
Chapter 59

“Didn’t mean anything of the sort, dear. You just happened to infer some things that I may or may have not meant,” Myrtle began as I tried to defuse the situation. Why was she being such a prick?

“Myrtle, stop bullying my girlfriend.”

I watched her normally posh posture erode away as her eyes widened.

“No need to sound like my parents. Fine. Just don’t expect me to kiss your heels or to listen to scripture Pact Mage.”

Aria looked up at me, as if asking she should spoil that she was a dragon out of spite. I gave her a hard no. We did not build this house with dragons in mind. Luckily she got the cue, and her eyes relaxed somewhat.

“Do you dislike me or something? Would things change if I was a boy?” Aria spoke through gritted teeth as Myrtle pretended to think about it.