
Searching for love (still updating)

An thrilling romance about a young pretty girl and a super hot babe guy with dark secrets To catch new episodes, follow me on my instagram account @ke.n.dy to see the latest news on my story

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Episode 5

Clara woke up to the bright light in the hospital, she saw a nurse who was busy setting the drip, immediately the nurses discovered that she was finally awake.

She said ooo,you are awake please don't move, let me get the doctor now for your questioning.

Immediately she left , Clara saw a note from Nancy which said that she play along for her own good.

The doctor came with questions that were so embarrassing and annoying that she felt like a moron. It followed like this

Good day miss Clara, how are you doing? good just good

Please answer my following questions stating whether true or false are we clear? yes doctor.

Were you raped? False.

From the info I got from your boyfriend he said that you had quite an intense round with him? True

How often do you have to do this with him? once a week I guess when we are free.

So it is a regular right? True

Good so what do you say about the scratch marks in your body plus the torn clothes? I don't know maybe he got carried away.

Based on the test results it seemed like a forced action? What!!!!!!!,it isn't how many times will I tell you.

How many partners do you have before him? One just one

You don't seem like the type to enjoy this nonsense ,do you like the way you treat it or is it toxic? No doctor I'm okay with him.

You don't need to be scared Miss Clara he can't harm you here !.I know that doctor that's why I'm saying the truth.

Don't Lie ,in all my experience as a doctor I have not seen a weird case like this,you can't say that you enjoy this, I saw a lot of pain before you were conscious so say the truth? I have told you the truth doctor ,what else can I say?

Suit yourself but I want to let you leave this Hospital without receiving a proper sex therapy with your boyfriend on how to carry safe sex. what!!!!!!, I can't agree to this.

I don't know maybe due to your lack of experience you think what happened to you is normal .I need to change that mentality not even call girls get treated like this. Do whatever you want as long as I leave this place.

The doctor left angrily and immediately he left, Theresa came crying by the door.

I'm so sorry I really am Theresa said

why it wasn't your fault Clara said

I know that but I'm a party to this, I saw you walk in that direction and didn't bother to me to warn you Theresa said

what!!!!!!!!, what do you mean Clara said

Are you so dumb, so you haven't figured this out of now that it was all planned Theresa said.

I don't still understand Clara said

That was what made you an easy target when you entered College, you remember those guys who were molesting you. Theresa said

Yes I do, but what about them, how do you know that ? Clara said

because I was there duh ,those guys were the Frat Brothers Chris and Jacob Margaretta and my vows respectively.

What, but Nancy said she will help me get revenge on them the Frat Brothers Clara said

Maybe you shouldn't trust everything someone tells you,we were all there in the park when Jacob sighting you and made a nasty comment "come check out this booty" and the whole guys did,and then Nancy offered to replace you with her and Dalan agreed Theresa said

But I thought as a queen she could reject vows especially Dalan Clara said

No, whatever they told you was crab shit,a frat brother can't be without a sister, until she finds a minion and the frat brother in question agreed to replace her with the minion and that is what happened in your case. Theresa said

Nancy and Dalan were the worst vow ever they were always fighting and arguing so Nancy decided to find the perfect minion to replace her but Dalan always reject them until you came.

What ,don't lie to me Nancy promised to make me the Queen after her Clara said

That's a lie ,a big fat lie, everyone knows ,after Nancy ,Delilah will be the next queen because she's her cousin.

I have been played, so played Clara said

Nancy, Dalan and Delilah were making fun of you,calling you all sorts of names for being so stupid Theresa said.

Stop it please I can't take it anymore please tell me that Nancy did not just choose me for my body, why not Delilah said Clara

who make their cousin go through such thing maybe I should tell you the remaining story of what happened on that fateful day. when Dalan made his choice , the whole guys were begging him for a chance with you before they perfected your plan on you but he didn't budge until Nancy came up with the plan to grope you and needed two guys' help and they all bet,but Chris and Jacob won, I remember being so angry with Jacob for being so eager to grope another girl but he didn't give me the time of the day Theresa said

And that how they gathered to start groping me Clara said

Yes but it got out of hand when other boys gathered too, Nancy intervened and that was how it all happened.

An alarm sounded and Theresa begin to pack her things in haste and said" if they catch me I am a goner so please take care"

And she left and Clara was left to her despair