
Seducing Alpha Maxwell

Chaos strikes as Maxwell takes over as the new Alpha of Dark Moon Pack. His dexterity is put to test as he tries to stop the persistent rogue attacks, parole quandary and the claim of being an usurper in order to secure his territory and protect the people of Oregon. What happens when he discovers an unwrapped package in the form of a woman with red locks, who looks exactly like someone from his past? What will be his next line of action? What will the council have to say about this new discovery? And the question everyone is curious about... who is this mystery woman? Find out in S.A.M **********

Nancy_Ugwu · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
5 Chs



"Jax was being a pain in the a** as usual." Maxwell said, removing his cloak and hanging it on the arm of a chair.

"Again with the false allegations?" Craig his childhood best friend and Beta asked.

"un-hum" he answered, pouring himself a glass of whiskey.

"The nerve" Craig sneered.

"You care for some?" he asked, lifting the little whiskey glass.

"Nah, I'll pass this time." Craig declined.

Maxwell gulped the first glass, going for the second when Craig spoke. "I really wish I was there. I would have loved to put him in his place." He gritted out.

Arching an eyebrow, Maxwell dropped the glass on the table. "Blessed moon goddess! Stop spewing such profanity. It's only natural you stayed beside Skylar when she was delivering your pup."

"You are right." Craig said, as he rubbed his face with both hands and then dragged them down. "I wouldn't leave Sky in such a vulnerable state, even if I'm the biggest a**hole to walk the planet."

He slouched on the chair wide enough to be a couch. "I just feel so useless because I wasn't there to defend you."

Maxwell subconsciously began to spin the glass on the table, lost in thought. After awhile, he said. "Look at me." Craig shook his head. "Look at me Craig!" he growled loudly, accidentally using the alpha command.

Craig immediately looked at him. "Your wish is my command, Alpha."

He clenched his jaw. "Do you think I'm weak? The truth Craig!"

"No Alpha" he replied, bowing his head in shame and submission.

"Then, why do you think I can't handle Jax? Even thinking that, when you should be celebrating the birth of your new pup makes me see red. In the end, you're just like the others" He fumed.

"I'm sorry Alpha__" Craig pleaded. "I wasn't in the right frame of mind. I ignored your teachings and momentarily allowed sentiment cloud my reasoning."

"All is forgiven" he said, softening his gaze. "I also shouldn't have used the command on you. I just kinda lost control."

They went for the one-sided bro hug, with Maxwell patting the shoulder of Craig. "Enough of pack business, how is your new pup faring?" he asked.

All traces of humor returned as Craig breaks into a genuine smile. "She's so adorable_" he cooed, smiling from ear to ear.

"Sky and I have decided to call her Lily after my mom." He said with a proud grin.

"I'm happy for you. You deserve every bit of happiness." Filling two empty glasses and offering one to Craig who reluctantly accepted.

He gave a toast. "To more happiness. To Lily, and to more pups." Clinking their glasses together, they took huge gulp of the drink with Craig squeezing his face as the strong liquor burns through his throat.

"I'll come see both mother and baby soon." He said, pouring more whiskey in his now empty glass.

"Are you okay? You have been drinking for quite awhile now, which is kind of unusual for you." Craig asked with a frown marring his face.

"Yes, I'm okay" he replied, downing the whole content at a go.

"You don't seem fine, Max." Craig said, with concern visibly written on his face.

He bent his head in both hands. "Sometimes, I can't help but go down memory lane_" raising his head, he pinched the bridge of his nose.

As Maxwell poured more drink in his cup, Craig goes over to stop him. "I know it's almost impossible for our kind to get drunk, but you just have to take it easy with the liquor." He said as he tried to extract the cup from his hands.

"I mixed a little bit of Wolfsbane." Maxwell said, waving him off.

"Christ, Max!" Craig exclaimed with his eyes nearly bulging out of it's socket and his mouth widely ajar. Whispering, he asked.

"Isn't it a contraband in Oregon? And you even offered me some."

"I got it a long time ago. And don't ask me how__" He warned filling his own glass.

Maxwell rubbed the little stubble growing underneath his sharp jawline. "I didn't want to waste it. A little won't kill you Craig." He said, giving him a knowing look as Craig swallowed.

"Seeing you so happy with Skylar, and now with the birth of little Lily just made me feel...a bit ."

