
Ending or Beginning?

Third person's pov


Myra was running like crazy. She had never ran this fast. She was running for her life. The man running after her was gaining on her. She tripped. The man gropped her.

"Let me go" she screamed.

The man tied her hands with a rope, threw her over his shoulder like she was a rag doll.

Myra was screaming, thrashing her frame against the steel like body of the man.

The man tossed her into a car.

Myra was screaming for help, crying for help, praying to God.

Soon they had reached their destination.

The man grabbed her again and threw her over his shoulders. She looked up and through her blurry eyesight she saw Thornhill Boarding school.

She closed her eyes and let the tears fall free. She now knew about the secrets of the town. There was no saving her anymore.

The man took her to a warehouse.

Many other men were inside the warehouse.

"Girl got spunk" someone commented.

Myra prayed that it would be painless.

A man came up to her with a syringe.

"You are special. We never do this in here."

He pushed the syringe into her arm.

Myra screamed. After a few moments, darkness sucked her in.


Main character's pov


"Cathy!!!! Wake up!!! You have school!! Do you want the pancakes or not? Because no school means no pancakes."

I opened my eyes. My dad knows I can never refuse food and food is the only thing that can make me do things.

But pancakes also means school.

Uhhh! I hate school. I mean my school is the worst. Creekwood has the worst public school. It is probably the most misogynist place in the whole town.

"Cathy!!! Wake up!!" Dad screamed.

I yelled back " I am up dad!".

Quickly getting ready I went downstairs to the kitchen.

" Here are your favourite chocolate pancakes Cathy"

" Thanks dad"

I ate quickly. God I love pancakes.

I looked over to the clock and realized I was late as fuck. Shit! I asked Dad to drop me to school.

" I am going to be late today sweetheart" Dad said.

My dad owns the town newspaper.

"Ok dad"

"No fights today. Ok, Cathy?"


He sighed.

He dropped me to school, the place I hate. I kept my head low and entered the lobby and walked to my locker. My best friend, Fred transferred to the Thornhill boarding school last year which is a private boarding school in the neighbouring town of Thornhill.

Before he transferred, school wasn't this dreadful. But after he left I feel so alone all the time. Many kids from my town actually go to Thornhill school.

" Catherine with a C Keller is here folks", A voice screeched.

I know that voice very well.

Alyssa Milano.

The stereotypical mean girl with her spineless posse.

" What do you want, Alyssa?" I groaned.

" I want to know what it is like to live with a faggot like you father?" She replied.

"Excuse me?!! What the hell? This is the 21st century so get over the fact that someone can be gay. "

" Ofcourse you will say that. After all how can a adopted girl like you know anything about family"

" Better than you, I guess"

Suddenly I felt a sting on my right cheek. Alyssa fucking Milano slapped me.

" Someone with your status will never understand something like I would "

And just like that the control I had broke . All I could see was red and with every ounce of strength in my body I threw a punch at her face. I heard a ugly crunch.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! " Alyssa screamed.

" Ms. Keller!! What did you do?? To the principal's office now!" Mrs. Jig, our principal's assistant screamed at me.

I ran from the hallway to the principal's office. Mrs. Jig rushed after me , angrily to the office and told me to sit in the corner and called my dad. I hate this world. Why can't people be compassionate and why am I being punished for standing up to my bully.

A tear trickled down my cheeks. Ten minutes later I heard screaming in the hallway.

Apparently, I broke Alyssa's nose.

My grandfather served in the army and he taught me everything I needed to know.

Thirty minutes later, my dad entered the office.

"Cathy?!! What happened??"

"Hi dad" I replied softy. Just seeing his concerned face broke something in me and I started to cry.

Principal Wheaterbee came out of his office and asked us to his office.

"What happened there Catherine?"

Principal Wheaterbee asked me.

"Alyssa was bullying me by saying mean things about me and my father.She even slapped me" I told him.

" That is not a good enough reason for you breaking her nose"

"She has been bullying me for a entire year . I have complained against her, too if you remember"

" You were getting bullied for an entire year???" My dad piped in, surprised.

"Mr. Keller I have to take action against Catherine. Her violent behavior has been affecting other students." Principal Wheaterbee said.

"There is a reason why people are sending their kids off to other schools rather than sending them here . I should have sent her away earlier like my friend's kids" my dad said.

" Catherine is getting suspended Mr.Keller"

"I don't care. We all know that you are supporting the Milanos' for their donations. Come on Cathy, we are leaving. NOW!"

I stood up and followed my dad outside.

He fished out his phone and sent what seemed like a thousand texts.

" You are going to the Thornhill boarding school next Monday" my dad said.

My mouth fell open.

Thornhill boarding school was a private boarding school in the neighboring town. To me it was always the school for the rich and troubled.

If dad is sending me away that means I screwed up, big time.

Oh shit!

Hey all!! This is my first book ,hope you all like it. dont forgett o leave a comment, vote and share!

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