
Seclusion Of A Knight - Origins Of The Seven Volume 2

""Behold the origin story of the famed and wildest hero, Brad Silverhilt, one of the Seven Harbingers. Their arrival heralded a new age of great impact on the World of Aerkha." "Amidst the implementation of the reformed knighthood system, the noble knights found themselves confined within the boundaries of their cities, their desires to reclaim their former powers fueling their resistance against the new order. Unyielding in their determination, they clung to the hope of regaining control, strategically sending their noble offspring as candidates for knighthood within the revamped system. Meanwhile, King Illuen D'harven, the esteemed High Commander and mastermind behind the new knighthood system, remained resolute in his conviction that true heroes would only emerge through arduous and disciplined training. He firmly championed the idea that equal rights should be bestowed upon every candidate within the newly established knighthood system. Only the passage of time would determine whether his idealistic vision or the pragmatic approach would prevail. However, among the ranks of the knights, a singular candidate who joined their esteemed order during the fourth year of the Unified Illuthar Kingdom would soon come to realize that in order to reshape the very fabric of the world's narrative, he must undergo a profound metamorphosis within a remarkably brief span of fewer than ten years." Author's Note to Reader: "Dear Reader, the Origins of The Seven series comprises separate books featuring the backstory of seven heroes, and there is no specific reading order." This novel, written in the tradition of classic fantasy, aims to weave a tapestry akin to the illustrious campaign tales such as Dragonlance and Forgotten Realms, while retaining its own unique essence. It could be marked as my fourth attempt in the last fifteen years, but the second to be published here or anywhere. Previously, I was hesitant to share my work, but now I am eager to receive any criticism. Therefore, dear reader, I implore you to provide your comments freely. Your thoughts are invaluable to me. Thank you in advance, and I hope you relish this tale.

Mahir_The_Bard · Fantasie
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48 Chs

Free Fall (Part 1)

A pair of knights, accompanied by two knight candidates, a devout monk, an eager apprentice to the monk, a venerable priest, and a diligent student of the arcane arts, embarked on a horseback journey along the rugged variant road that meandered toward the bustling harbors of Smyrnia.

The sky was cloaked in clouds, and a brisk wind swept through the air, lending an air of anticipation to the afternoon. The company had endured the arduous journey for a span of ten days, while the meticulous preparations had spanned three days.

"In the heart of the city lies the majestic square, adorned with a resplendent clock tower. And to the south, one shall find the bustling Syphress Bazaar, a haven of vibrant commerce. Behold, Crescent Bay stretches before us, its tranquil beauty captivating all who gaze upon it. And atop the eastern hill, an emblem of grandeur, stands the renowned Velvet Castle," Caleb eloquently elucidated to Christine, who beheld the wondrous city of Smyrnia for the first time. It was truly a gem amidst the realm of Illuthar, its streets alive with the vibrant chaos of life.

The young girl's eyes sparkled with exhilaration as she beheld the breathtaking panorama unfolding before her. The sprawling settlement of the city revealed itself beneath their descending path, as they left behind the winding variant road. Christine's gaze was drawn to the double-story houses with bay windows that graced the western shoreline, exuding an aura of elegance. She couldn't help but draw a comparison between the bustling dockworkers, scurrying like diligent ants, as they loaded cargo onto the colossal ships docked at the expansive harbor.

Throughout the journey, a pervasive silence cloaked the group, their connection and harmony sorely lacking. The stagnant air and tense disposition exuded by their leader, Brad Silverhilt, swiftly infected them all. Even Ismeth, renowned for his buoyant spirit, failed to bask in the fullness and grandeur of the captivating landscape that unfolded before them—an embodiment of life's richness.

Under the embrace of the hills traversed by the road, where olive and eucalyptus trees cast their shadowy tapestries, painters diligently crafted their art, capturing the scene's essence. Reveling in the absence of rain, noble lovers embraced the mid-autumn season with an exquisite nonchalance. These fortunate souls knew how to revel in the present, embracing each moment with an intoxicating blend of blissful indifference.

