
Secret Marriage:The Wolf And The Sheep

Every girl dreams of forbidden kisses and a bad boy of her own. But what happens when fate has other ideas? Xie Eun is a young girl who has only two dreams-Being a successful photographer and finding the love of her life. But the day she turns an adult,he father marries her off to a stranger-for her own good! Wolf has no interest in marriage.Born a genius,nothing holds his interest for long but the next challenge.However, his mentor,the man he owes his life to has asked him for only one thing.Marry his daughter. Reluctantly he agrees.But what is this?Xie Eun proves to be his biggest yet challenge and one he is determined to conquer. And so the two people who were destined to wed are wedded! Excerpt: "Little lamb,we are married now. Won't you even look at me?" Xie Eun kept mum and did not dare to lift her veil. Amazingly,she had not yet seen her husband's face. In a fit of anger over being forced into this marriage,she had refused to do so. Keeping her eyes trained on the ground,she said,"I don't want to look at you! You are my nightmare. Someone who would force me to wed!You could have stopped this farce and refused! But you did not. I don't even want to look at you!" The outburst and the confession of hate would have angered any other groom but not Wolf-he was amused. Ambling over to the bed,where the bride sat,he bent down to her and lifted her veil upto her eyes only so that they would stay covered,"My poor little lamb. Why don't I give you a small kiss to shoo away the nightmares?" With that the wolf gave the sheep her very first kiss and as he said,"She only dreamt of his kisses after that!" Hello everyone.The cover does not belong to me. *credits to the rightful owner!*

har_k · Urban
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230 Chs

Trip Too Much?

"When did you come here?"

With a lazy smile that his wife could not see, Wolf answers,"Last night when you were asleep." Having emptied the tray, Wolf gestured for her to eat the breakfast he had ordered for her. Being a glutton, Xie Eun temporarily put off the questions and climbed out of the bed still clad in her wedding dress. Thankfully, Xie Eun managed to walk a few steps to the table without any disasters and immediately attacked the plate of ham and egg sandwiches. Halfway through the meal, did she realise that the man had not joined her and remembered her manners. With her mouth full she invited him to eat to which he gently refused before saying,"I would like to freshen up first, if you don't mind. I asked Aunty Su to bring over a change of your clothes since you did not seem comortable wearing the hotel's clothes. I have placed the bag in the wardrobe. You can change into your clothes. Soon we have to go to see your father so I suggest that you prepare yourself to see me also. I don't thing General Xie would appreciate me coming to see him wearing a ridiculous mask."Having said everything, Wolf collected his clothes from the cupboard and walked into the bathroom.

Xie Eun dutifully ate her eggs even as she pondered over this new problem. But soon her stomach started to protest and ache as she realised that she had eaten too much.

Clutching at her stomach which was now aching, Xie Eun knocked on the door to the bathroom. But she heard no sound other than the shower running. So this time she banged forcefully, creating a ruckus.

Worried that Xie Eun must be having an emergency, Wolf stopped the shower and tying a towel around his waist walked towards the door. But before he could open the door, Xie Eun was clutching the handle as she groaned,"Don't come out without the mask."

Shrugging his broad shoulders, he put one the mask and walked out to see Xie Eun standing there clutching her stomach.

Xie Eun forgot her stomach ache as she came face to face or rather face to chest of her husband. Water droplets clung to the muscled pectoral's and he looked like someone who had walked out of a playgirl magazine. But then her gaze moved over the rest, she could not help but giggle. With a small towel tied around his waist and water clinging to his body, he still had the Joker Mask on his face.

Wolf,who had never had a good temper to begin with felt irritated at this and asked snappily,"Are you done watching?" He realised that he did not like wearing this mask and hated the line that his wife had drawn between them. His snarky tone brought back Xie Eun to her urgent need and pulling him out, she rushed into the restroom closing the door with a bang in Wolf's face.

Stalking to a nearby chair,Wolf sat himself on it without bothering to cover himself since his clothes were inside the bathroom.

Xie Eun finished her business leisurely and walked out only to stop suddenly when she walked out and saw the still naked specimen sitting where she had been a few moments ago. Her eyes scanned admired the ripped body stopping for a moment at the scar on his side..going downwards.

Abruptly her eyes jerked upwards as she realized that the man was naked underneath the towel and she almost saw..

Shaking her head vigorously,Xie Eun closed her eyes with one hand and pointed at him with another stuttering,"Why are you sitting there..like that? You pervert!"

Wolf,who had just been thoroughly 'checked out' by his wife was amused as he silkily replied,"Yoy were the one touching me all over with your gaze..hso how does that make me a pervert. This is clearly a case of pot calling the kettle black."

Xie Eun was incensed over this and marched forward to argue that since he was sitting there on display,it was natural for someone to look and it was his fault but before she could do that and verbally attack him,she tried over a corner of the bed and this time,Wolf was ready to catch her as she fell straight onto his lap..but was rewarded with a screech in the ear for his efforts!

His ears were going to suffer at this rate he thought to himself.

Xie Eun ,on the other hand was now frozen with her eyes tightly shut. She was used to tripping and falling so when she did not feel any hurt this she frowned before taking stock of her surroundings and realized that she had jumped from the hot soup onto the fire or rather onto the hot body she had just admired. Her fingers were spread on his bare waist and she could feel the muscles underneath them. Her fingers clenched automatically making Wolf feel electrocuted as his own fingers tightened on her forearms and his body jerked in response.

Xie Eun felt hot all over and she could feel herself flushing as she wondered what to do next.

However she did not have to wonder long because the next instant, she found herself under a hot and hard male body...