
Chapter 46

“Mmm…how about after I finish what I have to do in Mithil? It’ll be busy, for obvious reasons.” She wasn’t wrong, but it wasn’t like she was going to get freer after word got out that there was a third dragon trying to claim the throne. I’d ask her about it later.

“So…what prompted you to murder the poor guy?” I folded my arms, giving her a curious glance as I watched her eyes open wide, a little afraid.

“Do…Do you not want me to do that?” Uh oh. I think I spooked her into worrying about it.

“No no! I thought it was really cool and sweet! It looked like you took it personally. That’s all,” I pointed out as she twirled her hair around her fingers nervously.

“Well, when I make a choice, I expect that the people around me will trust me with that choice. If it’s something major, then I’ve likely put a lot of thought about it. If it’s a bad idea, then I need to figure that out myself? That’s just the way I am.” She looked down, a little sullen.