
Chapter 537. Freeing a Dragon

While the two were preparing, Syndrillis's body was shivering as she tried to force herself up.

"Wretched creatures!" She bellowed. The room trembled from her voice. "How dare you hold me here! I will ground you into dust when I am free!"

The five who had been continuously writing runes beside the device, stopped what they were doing when they heard Syndrillis' tantrum. They decided to ignore her and return to their task. Syndrillis' voice blared again, this time even louder.

"Tell your double-crossing deplorable master to come down here and face me! Is he such a coward that he only left his worthless minions here to tend to me?"

The comment seemed to finally hit a nerve, as one of them turned and said, "You lowly creation is not our master's equal! You should be glad that Master even deemed you necessary as a stepping stone in his rise to greatness. You should be satisfied with that and be the tool that you are meant to be!"