
The Fall I

"It's her fault. Why does everything go well for her?" Tine screamed, pulling her hair.

Right of the moment, Tine was going berserk. It was because Laura's plans were working and now the people in town were talking bad about her. Well, this is what she gets for spreading lies about herself. She is not the child of Septus but is something else, a fraud.

Karma is the word.

The glass cups lined up on the table crashed onto the ground as Tine swiped it away with her hand. Vivan held her voice in and flinched. The only question she could ask herself was who is this person?

Tine smirked as she walked towards Vivan while on her right hand she held a shard of the broken glass. Slowly walking towards Vivan she was laughing out loud like a broken radio.

"M-miss? I-is there anything I can do for you?" Vivan stuttered as she held her hands together.

"No, I don't need anything," Tine answered harshly.

"W-what about tea?"