
Sea Dragon

RIAA · Fantasie
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4 Chs

We all have secrets

A week after the coronation Victoria and Damien left Rawtenstall(Dragon kingdom),to live alone till she is ready to rule.

Damien's mother Queen Ivanka will rule the kingdom and the sea on her behalf.

They stayed at an apartment for couple instead of going to live at one of their mansions at Redhill,Damien wants to live a normal life with her before his death.

Damien has an entertainment company which he named after his wife Victoria, growing up that was her playground.

She loved dancing which she is very good at, at high school she did ballet and salsa, all kind of dance you can think of she knows them all like the back of her hand. 

She wanted to continue after her marriage to Damien and after being crowned Queen.

But Damien refused saying she still has a lot to learn as Queen, that she should learn everything in the book of Royal Dragons.

He told her she would possess the powers of a Royal blood Dragon, which was a shock to her. No told her that she would possess the powers of a Royal blood Dragon.

Why are you here, "said Victoria to her mother".

A month ago you couldn't leave me for a second,now you are married I shouldn't bother you.

no I didn't.

yes you did.

we've always lived apart why would I be attached to you.

of you wouldn't, and every night I see you in my bed looking for cuddles like a baby who couldn't leave without her mommy.

Victoria stared into her mother's eyes with shock, she didn't know her mum was aware of how she sneaked into her bed at night especially when she is worried.

How are you doing, "said Victoria".

Am good and you, "said Lucia".

Am fine,he is in his office.

How did you know I wasn't here for you?

Because you be like grab your stuff let's go or I will find my sitting in front of you at our house.

You know me too well.

mum, what is a Royal Dragon blood power?

I don't get you.

what does it means to for a non  sea dragon to the powers of the Royal Dragons.

you told me once that the Royal  Dragons are different from any other sea Dragon.

Can we have this discussion for another day, I need to talk to Damien.

Is my question more less  important than your discussion with Damien ?

Yes it is.


yes , but since I want to have a peaceful sleep at night I will answer your question.

Pure Royal Dragons are very rare , like Damien he is the only one living as a Pure Royal Dragon. They are different from other Royal Dragons.

What makes them different?

They are bigger in size and are stronger than any other creature.

Why did he say I will possess the Powers of the Royal blood Dragon.

He meant to say Pure Royal blood Dragon.

And for you to possess the powers of a Pure Royal Dragon,

it means the person has to die willing.

If he is killed the powers won't go to you,they'll fade with him in his grave.

But you don't have to worry, no such thing will happen yet.


He was making excuse for something,probably that's why he told you that .

Now if you will excuse me I have to meet someone.

With that Lucia left Victoria alone to ponder on things. 

(Damien's office) 

I see he isn't appearing since you got married.

I'm still worried.

We have bigger problems.

What happened?

I don't want her running into this man .

who is he?

Her father.

Why don't you want them to meet.

I have my reasons,he doesn't know he has a child and I planned on keeping it that way.

If he does not know he has a daughter, why bother .

she looks a lot like him.

how so ,this man in this picture looks nothing like her .

Have you ever seen her with her black hair and blue eyes.

yes just a short period of times,she is always on red hair green eyes.

Victoria has three forms her red hair and green eyes which she got from me represent her she is a fire witch, the black hair blue eyes looks she got from her father,that her werewolf side and the third which you are planning on giving her  the Pure blood of a Royal Dragon. Which is white hair and silver or blue eyes.

Do yo plan on killing my child, she already has enough on her shoulders.

What do you mean, she is the strongest witch I know besides you.

she is yet to control her beast and that's why he was appearing to you.

She won't even feel the mate bond even she sees her mate today.

But she will know he is her mate.

yes she will.

I know it will be difficult but am putting all my hopes on you to train her after am gone.

so don't let me down, please.

I should be telling that to you,

she is gonna suffer.

Well who knows she might be able to endure all.

There is one thing I haven't told you, after my father's death a man visited me.

Just one look at the man I know he was related to my father.

He is the son of the  late Prince Derek,he is the son of my uncle my father's brother.

I thought they all died.

He is the only survival, and if I die I need Victoria to protect the kingdom from him.

He won't rest till he is king .

Why hasn't he done anything yet.

He waiting for my death.

How did he know.

I wasn't supposed to be born yet that  .

unfortunately for my mom I did and she died.

So his father curse me with death.

That how he knew ,it was the doing of his father.

I still don't get why he cursed you.

He loved my mom but she didn't feel the way about him,

her death made him to it.

so your father killed everyone in his family except for his nephew.

They needed someone to rule when am gone,he never thought he would remarry.

He thought I would die and there will be no one to rule.

After his marriage to Ivanka, there was a prophecy about the birth of a female child .

Which my daughter.

yes, they said you would give birth after the Queen has given birth to two sons and the Labour will take place at the throne room .

No one believed but I did. I was told separately with my father that she could break the curse.

Yeah she was supposed to do that within a year or two when you start feeling sick.

why don't you want to uplift the curse .

Because there is someone who needs it .ore than me .

u have lived a long life,I don't mind dieing.

But that vampire Prince needs it more.

And You don't have to worry she would love him and so will he but it might be hard on her.

Then don't give it up.

like I said they will love each ,trust me.

My poor baby girl.

when will you tell her.

Tell her what .

That you are going to die.

When are you going to tell her you seeing someone.


we all have secrets

Am leaving.

say hi to Lucas for me,ok.