
Second Chance To Max- Out In Another World

Betrayed and falsely accused Max Willam was given another chance to life again as a test subject and the champion of chaos for most powerful kingdom in the realm what will Max Willam do if he gets to know the arrival of his other classmates

Danicious_King_ · Bücher und Literatur
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38 Chs



At the experimental facility, the lead physician is perusing the letter that was affixed to the bag of gold by the monarch of the Empire State.

Dear esteemed old friend,

Having witnessed the remarkable prowess of your creation, I find myself inclined to approach you with a matter of utmost importance. I humbly request your assistance in undertaking a confidential mission on behalf of both myself and the advancement of the Empire State.

Regrettably, I have recently been informed of a disconcerting development within our ranks. It has come to my attention that one of my esteemed high commanders may be involved in the illicit trade of Empire State military arts weapons to the Congress Collusion. This treacherous act poses a grave threat to our beloved Empire State.

In light of our longstanding friendship and your exceptional abilities, I implore you to aid me in uncovering the identity of the commander responsible for this betrayal. Your assistance in this matter would be invaluable and greatly contribute to the preservation of our Empire State's integrity.

With utmost respect and gratitude,

I am utterly astounded by the presence of a traitor within the ranks of the king's most esteemed commander, as expressed by the head doctor in his contemplations.

With a sense of urgency, the head doctor swiftly exits his office and makes his way to the chamber room where subject 12 is currently resting. It's as if he's on a mission to uncover the secrets that lie within

In the the next door Doctor Eliza is undressing Subject 12 in the chamber room to give him a bath in the man's bathroom


Doctor Eliza: There, there, you don't have to act like a baby, Subject 12. The water is not all that cold.

Subject 12: But it feels freezing! I can't believe you expect me to go in there.

Doctor Eliza: Come on, don't be such a wimp. It's just a little chilly, that's all.

Subject 12: No way! I'm not going anywhere near that water. It's like jumping into an ice bath.

Doctor Eliza: Oh, stop exaggerating. It's not that bad. Trust me, you'll get used to it in no time.

Subject 12: I highly doubt that. I'd rather stay warm and dry, thank you very much.

Doctor Eliza: Fine, suit yourself. But you're missing out on all the fun.

Suddenly, a familiar voice called out her name. Outside

"Doctor Eliza, are you here?" asked the head doctor.

"Yes, head doctor. I am just giving subject 12 a bath," replied Doctor Eliza.

"Okay, I will wait in the main chamber for both of you after finishing," said the head doctor.

"Okay, head doctor," replied Doctor Eliza.

Subject 12: (enters the main hall, dressed up) Good morning, Doctor Eliza. I see you've finished as well.

Doctor Eliza: (smiling) Yes, indeed. It didn't take long,

How are you feeling, Subject 12? asked the head doctor

Ask the head doctor

Subject 12: I'm feeling fine, thank you. Ready to move on to the next step, I suppose.

Doctor Eliza: (nods) That's right. We came over to the main hall after finishing

Subject 12: (curious) What's happening in the main hall?

The head doctor gave doctor Eliza a letter

Doctor Eliza: The head doctor has a letter for you. It's probably important,

Subject 12: (nervously) I wonder what it could be about, he then opens it and read

Doctor Eliza: So, Subject 12, what does the letter say?

Subject 12: (reads the letter quietly in his mind)

Subject 12: (finishes reading and closes the letter) Well, it says...

Doctor Eliza: Yes, go on. What does it say?

Subject 12: (pauses) It's... it's difficult to put into words.

Then why not explain it to me says doctor Eliza

Okay allow me to explain the situation at hand. I have been entrusted with a covert mission to uncover the identity of a traitor within the ranks of the king's most esteemed commanders. These individuals, who hold influential positions, have been engaging in the illicit act of selling our empire's military art weapons to a foreign nation known as the Congress collusion.

It's also says they will provide me with the essential details regarding the kingdom I am to be preparing to infiltrate, with the objective of identifying and apprehending the individual responsible for treason among the esteemed commanders within the empire state.

Subject 12: Do you know that kingdom, doctor Eliza?

Doctor Eliza: Yes, it's the most barbaric and sadistic kingdom in these lands.

Doctor Eliza: They enslave the poor and other races to enrich themselves.

Doctor Eliza: It's truly despicable.

Subject 12: But why does a kingdom like that still exist? Shouldn't the king of the empire state destroy or overtake it?

Doctor Eliza: Well, the king could, but the Congress collusion kingdom are well known for their unmeasurable power of magic and other art of weapons.

