
Chapter 65

“You already heard that Aria fixed it! It’s fine!” He poked his head back into the kitchen, trying to get the next meal ready.

“I mean, it doesn’t quite have the same range of motion as I did before, and I haven’t tested my shooting after Aria broke my bow.” I thought back to how Aria accidentally stomped on it with her paw. “But it’s definitely better than losing an arm, or dying.” Myrtle continued to jolt down notes.

Then there was a knock.

I jumped out of my seat and rushed for the door, as everyone else’s gaze was locked on me. With a click, I opened it, hoping to see Aria jump-tackling me in excitement. Instead, Aria stood outside, looking like she’d spent the last hour holding back tears. She entered without a word, closed the door behind her, buried her face in my shirt, and sobbed.