
scumbag ex-husband wants to remarry

A conspiracy made everyone believe that she had created a medical "miracle" and gave birth to a pair of twins, a daughter who was born from her husband, and a son who was born from an unknown father. Her husband constantly harassed and humiliated her, determined to find out who the father of the son was. The mistrust and accusations between the couple eventually led to a divorce. After uncovering the conspiracy, she finally found her biological son and only wanted to live a peaceful life with him, but her ex-husband continued to harass her every day.(Warning: Some parts are heartbreaking. Please prepare tissues.)

ArcticVoyager · Urban
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183 Chs

Unexpected joy(2)

Jane felt a bitter sweetness in her heart. "No, Mommy's here," she said. She wanted to say, "Be a good baby. Mommy will always be watching you grow up, until you succeed in your career and have a happy marriage." But her illness didn't allow her to say such irresponsible words.

Fortunately, Jill was just a child and didn't think too much about it.

After she stopped crying, Jane hugged her and kissed her face. Then she looked at John and said, "Mommy, Daddy said a bad woman bit him. He bled a lot before he was hospitalized. Daddy is very pitiful and must be in a lot of pain."

Jane, the bad woman, forced an awkward smile on her face. "Um, have you had dinner yet?"

Jill shook her head honestly, and John stared at her intently. Jane kissed Jill again, then quickly picked up the dishes on the ground and went into the kitchen.

The kitchen was well-equipped and easy to use. In less than forty minutes, three dishes and a soup were ready.

The aroma of the food filled the air. Jill sat at the dining table with great excitement, and John went to wash his hands and sat down as well. Jane sat next to Jill and helped her with the food.

John picked up his chopsticks and looked at the table full of food. There was no spicy hot pot, but there was pig blood, amaranth, braised pork knuckles with brown sugar, turtle soup, and red bean rice. He didn't know where to start.

"These are all nourishing foods. Eat more," Jane said, noticing that he wasn't moving, and she picked up a chopstick of pig blood for him.

Jane felt bitter in her heart. "No, mommy is here," she said. She wanted to say, "Be a good girl, mommy will always watch you grow up, until you have a successful career and a happy marriage." But her illness didn't allow her to say such irresponsible words.

Luckily, Jill was just a child and didn't think too much.

After she stopped crying, Jane hugged her and kissed her face. Then she looked at John and said with a heartache, "Mommy, daddy said a bad woman bit him. Daddy bled a lot and had to go to the hospital. Daddy is so pitiful and must be in a lot of pain."

Jane, the bad woman, forced an awkward smile. "Uh, have you had dinner yet?"

Jill shook her head honestly, while John stared at her without looking away. Jane kissed Jill again and then picked up the dishes on the ground and went to the kitchen.

The kitchen was well-equipped and easy to use. In less than forty minutes, three dishes and one soup were ready.

The aroma of the food wafted in the air. Jill sat happily at the dining table, while John washed his hands and sat down. Jane sat next to Jill and helped her pick up food.

John frowned and was about to refuse, but Jane kicked his leg and said, "Jill is not picky at all. She's amazing." It was as if she was saying, "Are you, an adult, picky? Is that a good example?"

John's frown deepened, but in the end, he ate the food and even had two bowls of rice.

After dinner, Jane cleaned up the dishes and came to accompany Jill. Jill brought a picture book, and Jane told her stories from book to book.

It was quiet around them, and Jane and Jill's laughter seemed particularly clear. John was infected by their emotions and lazily glanced at them. The long separation seemed fake for the mother and daughter, and they remained close as usual.

After Jane read eight picture books, Jill's eyelids began to droop, and she fell asleep next to Jane in a short time.

Jane didn't want to let go of her, so she lay down on the sofa with her. Both of them fell asleep like this.

John felt ignored and coughed. "Don't forget you're here to take care of me."

Jane was actually quite tired, and just as she was about to fall asleep, John's voice sounded like a nightmare. With her survival instinct, she struggled to sit up and looked at him with bleary eyes. "Do you need anything?"

John's face was cold, as if he didn't know what he needed.

Jane had a headache and decided to take jill to sleep on the sickbed. She looked at him and asked, "Do you want to hear a bedtime story too?"

"Shut up!"

Jane pouted and quickly closed her eyes again.

The next day, after breakfast, Brian took jill away. At John's request, Jane massaged his neck. She pressed hard and took the opportunity to make a request: "Let jill come again tonight."

John didn't say anything, which probably meant no.

She felt disappointed. It was so hard to see each other. After thinking for a moment, she said, "We have known each other since childhood and have been married for five years. Can you buy this hospital for me as a sign of our love?"

This hospital was Saint Mary's, where their child was born.