Subject 12: I see, so that's why.

Doctor Eliza: Yes, so you have to be very careful around when you get inside that kingdom.

Subject 12: I will do my best.

One hour later, Captain Nax graciously arrived to provide Subject 12 with the essential information prior to their departure through a discreet gate, as directed by the esteemed king. The gate which leads to the outskirts of the empire state.

Now every student in the heroes' chamber rooms was now in a state of fear. After hearing the very name that they had all mistreated, abused, and falsely accused of crimes he never committed in their previous world

Khan: Jeff, what are we going to do?

Jeff: How am I supposed to know what to do?

Khan: Well, we all share the blame for everything that happened to him.

Jeff: Hey, will you keep your voice down?

Khan then calmed down and sat on the bed.

A knock was then heard at their door just minutes later.

Khan: Yes, who is it?

Zen: It's me, Zen.

Jeff (thinking to himself): Wait, why is the class president here for?

Jeff: Hey Zen, what brings you here?

Zen: I just wanted to discuss the issue about the bishop's words with you guys.

Khan: Sure, come on in.

Khan opens the door for Zen to enter

Is it about the bishop's words of vision or is it about Max Willam as well ? asked Khan.

"Yes, it's about him too," says Zen.

"Well, what about it?" says Khan.

"Well, we all heard the bishop's words of vision about him," says Zen.

"Yes, we did," says Khan.

"And you know we are all in a dangerous position," says Zen.

"What! Do you think Max Willam is already here looking for us for his revenge?" says Khan.

"What do you think?" says Zen.

"It's possible he is waiting for us somewhere in these lands," says Zen.

"That's why I discussed with the others to get stronger till the day we meet him," says Zen.

"So it's the same reason why you are here to tell us," says Khan.

"Yes, so better pick up with your daily training," says Zen.

"Very well," says Khan.

Both finished talking, leaving zen to head back to his room

As the clock struck midnight, a veil of darkness descended upon the sky, shrouding it in an ominous cloak. The clouds, like majestic obsidian behemoths, gathered and swirled, their rumbling voices resonating with the power of thunder. A gust of wind, fierce and commanding, swept through the air, heralding the imminent arrival of nature's fury. And then, in a dramatic display of opulence, the heavens opened up, releasing a deluge of raindrops, each one heavy and precious, cascading down with a resounding elegance.

"Ah, what a sight to behold! The heavens weep in all their glory, gracing us with a downpour at this very hour," muses a gentleman, clad in but half his attire, as he gazes through his chamber's window. With a glass of wine in hand, he savors the exquisite spectacle before him.

In the opulent chamber, reclined upon the sumptuous bed, slumbered a gathering of ethereal beings, their delicate forms adorned solely by the moonlight's gentle caress. Their countenances, though serene, bore the telltale signs of exhaustion, a testament to the arduousness of their celestial endeavors.

There butler enters

Butler: My prince, Commander Jong from the Empire State is here.

Prince: Ooh, tell him I will be there with him in a moment.

Butler: Yes, my prince. I will relay the message to him.

"Putting on a facade of happiness is becoming tiresome, I yearn for a steadfast companion to join me in settling down," muses the Prince, who in truth was a master of gender transformation.

The butler returned to his guest and relayed the message given to him by his master.

The prince later enters and welcomes his guest to his domain.

Commander Jong: (smiling) Thank you, Your Highness. It's always a pleasure to see you.

Prince: (grinning) The pleasure is all mine, Commander Jong. I wouldn't miss an opportunity to meet with someone as handsome as you.

Commander Jong: (blushing) Oh, stop it, Your Highness. You flatter me too much.

Prince: (playfully) Well, it's hard not to when you always look so lovely.

"Hey, you haven't changed all these years, have you?" Commander Jong asked.

"No, why should I?" replied the Prince.

"Well, it looks like you haven't settled down with one gender yet," Commander Jong pointed out.

Prince: Well, I will until I find a good and strong partner which suits me.

Commander Jong: I see, very well.

Commander Jong: Anyways, I came here to see how your plans have progressed.

Both got seated in a chair

"Well everything is good and ready on my end," said the prince.

"That's great news, Your Highness," replied the commander. "What about you?"

" how are things going on your end?" asked the prince

"Well, things are not going easy," replied Commander Jong. "As you know, the king of the empire state is very cautious."

Prince: Yes, that old man is no joke. He's truly a monster. I wouldn't dare challenge him.

Commander Jong: But I believe I can weaken the immune system barrier below, where we can strategize our next move in taking over the empire state.