Gulping half of his drink, he cleaned his mouth with the back of his hands as he stood up almost losing his grip.

"Forget I said that."

Having stayed with Maxwell for a long time. practically since the time of diapers, Craig knew what was bugging him. He also felt that he has reached his limit, for someone like him who rarely shows emotions. Let alone, opening up to someone. Looking at him with empathy, he began.

"I'm sorry about__" Craig was saying when a knock was heard at the door.

"Alpha" a voice called. Maxwell quickly discarded his drink, sobering up. with Craig standing at alert as they recognized the voice to be Michael's, the pack's gamma. His coming at a time like this shows something serious has happened, or is about to.

"Come in Michael." He entered, closing the door and going straight to Maxwell. Bowing his head to his superiors, he kept mute. "What brought you here by this time?" Maxwell asked, glancing at the wall clock that reads 1:00am.

"We found two dead bodies close to the lake. One identified to be a female's, while the other, a pup." He said, keeping a stoic face.

"You what?!!" Maxwell growled, slugging the table in a fit of rage and shattering the fragile glasses in the process.

"Who did it? Who was responsible?!" He demanded, with veins spurting all over his body.

"My guess is the rogues. The degree of lesion found on their bodies could only be caused by one."

"Damn rogues! Damn those bastards to hades!" he cursed, "Take me there at once."

"I'll also come with you." Craig said from behind.

"No! It's late. I want you to station guards around the pack house. Then, go back home to your mate. she will need you." Maxwell said over his shoulder.

"But__" he tried to object.

"That's an order Craig. I know you'd like to tag along, but I want you here in my absence. I won't be long gone." Craig nodded, going about his task as Maxwell leaves with Michael.


"They will surely pay for this." Maxwell howled when he saw the bodies of the victims.

After Michael's report, Maxwell took a few soldiers with them as they went to the clearing by the lake.

On arrival, they shifted back to their human forms. Swiftly putting on the clothes that were carried on their snouts, they went closer to inspect the bodies. The one who's believed to be a female was lying face down in the mud, closer to the lake. While the pup was lying further away from the female. It's upturn body was thrown haphazardly on the footpath close to the bushes.

"Alpha_" Michael called his attention. "Look at this" he said as he showed him the claw marks on their bodies.

Both bodies had horrendous gashes on their backs, thighs, arms and torsos. But what was peculiar about both injuries, was the pattern of the cuts. Six long diagonal claw marks on their backs and other areas of their bodies.

"Why are there six instead of five?" Maxwell asked, confused.

"I have no idea."

Maxwell went closer to the dead female, crouching down beside her. He deep his hand beneath her head and on the surface of her lifeless body. "There is no blood on her body." He said sniffing.

"Maybe she bled out." Michael said.

"No, she cannot lose all that blood in less than 24hrs. The body still feels warm. Something doesn't seem right." He said, looking around.

"What doesn't?" Michael asked.

"This_" he replied, pointing at the bodies as he stood up. "On first glance, it looks like the work of rogues. Damn! It even smells like one..." He spat, scrunching his nose in disgust. "But on second thought, this looks like the doing of something else. How did you come across the bodies?"

"I got a call from one of the parole guards."

"What did he say happened here?" he questioned further.

"He said they just changed shift when he discovered the bodies and raised an alarm." Michael said.

"Who was supposed to be on duty before him?"

"Give me a minute," Michael said as he mind linked someone. "Oliver, he was the one on duty before the switch."

"Then, this Oliver must know something, or have seen something either way." He said as he called the soldiers over. "Let's wrap up here. I want you to take the bodies to the infirmary. I would like Layla to look at them before a funeral rite is held."

"Alpha, there's a problem." Michael said, drawing the attention of Maxwell.

"What is the problem?" he asked impatiently.

"I can't reach the parole guards stationed at the border. I was talking to one of them when the link got cut off." He said looking at Maxwell with worry etched on his naturally Impassive face, and understanding flashes across his face.

"Where are you now?" Maxwell mind linked Craig, who said he was just about to leave the pack house and head back home. "Don't leave yet! Make sure all doors and windows are firmly closed. This might be a trap to lure us out."

"I'll do as you say Alpha." Craig replied through the link.

He gave Craig more instructions before closing the link. "I just pray to the moon goddess that my instinct is wrong this time." He thought.


A/N: Thanks for reading

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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