

The main door closing made a loud noise. That's Viona, acting like she has no manners.

Dirga still bowed his head, waiting for Anggara and Anggita to complain about his wrong attitude that covered the cause of his divorce from Viona. Even though Dirga thought he didn't want to bother them both, his decision was a mistake. Anggita was still staring at Dirga intently. The tears haven't stopped streaming down her old face.

"Dirga..." Anggara groaned softly, but Dirga could still clearly hear it.

"DAD!" Dirga knelt in front of Anggara, who had a firm grip on his chest.

'Oh my God, Dad...'

"ARI, Daddy!" yelled Dirga once more.

Ari was the first to rush out of Dirga's room, followed by Nisa, who was followed by Irgi and his three daughters-in-law from various directions.

Anggita became terrified, sobbing pitifully beside her husband.

"Honey..." was the only word she could keep repeating as she sobbed.