasp.

Once they were out of sight, I held onto Amaya's hand and led the way upstairs. We both walked on our toes, so as not to stain the tiled floor.

Loren walked in just as we were taking off our soggy clothes and joined us. Like an argument just ensued amongst us, we three changed in silence.

Awkward silence.

I pulled on the pink blouse and stared into the long-length mirror that stood before me.

Funny how it's been so long since I last saw myself. I let myself forget how badass I look.

"Our hairs should be dry enough, right?" Loren asked, taking off the white towel that was wrapped around her head.

"Yeah," Amaya answered as she stretched out the blue blouse she had on.

"Hey, can you get me something bigger? This one sticks to my skin and I'm not so comfortable. I'd prefer a hoodie if you don't mind."


From the mirror, I watched Loren walk over to her wardrobe, scanning her thoroughly. I hoped I could get a glimpse of how she felt at certain times or at least know what was going on in that brain of hers.

It would have helped matters.

Or maybe not.

I looked over at Amaya, seeking for some assertion to free myself from my tangled thoughts. Instead, I met her staring at Loren the exact way I did.

I sighed and turned back to the mirror, unwrapping the towel on my head.

We walked down the stairs and met the boys all cosied up on the only two available sofas in the living room.

Amaya ran ahead and bounced on Erik, snuggling close to him under his yellow duvet.

It seemed so nice to have a boyfriend; a perfect blanket during cold times.

I sat on the rug and grabbed another bag of chips from the centre table.

"Why are you sitting there, you dummy? Come join us," Caleb patted the little space beside him as Loren rested her head on his lap.

Her eyes trailed away as soon as they met mine.

I pulled on a smile, "I'm alright."

Amaya gently bit my ear with her mouth and whispered, "No, you're not. Come."

She pulled me onto her couch and yanked the duvet off Erik for us to make us of.

"So you're just going to leave me?" Erik stared, wide-eyed.

"Sisters before—"

Before Amaya could complete her statement, Erik already had her pulled onto him and placed me beside them both.

Thankfully, the couch was wide enough to contain us three.

The cosy warmth from being between the crazy couple and the couch head was enough for a single lad like me.

A therapeutic feeling crept up my skin as soft music oozed from the speakers and suppressed the rain-embroidered noise outside.

"How about we play a game?" Loren spoke up after a minute of soothing silence.

"Yeah. It's cold. Why don't we heat things a bit?" Caleb added.

"What do we play then?" Amaya asked.

"The normal, 'Truth or dare'. But it might be a bit boring since we're only three actually playing this game. You two've got yourselves locked up."

"What? Nahhh," Erik laughed.

"Alright, Sage, come out from your hidey-hole," Caleb yelled out.

"Let her be. She might be asleep, you know?" Loren said.

I got up, "I'm wide awake. Who sleeps that quickly?" I laughed, smoothening down the strands of my hair that went haywire.

Loren switched off the electric lights and had us sit in a circle on the white wool rug.

The sky was dark and gloomy outside, which made us light scent candles on the centre table behind to set the atmosphere nice.

Caleb held onto a bottle of vodka after he had poured its content into two glass cups. We all had taken a shot each, to keep us 'vibing'.

Caleb dared to spin the bottle on the rug. It went round and round, then came to a halt on him.

We all burst into laughter.

"Yeah, yeah. Shut up and ask me," Caleb yelled at Amaya.

She dropped off her last giggles, "Alright. Truth or dare?"

"Dare, baby girl," he smugged.

Amaya smiled, "Ooh, okay. Since you seem so full of yourself, how about you pick Sage over here—"

"Shouldn't he be free to pick whoever he wants?" Loren butted in.

"Alright, bossy pants. Caleb, pick any girl of your choice, take her to the couch and do whatever the fuck you want. All I know is that we've got to hear her moan before one-minute clocks," Amaya smiled, "Or you'd have to do all our assignments for today."

"I was really scared. You made it seem like I was going to be dared something difficult."

"Just shut up and choose, you whore," Erik laughed.

Caleb's eyes drifted to his left, "Can I have this dance, m'lady?"

"Oohhhhh," the couple chorused.

"Don't make this weird, you guys," I laughed.

Caleb picked me up bridal style and carried me over to the couch. He pulled us both underneath the duvet and away from the stares of everyone.

He parted my legs and knelt in between them, hanging his face right above mine with the aid of his arms.

Scanning my features, he slowly slid his gaze from my face, over to my round breasts and then my lap. Licking his lips, he drew back his gaze to my eyes.

He drew close to me and whispered in my ear, "You're very beautiful, Sage. I've always wanted to tell you that."

