
Second Chance ( The Vampire Diaries/ The Originals)

My way of viewing the the series but do mind the first few chapters written don't read it's me filling the word count and please enjoy. Plus I don't plan on changing the majority of the plot

Sibongil · TV
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22 Chs


( It's either I'm higher than a kite or I'm dead as I keep on seeing clouds ) thought Luthor

'Nope ! you are dead ' says a glowing person

'I know I'm high right now cause I keep seeing lights leave your body ' says Luthor

'Ha, ha, ha, you mortals and jokes, aside I'm sorry you died on my watch ' says the glowing person

'Forget that, I'm Luthor and you are ? ' asks Luthor

'You can call me ROBbie ' says ROBbie

'let's get to the point, I died , so what now? ' asks Luthor

'You are surprisingly chill about all this, why ?' asks ROBbie

'No use crying over spilled milk, I ask again so what now? asks Luthor

'We get to fixing it by me giving you 4 wishes and 1 appearance changing wish so altogether, you get 5 wishes and you get to chose which world you will be going to, I know I'm awesome ' says ROBbie

'Ok enough of that, Let's get to wishing' says Luthor while rubbing his hands together

'My first wish is that make a back story for which will lead to me being a Hybrid an Enhanced Original and Alpha Were-bear with those teen wolf red eyes.' says Luthor

'I'll get back to you about your first wish let's continue' says ROBbie

'My second wish is that my sire line is loyal and will never willingly or not betray me' says Luthor

'Easy, Next ' says ROBbie

'Ok than, I wish for all rune and potion based magic and knowledge from Harry Potter ' says Luthor

'Really, Ok than do you want it in a grimoire with endless pages or do you want a mind palace filled with this knowledge' asks ROBbie

'Grimoire please, and my final wish is to have grandmaster level fight instincts and ability in :

Axe and Dagger fighting, Sword fighting( Viking and European),Boxing and Street fighting' says Luthor

'Ok than, Next round ' says ROBbie

'I wish to look like Jason Momoa from Aquaman just the body with the tattoos which will be runes for strength, stamina, speed, and some other stuff which will show after I'm turned please .' says Luthor

'I found a way for your first wish but it will limit other gifts, so I'll ask again are you sure' says ROBbie

'Yes, I'm sure please continue ' says Luthor

'Ok, Let's choose the world ' says ROBbie

'It's easy The Vampire Diaries/ Originals' says Luthor

ROBbie gets into a pose and shouts


As Luthor slowly disappears he softly says 'Thank you'

(I hope he likes the story I have woven for him or he won't enjoy his next life, That's that let me get back to my games) thought ROBbie