
Search For The Dragon Soul

In this creation their are era's. Each era will be ended in a different way only two beings in creation will achieve absolute power to fight End itself. Follow Ren on a journey to find his origin and to find more about the mystery of the era's and creation. [before the dawn of creation]: There was once a god who step on plane of nothingness, he decided to create life and two gods, the first god was Alpha and the second is Omega, both god's fell in love with each other for million's and trillion's of years. but one day calamity strike to the Alpha, he suddenly went insane for unknow purposes he started feeding of the narrative's of the book's of creation. so Omega decided to take matters into her own hands. he fight his lover for day's on end until one day, Omega finally stop the rampage of his lover, Omega managed to temporary seal Alpha. After that Omega give birth to their son Alpha Omega he procced to create two absolute power, so one day the two power's could protect all creation from the awakening of his father. P.S.. I changed the synopsis because this is much more better and that happened before the events of the first Era and this my first time writing a story hope you enjoy reading.

CJD_09 · Fantasie
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71 Chs

Theresa watching her son in severe pain

Chapter 51

"HA! HA! HA!" Theresa was panting very hard while Luna was just standing several feet away from her. she was all wear out. "(How strong is this women?)"

Luna notice Theresa was not moving and taking her time. "What's the matter? are you all wear out?" then she used her speed to get close to Theresa and she punch her hard on the stomach.

"KHHAAAAA!!" Theresa threw up blood, the slight blood went too Luna's face. when she punc Theresa, she immediately followed the punch with a down swing kick.


Theresa got send down towards the kingdom below. she crashed on the ground she was very hurt from that sequence. she was taking very deep breaths on the ground. then Luna quickly went down and slammed her foot at her stomach.

"AAAAAAAHH!!" she screamed in pain. the ground exploded when Luna slammed her foot to her stomach.

After the smoke cleared put. Luna was stepping on her stomach ruthlessly. Theresa was all bruised up and blood coming out off her mouth. but Luna wasn't done, she started stepping on her stomach more aggressively.


"AAAAHH!! AAAAAAAHHH!!!" Theresa's screams in pain can be heard from around their surroundings. Luna continued stepping on her stomach.

"Mom?!" Rey managed to spot them, he saw his mother getting step on by Luna. Without hesitating, Rey quickly charged in to try to save his mother. "HAAA!" he screamed and then he kick Luna hard right on the side of the stomach.

"GHAAA!" Luna got send back away. and she crashed on a small building.

"Mom! are you alright?!" he said in a panicked voice while his back was turned away knowing Luna might attack.

"Rey what are you doing here?!" she said in panicked voice.

"I came here to save you from that person." he replied.

"it's not safe for you too be here! you have to get out of here! come on help me stand up." she was still laying on the ground. but when Rey was about to help her stand up, her eyes widen and she gasp.

What she saw, is Luna stab Rey on the back. blood started coming off Rey's mouth, the sword that pierce his chest was now stained in blood, and the blood started going down on the ground. Theresa was horrified on what she saw, she saw his own son getting severe hurt.

"And who are you supposed to be?" she said, then she remember that the boy she stab called Theresa 'Mom'. "Oh i remember now, Hehe, this boy is your son isn't it?"

Luna want's to fight Satanael, so she has an idea on how to let out that dangerous alter ego. Luna then pushed down the sword further down on Rey's chest.

"AAAAAAHH!!" Rey was screaming in agony, he never felt any pain like this before, both off his wrist was chained down on the ground. Theresa was watching her son screaming in pain.

"REYYYYY!!" she yelled in a crying voice, so she tried quickly getting up to help him but with Luna's quick thinking she quickly chained up Theresa's neck, both wrist, and both feet on the ground. "KHHHHH!!" struggling to get herself free.

"You can't move!" Luna said, then she squish her cheeks on Rey's cheeks while looking down on Theresa. "Your only have to watch." she smiled, then she pushed down the sword even further.

"Please stop." Theresa pleading to Luna, she's horrified to hear her son screaming in pain and whimpering, Luna then hold Rey's chin and cheeks. "Oh stop? but why should i? when it's just getting interesting."

Luna was still holding Rey's chin and cheeks with her hand while looking down at Theresa. "Pull the sword out please, and let him go, I'm gonna take all the pain that he's in right now." she said.

But Luna still want to play with Rey's body. she still want's to break Theresa so that she can let out Satanael. "I don't like your offer." she then started slapping Rey's face.


Luna's was slapping Rey's face aggressively, his face started to turn red but Luna still isn't done, so she kneed Rey hard on the side of the stomach.

"GHHAAA!" Theresa was was slowly and slowly getting angry to see her son getting hurt, so her hair momentary turned white, and Luna was filled in excitement went she got a glimpse of Satanael.

"(Her hair is starting to turn white, looks like it's working)" she then look at Theresa with a slight smile. she remember his name when Theresa tried to stand up. "Would you like a kiss Rey?" she said in a lovely voice.

When Theresa heard that she got more furious and tried forcing herself to free himself from the chains. "DON'T YOU DARE KISS HIM!! I'M GONNA KILL YOU IF YOU DO THAT!!"

Luna still want's to get Theresa more furious so that she can let out Satanael. "Oh what will you do when your chained up on the ground. now come here." she look at Rey then she slowly leaned to his face.

Rey tried to move his face away but Luna hold his face firmly. then she kiss Rey right on the lips *kiss* Theresa got more angry on what she saw. then Luna kiss Rey on the cheeks. *kiss*

She then hugged Rey firmly. Rey wrist was still chained on the ground and the magic sword was still on his chest with blood, and blood coming out off his mouth. "Hey Rey would you want me to be your mother?"

She said it unexpectedly and Theresa got snapped, she tried to forcefully stand up and kill Luna but the chains was holding her down. "You BASTARD!" she yelled the her hair momentary turned white again.

"I can cook very delicious meals for you." she said in a lovely voce then she look at Theresa to see her hair was now turned white but she was still in control, so Luna decide the on finally push to let out Satanael.

Luna then summoned a magical sword and pointed at Rey's throat, she then look at Theresa on the ground. "Or should i just kill your son and I'll take his soul to create me a son." she smiled. buy Theresa fully snapped.

In a flash she break off the chains that was holding her then kick Luna and send her flying. then she incinerated the sword that pierce her son. Rey fell down on the ground unconscious on how hurt and tired he was.

Hello readers, i've created another story called Demon Lord: Path To Become Demon king, pls go check out that story I'll really appreciated it and that's all have a good day:)

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