
Chapter One:

"Get it out of here," the woman placed the child on the platform, tears welling in her eyes. She knew there was no way he'd let this go. It was punishable by death, but she had to do it for the greater good.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" the stranger asked, his grey robe hiding his true identity. All she knew was that he was part of a clan that held animosity towards her father, just as many others. She wondered if this would be her downfall; sending this gift of light away...

"It has to be done," she replied, turning away from the only thing that gave her hope in life. She observed the vast city beneath her with regret, understanding the consequences of looking at the child's face one more time: she'd never be able to let go.

"Very well, miss," she heard before a gust of cold wind settled around them, slicing through her heart. She knew they were gone, and now she was all alone. The realization finally settled in her gut, and within seconds she jumped off the side of the building.


"Where would you like to go, little one?" the man stared down at the baby in his arms, her eyes ogling at him in awe. He raised an eyebrow at her in wonder.

"You're not afraid of what I look like, huh?" he cooed, knowing she wouldn't remember who he was.

The baby just continued to stare, still too young to show much emotion. He rocked her gently and brought her closer to his chest to keep her warm.

He'd never been good with babies, or any children for that matter. His appearance usually sent them running for their lives, believing he was something from their worst nightmares. He chuckled and listened to her heartbeat, its soft thud a soothing sound to his ears.

"I guess it's time for you to start your new life. But it all depends on you, little one," he peered at her sweet pinkish face and smirked when she returned the look, as if she totally understood what he had said.

"What is your fate?" He ventured, taking off one of the gloves he was wearing to hide his markings.

"You see this?" He asked, not understanding why he was showing her the triangle tattoo on the palm of his right hand,

"It will help us find out where to go."

He held up the same palm and placed it over her tiny forehead. She began to squirm at this gesture, and whiny whimpers left her lips.

"Shh, hush now, this will help you," he closed his eyes and felt the familiar rush of stormy feelings run through his mind, sending him to a completely different world. He could see a community, a sense of belonging, but also disconnect. Many different faces passed by him, some blurred, and others filled with such detail he felt as if these individuals were right in front of him. He could feel his stomach turn at the sight of blood in this vision; loss of life, and tragedy. But there was also a sense of hope for something better. There's love—lots of it, so full of passion he could taste the kiss on his lips. He could see a heated frenzy of exchanged glances, of lust and smouldering heat of flesh against flesh. It sizzled over his skin like the kiss of a wavering flame, licking against his neck as if it were trying to mark its territory over the tattoos there.

"Don't...Why...Doing...Leave...Never," he heard the words like an echo bouncing back and forth over mountain peaks. Before he could try and listen for more information, a boisterous smoke flashed through the vision and he swore he could see the devil's face in the darkness. There was a moment where his eyes met yellow orbs glaring at him, a form of nature's warning to not tread any further. He knew to listen. His own cousin had been killed by the darkness when he grew too absorbed in a vision. He hadn't taken the warning seriously and was found with his eyes gorged out, and his special markings sliced from his butchered body. When there is darkness, something evil lurks in the background. It is the place where there is no more life; as once someone has died, their lives become a fading memory. Darkness is the only thing left, along with the sin that was committed throughout a lifetime.

"Well now, I know where you'll spend your new life," he smiled at the tiny baby in his arms before jumping through the vibrant purple-blue portal. As he flew through the fiery mist of indigo flames, he couldn't help but feel the taste of that kiss on his lips. It was so powerful it made his markings burn against his skin, the patterns glowing from their natural black shade to a deep shadow of forest green.

This little one was destined for something great. But he knew she'd face many obstacles along the way.

And there was darkness, so much darkness.

He felt the burning of his tattoos turn to an icy chill that rippled up and down his spine, the current blasting him through the threshold of their new surroundings.

"Wow," he breathed, opening his eyes to see a bright, mist of yellow shimmering down on them; the light so tranquil and warm it killed the chill in his bones. He looked around to see vast trees with leafy branches hanging low, almost like arms reaching down to them for a soft caress. He knew the Earth Mother was with them in spirit, for as he moved about the forest, the wind seemed to pick up and sway the leaves in their direction.

"The Earth Mother watches over us now," he told the baby as he bent down to show her a tiny white flower that bloomed before his very eyes.

He continued walking and soon slowed his pace, realizing their time together was almost over. He looked down at the baby in his arms and smiled lightly...within such a short time, he really began to care for her.

"I wish I could keep you, but I know it isn't right. Fate has destined you here. My path is directed elsewhere," he spoke lowly, patting her little head lightly. He stared at her blue eyes and couldn't believe how quiet she was for a newborn.

As he reached the spot he'd seen in his vision, he gently placed her small blanket-wrapped form on the grass.

"May you live a long life," he told her before disappearing into the portal once again; but this time, without his little one.