
Second Chance To Max- Out In Another World

Betrayed and falsely accused Max Willam was given another chance to life again as a test subject and the champion of chaos for most powerful kingdom in the realm what will Max Willam do if he gets to know the arrival of his other classmates

Danicious_King_ · Bücher und Literatur
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38 Chs

Welcome To The Empire State Academy


The agonizing screams reverberate through the vast emptiness, emanating from the spy who has been electrocuted by the black rod clenched in her hands.

"You're quite resilient, aren't you? It's been two hours and you still refuse to provide me with answers," remarks Max Willam, his gaze fixed upon the spy.

"I will never divulge anything to you, and you cannot break me," defiantly declares the spy, her body charred and battered.

"Is that so? Well, let's put that to the test," says Max Willam, producing another black rod infused with four different auras - death, lightning, inferno, and poison.

"Listen, time is of the essence. Let's make it easier for both of us. Just give me the names of your clients, and this will all be over," urges Max Willam, gripping the black rod infused with the four auras.

"You can go to hell," retorts the spy.

"Wow, it seems you possess even more courage than I had anticipated," remarks Max Willam.

Max Willam thrusts the black rod into the spy's other hand, causing her screams to intensify, as the excruciating pain courses through her body.

Taking a seat on a nearby chair, Max Willam gazes down at the spy writhing in agony on the ground.

"Now, are you ready to talk, or do you still refuse?" inquires Max Willam, peering down at the suffering spy.

"I... I will... just make it stop, please," pleads the spy, her voice filled with genuine anguish.

With a snap of his fingers, Max Willam dismisses the black rods, replacing them with a bottle of healing potion. He pours the potion over the spy's impaled hands, offering some relief from the torment.

After administering the potion, you will experience some relief. Once you're feeling better, we can proceed with our conversation," Max William suggests, handing the spy the bottle.

Several hours later, the spy's wounds have completely healed. Max then offers her a cushion to sit on.

"Now, let's get down to business. I need you to provide me with the names of your clients," Max William states, looking directly at the spy.

The spy proceeds to divulge all the information Max had been seeking about the individuals who sent her to assassinate him.

"I see. So, this is what's happening. Now, the question is, what should I do with you?" Max ponders, taking a seat in his chair.

As sweat begins to trickle down the spy's face, Max rises from his chair and starts pacing around her.

While Max contemplates his next move, a voice suddenly calls out to him.

"Why don't you get to know her, Max?" suggests a mysterious voice.

Startled, Max looks around, questioning, "What? Who was just talking to me?"

"It's me, Medusa," the voice responds, laughing at Max's confusion.

"What! How is this possible? Aren't you located in the outer walls of realms? How can you communicate with me?" Max asks, clearly perplexed.

Medusa laughs uncontrollably before explaining, "Let's just say I infused a part of my ancient energy into your body, allowing me to communicate with you."

"Anyway, it seems like you're struggling to make a decision regarding her. Ah, the dilemma," Medusa remarks.

"Yes, I can't seem to decide what to do. She works for families who are causing trouble for their own selfish gain," Max admits.

"Why don't you send her to us? She could be of great help in the realm. The more assistance we have, the easier things become," suggests Medusa.

"That's not a bad idea, but how can I do that when I'm not at the center of the Nature Kingdom's gateway?" Max questions.

"Just tap her on the head, and everything will fall into place," advises Medusa.

"Very well, if you say so," Max agrees, tapping the spy's head.

At the precise instant, the smoke engulfs the spy's entire being, only to vanish without a trace moments later. Medusa proceeds to inform Max that the spy has now materialized outside the boundaries of the realms. Max inquires further, seeking confirmation if all events within the realm he recently conquered were proceeding smoothly. Medusa assures Max that everything was indeed progressing favorably without any complications.

In a hidden chamber, the heads of the family clans engaged in a discussion.

"Old man, why hasn't your spy arrived yet?" questioned one of them.

"Did something go wrong during the mission?" inquired another.

"I haven't received any updates regarding the spy's arrival," replied the old man.

Setting that matter aside, I heard some news about Jong," interjected a clan leader.

"What about him? Have his plans succeeded?" asked another with concern.

"No, I heard that his old man discovered his intentions to overthrow the kingdom and almost had him imprisoned. However, he managed to escape back to the Congress collusion kingdom," explained the clan leader.

"This will undoubtedly pose a significant problem for us if the empire king starts uncovering our involvement with Jong's plans," expressed a worried clan leader.

"What should we do now that things have become so chaotic for us?" questioned another, seeking a solution.

"If only we could eliminate that test subject, rumored to be on par with the empire king," suggested a clan leader.

"We initially believed that dealing with the king alone would be enough, but now we have this additional obstacle in the form of the test subject entering our kingdom," lamented another clan leader.

"Regardless, let us await the spy's return and gather information about the current situation," concluded one of the clan leaders.

The group concluded their conversation and returned to their respective homes. Meanwhile, within the facility, the head doctor was busy preparing for Max's transfer to the prestigious empire academy, scheduled for the following day.

The empire state king had also made the necessary payments to the head doctor to ensure a smooth transition for Max Willam. As a result, the next day, Max found himself dressed in the official uniform of the empire state academy. Doctor Eliza accompanied him on the journey, leading him towards the main gates of the academy.

After hours of walking, they finally arrived at the gate, where a female butler stood waiting to greet them.

"Good morning, Doctor Eliza. Welcome to The Tenth Generation Academy," the butler warmly greeted.

"Thank you for your kind welcome," Doctor Eliza replied.

"And you must be Master Lyon, the new student the former head of the academy told me about," the butler addressed Max.

"Yes, that's correct. I tend to be more reserved and not talkative," Max responded.

"I see. Well, I believe you will fit in just fine here," the butler assured.

"Please follow me, Master Lyon. Classes will be starting very soon," the butler instructed.

Max, now known as Master Lyon within the academy, followed the female butler into the academy compound, while Doctor Eliza made her way back to the facility.

"Once again, welcome to our academy, Master Lyon. Today, I will personally show you around and familiarize you with the different areas of the academy," the butler informed.

"Great! I never imagined I would be attending school again. Now, here I am, wondering if I'll have to take tests and more," Max pondered to himself.