
Supernatural and Phantoms

"Tell me, What and who are you?"

As of right now Sawatori was pointing a gun at Alziel while his Sword made of Light was stabbed on the ground.

" *Sigh* That question should be obvious. Now let's settle this like a civilized person, We both have secrets so why not share it to ourselves and sit for now."

As Alziel said that he raised his right hand flick the air and the gun Sawatori was holding suddenly flew away. But Alziel wasn't done, As he kick a random empty can to the direction of the sword.

When that happened he was immediately startled and tried to grab his sword only to witness it destroyed as soon as he tried to grab it only to catch a crushed pieces of the can.

Right now Sawatori's expression Is saying 'What the f*ck just happened?' As a aluminium can just flew and hit his sword and was destroyed with ease.

"Had enough already old man?"

Realizing that Sawatori has no chance against Alziel he raised both of his hands and sighs.

'Weird why can't I feel any magic coming from him, Is he a devil/ hiding his mana or perhaps one of those who can be Phantom Hunters? What ever if I want to know I'll try all options.'

"So... How did you get your power? Did you join a Devil's peerage and get power have you practiced Magic secretly or are you one of those so called Phantom Hunters?"

When Sawatori asked that. Alziel breath a exasperated sigh and clicks his tongue.

"Tch, Calm the fuck down old man. This information about the Supernatural existing is a sudden surprised for me as well. So even god damn Angels, Devils and GOD exist?!"

When Alziel said the word God. Sawatori have cleared the thought of Alziel being a Devil was now cleared, As he saw Alziel didn't even flinching at the word and actually sweared at God by calling him 'damn'.

"Never been a fan of Religion,Myths and Epics. Say old man, Why not take this to my house. So even Magic users, and Heroes in the Legends exists huh? This is damn stressfull. Tell me absolutely everything."

Then Sawatori cleared up all suspicion on Alziel being a mage or any supernatural being and for now think of him as one of those possible Phantom Hunters as it was artificially gained powers.

After all the kid wasn't even aware of Mages. So Sawatori came to the conclusion of Alziel involved in the phantom side and he recently got called that Alziel was scouted by Hosea Academy and Sawatori of course knew what the purpose of the school is.


Few Hours later

Time have passed as it was now night time and Alziel just finished his cooking for him and Sawatori.

"Hahhhh.. I can't wait to eat your food again. Damn it, Why can't I help but feel that you studied Cooking from Totsuki Academy?"

"Totsuki Academy? I don't know what the hell your saying but, Just know that my cooking is all 'Self-taught'. I do want to live independently after all. Get that damn food on your stomach first and talk later."


'Totsuki Academy my ass. This old man surely has amnesia. Can't he remember all the cases from my school.'


Few Moments Later

The duo then started talking about the Supernatural and then after all of it was done Alziel can't help but ask a question.

"No matter what you say I can't believe it, You're a Human?!"

"For the fucking nth time, YES!"

Right now Alziel was clearly irritated as Sawatori was asking over and over if he's really human.

"Then what do you call someone who has powers like you?"

When Alziel heard that he accelerated his thoughts to think up a possible answer but in the end he said everything.

'I don't know why, But I feel like letting him know a fraction of what I am is the best answer.'

So Alziel gave a half-lie and said.

"Those Phantom Hunters, you can technically say that I am one since my powers aren't like those Magic or Sacred Gears you and I probably know of."

"Is that so? Well about time I tell you the difference of Phantoms and the Supernatural. You all ears?"

When Alziel heard of it he literally focus all his hearing on the topic even though he was now laying on a couch while Sawatori was still in the chair not standing from the table where he ate.


"Well then to star off, To other scholars who discovered this Phantom is a term for ghost, youkai, monsters and other supernatural being. But there's a huge difference between the Supernatural and the Phantoms.

The Supernatural itself existed far long before the phantoms itself began appearing.

The difference is, The Supernatural beings aren't created from Humans imagination but natural and their existence itself is real.. and by the way it's only my opinion kid. No need to think hard about it since I don't know the origins of the Supernatural beings but that's the gist of it.

While the Phantoms are the ones born from the imagination of humans for short. I don't know much about them but you can probably learn more about them if you accepted the offer from Hosea Academy."

When Alziel heard of this he stood up and sitted instead and then talked.

"Old man, have you heard of the terrorist bombing in Alayashiki Facility?"

"Oh that incident that happened decades ago, It was speculated by our Higher-ups that the cause of some people obtaining unexplainable powers and Phantoms started appearing."

When Alziel heard that his suspicion on the incident before the appearance of Phantoms and Phantom Hunters made him think on his mind.

'For some reason my instincts are telling me that there's much more about the Bombing Accident.'

"Kid you seem to be in a trance? Don't think too much about the Supernatural but are you sure you want to involve yourself to Phantom matters?"

"If the matters about the Supernatural got out of hand, Call me. For now I'll be joining the Phantom Hunter's Association."

'Besides the best course for me right now is try to know as much as I can about Phantoms. They are afterall the nearest thing related to AIM diffusion fields.

As for Supernatural.. I need to stay alert. That damnable magic that defies the law of physics exists here.. and I don't have Qliphah Puzzle 545 to help me know more about it.

To think that I use to think of myself as the Strongest here.. Truly a narrow-minded thinking. I must not let this arrogant thinking get to myself as it will possibly lead me to defeat just like what happened with the first encounter and third with the damn 'hero' or possibly death.'

Right now Alziel is in deep thoughts thinking of the best course of action for a future where there will be no harm done against the Innocents and the people who he trusts.

But Sawatori broke the silence by asking Alziel.

"Are you sure that you'll pursue to become a Phantom Hunter? Do you know the consequences of dealing with monsters?"

At this question Alziel just chuckled and answered the question.

"Who says that I'll aspire to become one? And also.. Don't worry about a guy you can't kill with a nuke."

"Hah! Is that so, Well then take care kid."

"Yeah just go away already."

Now in Alziel's vision what he's seeing is Sawatori's vanishing figure.

'Starting tomorrow, Might be a day for a trial and error with my powers.'

Reason why I added Highschool DxD in the mix-mash:

• First, I don't want Accelerator/Alziel to be too fucking OP. Hence why, I brought him his Kryptonite, F*cking Magic.

Imagine him being freaking OP where no one can even touch him unless they know the weaknesses of his ability. Also how would his character develop even further when there's no obstacles for him to overcome.

I find DxD the most suitable Anime to join the mix-mash due to this reason.

Eruamcreators' thoughts