Unbeknownst to the rest, the seeds of discord had been sown ten days prior, during a fateful meeting where Brad, Ismeth, and Caleb inadvertently set in motion a chain of tensions yet to fully unfurl.

* * *

Ismeth took the lead and stepped into the meeting chamber nestled within the White Fortress's borders. Brad appeared composed, seated upon a small stool beside the crackling hearth, feeding the flames with logs.

"Well, Brad, how have you fared since our last encounter?" Ismeth inquired, scrutinizing the battle-worn warrior's visage.

"I am prepared to embark on the journey," Brad responded, without so much as a glance in Ismeth's direction. "And how do matters stand for you? I heard whispers of a magical wound."

"Merely a trifling scrape," Ismeth replied.

"Why would you undertake such a foolish act, Ismeth?" Brad questioned, now turning his gaze towards Ismeth.

"What do you mean?" Ismeth queried.

"Why did you attempt to trail my footsteps? Why did you embark on an astral voyage?" Brad pressed, his attention now fully focused on Ismeth.

"Are we not partners, Brad? The wizards informed me of your predicament. Without hesitation, I pressed forward. That is all," Ismeth responded, attempting to muster a smile.

"Ismeth, my troubles are mine to bear. There are enigmatic shadows swirling around me, yet to be deciphered. I have no desire to concern myself with your well-being. Never undertake such an act again. That's an order. Your duty is not to follow me into the depths of damnation," Brad declared, his tone firm.

"Very well, my friend, very well. I shall not engage in argument with you. After all, I am but a humble man. These intricacies lie beyond the reach of my understanding," Ismeth conceded, acknowledging the limits of his knowledge.

"Remain as you are, Ismeth. Such a stance may grant you a longer life. And should you ever seek a new partner, I daresay I could arrange that. Lady Illaine appears to hold my words in high regard these days," Brad replied, his voice tinged with a mere hint of irony.

"I am content as I am, Brad. How splendid it is to tread the path of fame and glory," Ismeth retorted, his perennial grin widening.

Brad appeared ready to offer a cutting retort, yet at the final moment, he reconsidered. Releasing a profound sigh, he slowly rose from his seat, a task that proved arduous for him. Ismeth keenly observed his struggle. With a formal countenance, Brad requested Ismeth to summon Caleb, who patiently awaited outside the chamber.

This particular moment stung Ismeth deeply. As the newly appointed leader of their group, owing to their recent assignment, Brad had adopted a rather formal demeanor towards him, akin to a superior addressing a subordinate. Ismeth had received directives and was subsequently granted a formal invitation to enter the room. All of this felt novel to Ismeth. Although they had been separated for merely a few days, Brad's altered and distant conduct erected a chilly barrier between them. It was premature to ascertain if Ismeth could adapt to this new dynamic, yet it left a subtle wound etched upon his heart.

Caleb stepped into the meeting chamber, his tense demeanor evident as he settled into a chair. Ismeth remained silently in a corner, observing the scene. Brad took his place on the stool near the flickering hearth.

"We have plans for a journey to Lathvaryl in the northern lands, mage. I assume you have received the information. Would you be interested in joining us? Both you and the elf, Asvelas Freethorn," Brad inquired, his expression icy. "I had hoped the elf would be present for this gathering," he added.

"Asvelas had no desire to be here. However, whatever decision I make, Sir Knight, he will comply. What truly intrigues me is what you have been doing since we went our separate ways. Did you cross paths with Ilberius once again? How can I put it? How did you manage to extricate yourselves from that treacherous predicament?" Caleb responded.

"I regret to say that I have few answers to offer, mage. The whole experience seemed like a hazy dream. As I awoke, the details began slipping away from my grasp. I did cross paths with Ilberius. I remember him accompanying me for a time, but then he vanished," Brad explained.

