
scumbag ex-husband wants to remarry

A conspiracy made everyone believe that she had created a medical "miracle" and gave birth to a pair of twins, a daughter who was born from her husband, and a son who was born from an unknown father. Her husband constantly harassed and humiliated her, determined to find out who the father of the son was. The mistrust and accusations between the couple eventually led to a divorce. After uncovering the conspiracy, she finally found her biological son and only wanted to live a peaceful life with him, but her ex-husband continued to harass her every day.(Warning: Some parts are heartbreaking. Please prepare tissues.)

ArcticVoyager · Urban
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183 Chs

Unexpected joy(1)

Alice Garcia had a gloomy expression on her face. "She's already the company's vice president now. According to the company's rules and regulations, both you and I have to listen to her. Do you understand?" she said to Sarah Ford.

Sarah Ford had a spoiled look on her face. "Didn't you say that Starlight would be passed on to you in the future? Besides, you have Manager Shen backing you up. What is there to be afraid of?" she replied.

Alice Garcia was feeling increasingly agitated. She felt like nothing had been going smoothly for her lately. Her plan to keep Jane in a US prison had fallen through. To appease Grace Hayes, she had spent a large sum of money, but although she could talk to John, he wouldn't even respond to her, which drove her crazy.

"Are you so ignorant? Jane isn't as easy to bully as you think," she snapped impatiently.

Sarah Ford pouted, "I'm already a big star now. Why should I put up with her temper? It's ruining my image."

Alice Garcia couldn't help but laugh at her words.

"How did you become a star in the first place? Don't you know that yourself? In front of the real protagonist, you still don't know how to restrain yourself. Are you tired of living?" Alice Garcia retorted sarcastically. She was just venting her bad mood and ended up speaking the truth.

Sarah Ford was speechless and turned around, muttering to herself. She had previously been told by Alice Garcia to deliberately target Jane, but now Alice was scolding her. It seemed like she could turn on her at any moment.

Alice Garcia rubbed her temples and turned to head towards Elizabeth's office.

Jane dug up some dirt on the company's artist without anyone noticing, which was unexpected and shows that she is harder to deal with than imagined. However, she's not afraid because Jane is a mother, and she has vulnerabilities.

And she has at least two vulnerabilities.

Hmm... no matter which one you touch, it's enough to make her suffer!

Jane set an alarm on her phone. When it went off, she quickly put down her work, locked the files in her drawer, locked her office door, and headed straight to the hospital.

She arrived at the ward exactly at seven o'clock.

As soon as she entered the room, she saw a small figure in pink on the white hospital bed, blowing air near John's neck. When the door opened, the small figure immediately looked up.

Jane was stunned. It was Jill!

Since the divorce, she had never seen her. She had secretly gone to the kindergarten many times, but she never went to school.

"Jill..." She walked closer, excitedly threw her bag and the vegetables she had bought on the ground, and hugged her daughter tightly.

Jill felt a bit uncomfortable at first, seemingly unwilling, but as Jane's enthusiasm grew, her attitude softened, and then she burst into tears with a loud cry.

Jane was taken aback, hurriedly comforting her, saying "What's wrong? Why are you crying suddenly?"

She panicked and went to get tissues to wipe her tears. The girl's tears were big and hot, dropping onto the tip of her heart.

She felt sad too, her eyes turning red and feeling helpless. "Is it because of Mommy's divorce with Daddy? Or because Mommy didn't come to see you? Or... Mommy took Jack, but not you?"

These words were too heartbreaking, and she couldn't say them.

She looked at John with red eyes, but he remained calm, showing no reaction even when his daughter was crying. Receiving her pleading gaze, he simply raised his hand and gently stroked Jill's back. Jill sobbed for a while before gradually calming down, then she threw herself into her mother's arms, blinking her teary eyes and stuttering, "I thought... I would never see Mommy again."