
Chapter 91

“Yes, but I’m a dragon, and you’re not. One of us can take a lot more punishment.” She gave a pout at first, but once she saw I was still recovering from the headbutt, her tone suddenly changed. I tried to steady myself, but Aria beat me to it.

“Charlotte? Are you okay?” I felt her hand on mine as I shook my head a little. Still ringing.

“Ya, but no doing that while there’s a metal door behind me, okay?” I tried to alleviate her worry with a smile, but instead I felt her arms slowly hook under my legs.

“Hey what are you…” I began, surprised as first as she lifted me up in a princess carry, and casually dumped me in her bed. Despite our differences in height and weight, she had no problems. By the end of it I was blushing, romantically mesmerized as she sent a lost stare my way.

“What?” Aria replied, a little confused as she looked around for the source of my embarrassment. I pointed a finger her way.