
Jailbreak, Missing Piece

"We'll kill them."

It was more than a statement, Danny didn't have to question the plausibility of everyone in Site-19 dying. He may be angry but he hasn't lost his head to the notion of a massacre, if he wants this to be perfect, he needs a plan. Which is what brought them to sitting down with a messily drawn outline of the entire facility, it wasn't hard with Danny's ability. Though it took a bit longer than he would have liked, the facility had multiple layers. He knew that from the elevator he took down to 096's containment cell.

So they worked it out, marking out where a few of the other SCP's were. It was actually pretty simple, they'd let a few of the other's out to take care of the guards and less important victims. While he and Michael gathered whatever files and information they could, because he had no doubt they had information on them and possibly The Entity that dropped us here. He wasn't stupid enough to try and go after this O5 council that 035 mentioned, it was clear he'd meet endless dead ends and search for many pointless years. He wasn't looking to devote his life just to take them down, don't get him wrong. Oscar was his friend and he would gladly kill anyone that admits to having a part in his death, but he wasn't going to dedicate his life to get revenge for some nice doctor he met only weeks ago.

No, his entire goal of being here in the first place was to try and remember and possibly get back to wherever he was before. He partially succeeded when he found Michael, ever since their first meeting he's been slowly remembering. But he just needs something else to jog his foggy memory, with Michael on the same page, they didn't waste any time. Walking through his fog, they appeared in 049's cell. The doctor was writing in a book when they entered, looking up at the pair, he closed the book and put it away in his coat.

"Hello gentlemen, what brings you two here?" The other questioned.

"How do you feel about breaking out of here?" Danny's smirk was clear in his words.

The Doctor tilted his head slightly, "That sounds like a wonderful idea."

The three entered Danny's fog as they stopped at 173's cell, they didn't even wait for him to speak before accepting. He let the two out in different spots, telling Michael to stay in his fog, before entering Paneu's chamber. The reptile was soaking in a vat of acid much to his surprise.

"About that idea of yours."

The reptile seemed to be smirking, if the ever wider show of teeth was meant in that way. Danny didn't care either way.

"You know, I didn't expect you to actually return. Not many mean it, especially if it entails my escape."

"Well lucky for you, your escape is beneficial to the both of us. Just make sure to do as much damage as possible on your way out."

He activated Night Shroud as slipped a hand through the glass, his fog eating away the acid. Leaving only a puddle left.

"Neat trick, where does it all go?" Paneu questioned with intrigue.

"Haven't found that one out yet, much to my disappointment." Danny sighed, his fog covering the floor under him and the reptile as they fell in.

The landing was light as he moved, stopping beside dancing fog while waving the other over. "This puts you in a hallway, the exit is dead ahead, but there's enough distance to wreak some havoc before you leave."

The other nodded, looking up at him. "Thank you, if we ever cross paths again, I will repay you however you need." The reptile moved through the fog and disappeared.

Danny looked over at Michael, a smile covered by his mask as he walked over. "Two more stops, big guy." Michael nodded in response.

The stop at 096's cell was quick, but he took notice of the newly added lights and cameras. The other was curled up in a corner, but they weren't weeping like before.

"Hey kid, you wanna get out of here?" He spoke lightly, tone cheery as he waited patiently for the other.

They started moving not long after, head turning as they stood up and walked over. Danny noticed the teddy bear in their large hand, a soft smile tugging his lips. Lanky arms lifted and wrapping around him in a hug, Danny patted the other's back lightly.

"C'mon kid, let's get you out of here." He pulled back a bit, hand grabbing onto theirs as he led them.

They walked through the fog and stopped in front of the exit. "This will lead you outside of the Site, I don't know where your home is unfortunately, so this is the best I can do. I hope you can find your way."

The other looked at him for a moment, hand lifting to graze Danny's mask. For his part, he simply tilted his head, watching as they pat his head and walked through the fog. He was slightly confused, but moved on. Moving over to Michael and grabbing his hand as a distraction for his obvious pouting.

"Almost done."

He gave the other's hand a quick squeeze before letting go and popping his head through the fog, glancing around before stretching his arm out to grab the panicked doctor as he tried to run. Pulling him through, he shushed the man and shoved him back through more fog. Joining the man a second after, he grabbed the back of his collar before he could run and walked over to the encased mask.

"Hello again, I brought a present this time. I know you were angry the last time I left, which I concede was a bit rude. Though circumstances were different, I'm here now to make up."

He pushed the glass container off and grabbed the mask before it could utter any words, basically shoving it onto the other man's face. The transformation was quick as Danny let the other go, stepping back a bit. They stretched before turning to look at him.

"Well, I would've preferred to have had a moment to speak. But I do appreciate the unhesitatingly brazen approach, I would like to ask why the sudden change. But you seem to be in a rush, I suppose it's the blaring alarm and flashing lights. So I'll say thank you and be on my way."

Danny waved dismissively, walking into his fog swiftly as he grabbed Michael's hand and pulled him into a file room. They searched with haste, Danny tossing unimportant files over his shoulder as they scattered papers over the floor. Almost five file cabinets later, Danny finally found what he was looking for. A file classified as "Entity" he waved Michael over as he opened it, eyes sifting through the unimportant information.

"Class: Apollyon/Neutralized

The Entity exists within frigid fog, it is unclear what the Entity's purpose is. Multiple people sent inside have not returned, camera footage appears to show a forest, but nothing else has been documented as personnel are terminated almost immediately.

Last exploration ended similarly, personnel managed to destroy the assaulting limbs but unknown humanoid monsters appeared shortly after. Personnel 4560 lit unregistered explosives, camera footage ended. The fog receded seconds after, experimentation ended, Entity is assumed to be neutralized but proof is indeterminable."

"So that's what sent us out, the explosion. It destroyed—or at least wounded the Entity enough that we fell out." He looked over at Michael, the other nodded and signed.

*If it's dead then we can't return.*

Danny bit his lip, "Do we want to return though? Why were we even in the Entity? There's so many questions and I can't remember." He groaned, annoyed as he threw the file and grabbed his head.

Michael placed a hand on his shoulder to keep him grounded.

"Thanks…It's just so…Frustrating to not know or remember, I just want some sense of familiarity. This place isn't that, and the Entity doesn't feel like it either." He sighed as Michael patted his shoulder and led him into his fog.

Glancing up, he watched the other sign.

*We will figure it out, do you still want to kill them?*

Danny looked down for a moment, pulling his mask off and looking back up at the other. Staring into auburn eyes, it occurred to him that…He didn't know…He wanted to remember, he wanted…Whatever piece he felt missing inside him, like he lost something more than just his memories. Something important and it unnerved him, confused him. Made him forget the anger and urge to kill, he sighed. Shaking his head, he grabbed Michael's hand. The two walked through the endless fog, silent as their thoughts wandered.

No idea if this was good or not, so sorry it’s been so long. I ended up getting sick, then fell into a bout of writers block and procrastination. Anyway, here I am back again, would love some feedback for this. Definitely didn’t have any sort of plan for how this was going to go hah, sorry if you wanted to read a bunch of blood and massacre this chapter. Didn’t happen unfortunately, don’t worry though! It’ll happen…maybe… I wish this site let me add more words…Anyway, go to my AO3 for more shit.

DakotaInExilecreators' thoughts