"Knight Silverhilt, I am truly remorseful. The situation spiraled out of control, leaving profound wounds within each of us. It is ultimately my responsibility. My mentor, David, scolded me for it, but that alone is not enough. What I'm trying to convey is... I yearn to unravel the identity of the one who orchestrated this," Caleb expressed with genuine remorse.

"It is plausible that someone who was aware of our presence in the Great Library during our astral travel might be involved," Brad responded without hesitation.

"Do you suspect Asvelas?" Caleb asked, taken aback.

"Or perhaps your mentor, David," Brad stated. Then, turning to his companion, he inquired, "When you embarked on the astral journey, who was tasked with safeguarding your physical vessel, Ismeth?"

"The venerable wizard David," Ismeth replied.

"As I later unearthed, Asvelas was stationed diligently within the confines of the library chamber," Brad divulged.

"Attend closely, noble knight. Your vantage point upon this matter veers grievously astray. The affair, verily, bears complexity. Primarily, Asvelas ventured unto the library's sanctum under the solemn edict of Master David, sworn to safeguard my corporeal vessel subsequent to your utter vanishment..." Caleb commenced his explication.

Brad interjected brusquely, his timbre acrid. "These proclamations of yours resonate as conjecture. I, in turn, forge my own thesis. Inevitably, the truth shall unveil itself," he pronounced, severing Caleb's utterance.

"You are truly ensnared within the grip of madness, valiant knight. Master David, a sage of utmost reverence, has guided Lady Illaine and King Illuen even before the inception of the United Illuthar Kingdom. And he does persist in such guidance till this very hour. These unfounded indictments find no haven for acceptance," Caleb riposted, his voice trembling with ire.

"Then, by all means, make way," Brad uttered serenely.

A fleeting silence enshrouded the gathering.

"Esteemed Knight Silverhilt, I am no connoisseur of politics. The sole knowledge that resides within me is that the wounds adorning your, mine, and Ismeth's backs bear a mystical essence. A rarity of enchantment, if you will. It may bear a fateful significance or perchance something altogether distinct. All I desire is to unearth the perpetrator behind this enigma and pose my inquiries to them," Caleb expressed.

"When I apprehend them, should time allow for questioning, you shall have your chance, wizard," Brad responded.

In that very moment, Caleb beheld a concealed fury simmering within the visage of the knight, who had hitherto appeared composed. An unsettling dread coursed through him, contemplating the potential consequences. "This man brims with an entirely different magnitude of power," he pondered, shuddering involuntarily.

Seeking solace, Caleb abruptly rose from his seat.

"Initially, due to the intricate diplomacy between my mentor and Lady Illaine, I had no intention of broaching these matters, Sir Silverhilt. However, I have reconsidered. Let us speak candidly. In truth, you are not entirely innocent either. One moment, you were a mere knight candidate, and the next, you emerged out of nowhere. You spoke of a mystical artifact unheard of for three centuries, and elusive and enigmatic sorcerers whom no one could fathom. All the city's espionage units and underground organizations were suddenly on high alert. An intercontinental quest commenced." Caleb explained his thoughts, restlessly pacing around the room.

He paused for a brief moment to give some time to Brad to consider his words and continued.

"And during the five days you vanished, mind you, in the autumn, excluding the hundred-year curse, an unprecedented period unfolded in the history of this city. Hail fell from the sky, blanketing the entire metropolis with snow, paralyzing it. Some scholars even feared that if you had slumbered a little longer, the gods would have annihilated the city," the young wizard recounted, taking a deep breath and locking eyes with Brad. "Who are you?" he asked.

"And that's the very question I'm curious about as well. Perhaps that's why, despite all your grumpiness, I want to travel alongside you," he added.

"I am just an ordinary Illuen knight," Brad replied nonchalantly.

"That's where my suspicions arise," Caleb murmured. "Either you will bring about our apocalypse, or you are here to protect us from it," he sighed quietly, gazing at the knight with mixed emotions.

* * *