Prince: Are you sure about that? It sounds risky.

Commander Jong: Trust me, once we seize control of the empire state, the Congress collusion will become even more powerful. We'll have access to its vast land and facilities.

Commander: That's very true. The other kingdoms will surely start fearing the Congress collusion once we achieve victory.

Prince: Absolutely! Our triumph will send a strong message to them. Let's raise our glasses of wine as a symbol of our imminent victory.

Meanwhile max William is currently on the outskirts of the Empire State and is heading directly towards his destination.

As Max William trudged along for hours, his ears perked up at the sound of desperate cries for help. The urgency in the voice was unmistakable, and Max knew he had to act fast. With a determined stride, he followed the sound, his heart racing with anticipation. What could be causing such distress? As he drew closer, the cries grew louder, and Max's adrenaline kicked in. He was ready to face whatever lay ahead and lend a helping hand.

As he finally arrived, his eyes widened in disbelief. Before him stood a group of valiant soldiers, their uniforms gleaming in the sunlight. But what caught his attention were the cages, filled with a peculiar mix of creatures. Elves and humans, resembling mischievous goblins, were trapped within, clad in what appeared to be school uniforms. It was a sight that both fascinated and perplexed him, igniting a burning curiosity within his adventurous soul.

As he scanned the scene, his attention was suddenly drawn to a series of distressing cries emanating from the left side of the army men. Something was definitely amiss. It appeared that amidst the chaos, one of the soldiers was aggressively pursuing one of the female elves against her will.

Seeing that Max Willam was furious like a raging storm, he fought to rein in his boiling anger. With every ounce of self-control, he gripped his sword tightly, its weight reassuring in his hand. Determination etched across his face, he began to advance towards the formidable army that stood before him. Each step he took was a testament to his unwavering resolve, a silent declaration that he would not be defeated.

The other group of army men, deep in their cups and laughing raucously, completely oblivious to the danger lurking just beyond their merriment. Suddenly, out of nowhere, an enemy approaches them with deadly intent. In one swift and brutal move, they are beheaded with a copy sword style straight from the king of the empire state himself. And who was the mastermind behind this stunning display of skill and precision? None other than Max William, whose hand was steady as he delivered the fatal blow.

With a swift and determined stride, he then closed in on the other despicable fiend who dared to lay his hands on the defenseless female elf. The hero's heart burned with righteous fury as he prepared to confront the vile perpetrator, ready to unleash a torrent of justice upon him.

Army Man: Hey, you don't want me to hurt you. Make yourself easy so we can have some fun.

As the courageous elven maiden fought tooth and nail to break free from her captors, her desperate gaze caught sight of a figure emerging from the shadows. And there he stood, Max Willam, his eyes ablaze with an intense crimson fury.

"Look, now you've just stopped fighting back. Looks like you want us to have fun now," said the army man.

"No, she doesn't," replied Max William.

"What! Who is there?" exclaimed the army man.

Max Willam's grip was like a vice around the army man's neck, leaving him no room to even glance back and catch a glimpse of his attacker. The tension in the air was palpable as Max held on with unyielding force, determined to keep his identity a mystery. The army man struggled to break free, but Max's grip only tightened, sending a clear message that he was not to be trifled with. It was a moment of intense drama, as the two men stood locked in a battle of wills,

The army man: Do you know who I am? To kill me would be your downfall.

Max Willam: (*laughs*)My downfall? Don't make me laugh.

Army man: I am the third vice commander of the Congress collusion.

Max: Oh, really? Well, you should know that you will regret it making such a bold move on a woman like that

Max: Interesting, and it's looks like I hit the jackpot.

The third vice commander : What are you talking about?

Max Willam: That's nothing you need to worry about.

The third vice commander: Why shouldn't I worry?

Max Willam: Well, because you're about to die.

The third vice commander: What? Why would you say that?

: (Max begins to tighten his grip on the army man's neck)

The third vice commander: No wait, is it money you want? I will give you anything, please.


Max Willam: You can't buy your way out of this,

The third vice commander: Please, I'll do anything! Just spare me!


Max Willam : It's too late for that now, You've pushed me too far.


The third vice commander: I didn't mean for this to happen! Please, I'll make it right!


Max Willam : It's too late...

(coughs) I'm... I'm dying...


(takes his last breath)

That moment the third vice commander of the Congress collusion was dead

Thank you very much, sir," said the female elf.

"Are you okay?" asked Max Willam.

"Yes, just a little bit uneasy," she replied.