
Chapter 54

“What do we have?” I shouted as he started counting, loading each gun and crossbow in turn.

“Four, no five crossbows! A musket too!”

The sound of the door being smashed apart rang across the forge as I knocked over tables to makeshift barricades. The metal-wood counter was going to be my best option for cover. Then a poleaxe blade broke through the door, ripping a gap.

No thinking, just doing. I pulled out my pistol from my coat holster and fired. A scream of pain, followed by black smoke billowing out into the foyer. I chucked the pistol back as the young man scrambled to pick it up.

“H-Hey! Careful! I just fixed that!” he sputtered as I heard glass shattering, the black smoke drifting to choke whichever poor fool decided to enter through the windows.

“Not the time for that!” I glanced back at him reloading my gun, going as fast as he could through his dusty goggles.