
Secrets of the Steampunk Wizard

In the fantastical and steampunk-infused world of Lamore Tower City State, shrouded in ever-present Ash mist, lies a tale of extraordinary adventure and deep mystery. Here, Tucker, an ingenious Wizard with a revolutionary area mining system, finds himself in the heart of a city teeming with secrets and hidden beneath an intricate network of underground passages. His unique system, allows him to extract vital resources, but it also draws the attention of numerous enemies, hidden in the shadows of the Ash mist. Amidst this tense atmosphere, Tucker faces immense pressure to evolve and harness his abilities swiftly. The story unfolds in a city where steampunk technology clashes with arcane mysteries, revealing a world where steam engines roar as loud as the ambitions of its inhabitants. Yet, beneath this industrial façade, a darker truth lurks, one that Tucker must uncover. He navigates through a society where danger and intrigue are as common as the swirling grey mist, compelled not only by the lure of discovery but also by the need to protect what he cherishes. As Tucker delves deeper into the enigmas of Lamore Tower and its underground labyrinth, he confronts enemies, both visible and hidden. His journey is not just about survival and resource gathering; it's a race against time to unearth the secrets that could reshape his world. In this city where the future is forged in steam and shadow, Tucker's story is one of courage, growth, and the relentless pursuit of truth amidst a revolution that threatens to change everything.

Rqmk · Fantasie
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491 Chs

Rising Ash Sun

"Thank you, Lord Aubrey!" Tucker's voice echoed with heartfelt gratitude, rising from his seat in a small, dimly lit chamber of Lamore Tower City-state. The flickering candles cast dancing shadows on the walls, adding a sense of mystique to their clandestine meeting.

Lord Aubrey, a figure of imposing stature, clad in richly embroidered robes, stood at the head of the room. His eyes, sharp and discerning, bore into Tucker. "You've shown remarkable resilience, Tucker. The sinister forces of the evil god organization are formidable, but with my protection, you'll be shielded."

Tucker's heart swelled with confidence, feeling the weight of Aubrey's support. "Then, with your backing, my plan has a fighting chance," he said, his voice tinged with newfound determination.

Aubrey raised an eyebrow, a slight smile playing on his lips. "Even if you have to shoulder blame, know that I can deflect it. But tell me, what do you know of the Church of the Dark Sun?"

Tucker shuffled his feet, his eyes reflecting his uncertainty. "My knowledge is limited, I'm afraid."

"I will furnish you with all necessary information," Aubrey nodded, his tone reassuring. "Is there anything else you need?"

Tucker pondered for a moment before shaking his head. "No, that should suffice for now."

Aubrey's smile widened slightly, a rare occurrence, as he observed Tucker. The boy, merely sixteen, had already demonstrated extraordinary prowess, mastering level 9 in the treacherous underground hive area. His ability to harness source energy and his remarkable skills made him a force to be reckoned with.

In the Earth Nest area, Tucker was more than comfortable; he thrived. If not for the scourge of the evil god organization, he could have been a kingpin of the underground lair and even the shadowy streets.

Aubrey, seeing Tucker's unique survival methods, had no desire to rein him in. Considering the loss of several of his apprentices during training expeditions, he knew the value of Tucker's streetwise approach. Perhaps unconventional, but undoubtedly effective.

For Tucker's training, Aubrey had a clear vision. A mix of basic wizardry knowledge and freedom to explore would provide Tucker the protection he needed.

Two hours later, their meeting concluded. Tucker left with an armful of printed pamphlets, steam newspapers, and other information, his mind buzzing with new knowledge. Back in his humble hut on the second underground floor, he mused, "A true master indeed. Lord Aubrey's insights into source energy, witchcraft, and the extraordinary ecology are leagues beyond anything I've known."

He settled into a corner of his room, surrounded by shadows and the soft glow of a lone candle. With the wizard ability of 'spiritual perception,' Tucker was naturally inclined to learn. He began to meticulously study Aubrey's teachings on sequences, witchcraft, and source energy, determined to absorb every fragment of wisdom. Inherited from his past life, this thirst for knowledge was his most powerful weapon in navigating the complexities of this new world.