A smile overtook my lips.

Of course, I knew that. But, it felt nice to hear it from someone that's not me.

"And it's even more beautiful that I get to say that to you right before you moan my name," he whispered once more, in a nice deep voice that I never knew existed.

I let out a gasp as I felt his warm hand trickle underneath Loren's pink top and caress my waist.

"That's it, baby girl."

His hand slid upward, pushing Loren's blouse alongside.

"Caleb," I whispered.

I had expected it to just be a simple kiss and I would pretend to moan. I should have known it would be different. It was Caleb, after all.

"Shhh," he drew closer and kissed my neck, then my collarbone.

He stared at me once more, "How would you want me to serve you, Miss Radley?"

His honey eyes seemed like they would devour mine. I couldn't help but look away.

"Do whatever you please," I whispered.

He drew my face back to his, "Alright. But don't blame me afterwards."

He brushed my lip with his thumb and pulled closer to me.

I closed my eyes, slightly parting my lips.

"It's been a minute, bitch!" Amaya screamed as she pulled the duvet off our heads.

My eyes sprang open and I stared at my onlookers.

"What? Just give us a sec, would ya?" Caleb pleaded, trying to get the duvet back.

"Get off my girl, asshole. You can't even make a girl moan. What a loser," she dragged Caleb off me, laughing.

"I was trying to set the mood right. Can't I just have another minute? Please, I'll do anything," he tried gripping the couch but failed terribly.

"Shut the fuck up. Just know you have loads of assignments to complete before tomorrow. Don't worry, maybe if you're lucky, we might get Loren next round and you'll have an hour with her. I'm sure she'll like that. Won't you, Loren?"

Loren giggled at Amaya's words.

"Let's move on," Erik picked up the bottle and spun it around after we had settled down.

Amaya grinned as the bottle ended on her, "Truth."

"That's a surprise," said Loren, "Anyway, asides Erik, who would you like to kiss?"

Amaya smiled and stared at Erik, "I'm sorry baby."

Turning back, she faced Loren, "I'd like to have a taste of Sage."

I burst into laughter, "Eww!"

"It's the truth, though," she shrugged and grabbed the bottle.

"So, you really would leave me for Sage?" Erik twisted Amaya's face to his.

"I said I'd like to kiss her, not leave you for her. Although, if I were to choose who I'd put first in my life, she'll always be before you. I still love you, though," she laughed.

"Whatever. All I know is that you're mine," he placed a quick kiss on her lips, using the opportunity to mischievously rub his hand in my face also.

"Please, land on Sage," Amaya silently said to the bottle before spinning it.

"It's not gonna work," I smugged.

My smile soon melted into despair, seconds later.

"Well, would you look at that?" Caleb announced, making everyone chuckle.

"Truth or dare?" Erik asked.


He smirked, "What do you feel towards Caleb?"

I stared hard into Erik's soul, trying to suck it out.

How could he ask me that right in front of Loren?

"Dare! Dare," I shook my head.

"You can't change—"

Amaya held up her hand and held Loren's peace with it.

"Let her be," she turned to Erik, "Babe, Ask."

I fidgeted.

I knew she had something planned. She was so confident about it too.

"Your dare is quite simple but it's going to take a while—"

I turned to Amaya and she smiled.

"—You know that guy in your class?"

"Who?" I raised a brow.

Erik turned to Amaya.

"Lucas. His name is Lucas," she answered.

Erik turned back to me, "You're to kiss Lucas."

I widened my eyes, "What?"

Caleb chuckled, "Just kiss the guy. How hard can it be?"

"How hard can it be? Have you seen the dude? You guys can't do me like this? How can I just walk up to him and kiss him?"

"That's why I said it's going to take some time. I'll give you exactly one week."

I ruffled my hair, "A week?"

"Yes, a week."

Amaya, smoothened my hair, "If you seduce him good enough, it should just be alright. I mean, boys will always be boys."

"And what the hell does that mean?" Caleb glared at Amaya.

I quickly picked up the bottle, "Let's go on."

"Wait. How would we know you kissed him? I mean, we'll need proof," Loren held down the bottle before it could go off spinning.

"Yeah, that's true," Erik added.

"I thought about that already. She just has to stain his shirt with her lipstick. So, if she says she kissed him, we'll confirm it with the stain," suggested Amaya.

I sighed, "Sure, whatever."

"And her punishment if she fails? I feel she should be our servant for a week," Caleb offered.

"A day!" I yelled.

"Five days!" Caleb yelled back.

"One day!" I yelled again.

"Three days!"

"Day one!"

"Fine," Caleb looked away.

I laughed and spun the bottle, "Coward."