
Chapter 48

I quickly realized that drunk Aria was quite the different beast from regular Aria, as she quickly changed the conversation to whatever she wanted to complain about. I’d never seen someone go from sober to drunk so quickly, or with such a personality shift. After half-coherently chewing out Clover and her parents for what seemed like several tense hours, I managed to get her back on track. Maybe alcohol was processed differently in dragons than in humans. I really hoped so.

“See, and then he had the audacity to go ‘Oh Aria. How lovely of you to grace me’ like he owned the entire show. I’ve never wanted to punch anyone’s teeth in so bad, let me tell you that.” Aria continued to ramble as I looked at the time. By the Trinity, it only had been ten minutes.

I gave a worried chuckle as I watched her guzzle more wine straight from the bottle. I was pretty sure even our loving temporary grandmother was regretting her choice now.