Enhanced by the heightened level of his spiritual touch perception, Tucker's abilities in learning, understanding, and assimilating new knowledge had significantly improved. About an hour into his deep study, he finally set aside the texts and notes from Master Aubrey, a sense of accomplishment washing over him.

"My comprehension has deepened remarkably," he murmured to himself, feeling the expansion of his understanding. Satisfied, Tucker moved to his desk, illuminated by the soft, mystical glow of a magic crystal lamp. He began to pore over the documents concerning the Church of the Dark Sun.

This malevolent entity, the Church of the Dark Sun, was infamous across the Land of Ashes. Worshipers of the formidable Dark Sun, they roamed the bleak and shadowy expanses of the Ashlands, spreading a doctrine of impending doom. They prophesized a world sinking into eternal darkness, where the 'dark sun' would ascend, heralding a new era for mankind.

Many city-states in the Land of Ashes had succumbed to their insidious teachings, only to face ultimate destruction. Even now, deep within the Land of Ashes, numerous wicked city-states lay under the Church's tyrannical rule.

Their bold activities in Larmore Tower City-state spoke of a deep-seated network of believers. Tucker was certain that the city-state harbored a significant number of these fanatics. The thought of them forcefully dragging people from their homes and executing them was chilling.

Absorbing all the information from the brochures and newspapers, Tucker rose from the desk and stretched his limbs. He opened the window, letting in the fresh yet death-tinged air of the outside world. It seemed almost refreshing compared to the dark deeds of the Evil God Church.

"These smell of death and the grey mists of the undead almost seem endearing compared to the Church's actions," Tucker mused, rubbing his temples.

His thoughts turned to the Church's genius – the catalyst of recent turmoil in Larmore Tower City-state. "Suspected to possess A-level extraordinary talents... Inheriting a powerful exotic wizard sequence... Needs a steam core for an upgrade," he contemplated aloud. "His own talents are already formidable. If he completes this steam upgrade, the consequences could be dire."

Tucker exhaled deeply. "A-level extraordinary talent, huh? Intriguing. But it's not about the steam core or his abilities. My focus is on safeguarding Larmore Tower City-state."

He retrieved a small 'ash clock' from his wizard's robe. The tiny hand had crossed into the 'grey night period' and 'grey date' zones. "I may have missed the sunrise of Ashes Day, but it's finally here. The surface is about to become a hive of activity," he thought. "Once I master the Sheep Transformation Technique and the Light Shaping Spear, it'll be time to step out."

In the Land of Ashes, the 'Ash day' and 'Ash night' period combined lasted about a month, typically splitting the time evenly, with each phase lasting about fifteen days. Tucker knew these were crucial times, and he prepared himself for what was to come.

At certain specific times, the Ash Day or Ash Night would extend close to a 20-day period, thereby compressing the duration of its counterpart.

During one such extended Ash Day, the immense Ash Sun began to reveal its full, daunting outline in the eastern sky. Its body was deep and dark, resembling a colossal black hole, around which a halo of ashen light bloomed with a sinister red glow. The Ash Day illuminated the Land of Ashes, casting an eerie, blood-red light over the landscape, transforming it into a world drenched in crimson.

Just then, a particularly intense beam of this blood-red light fell upon Tucker as he emerged from the underground passage. He paused, his eyes scanning his surroundings cautiously to ensure solitude. Satisfied, Tucker brushed the dust off his attire, donned his gray hood, and made his way toward the underground nest area.

Meanwhile, on the main road of Lamore City-State, a bustling scene unfolded. A long procession of adventurers, mercenary groups, and merchants formed a queue visible from a distance. These travelers had journeyed from the "Extraordinary City-State of Saint Rand," located hundreds of kilometers away, in the heart of the Dark Veil Province.

Saint Rand, connected by steam train tracks, was a hub of prosperity. It was said that when its steam mechanical furnaces operated at full power to resist the 'undertide of ash', their roaring and rumbling sounds could be heard dozens of kilometers away.

Lamore Tower City-State, nestled deep in the wilderness border, served as a pivotal base for Saint Rand's adventurers, mercenaries, and merchants. With the influx of these diverse groups, Lamore, a towering city-state that had languished in darkness for half a month, began to stir from its slumber, officially awakening to the hustle and bustle of newfound activity.