
scumbag ex-husband wants to remarry

A conspiracy made everyone believe that she had created a medical "miracle" and gave birth to a pair of twins, a daughter who was born from her husband, and a son who was born from an unknown father. Her husband constantly harassed and humiliated her, determined to find out who the father of the son was. The mistrust and accusations between the couple eventually led to a divorce. After uncovering the conspiracy, she finally found her biological son and only wanted to live a peaceful life with him, but her ex-husband continued to harass her every day.(Warning: Some parts are heartbreaking. Please prepare tissues.)

ArcticVoyager · Urban
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183 Chs

Suspecting Four Years Ago(1)

"Jane, something bad happened, Jack has been taken away!" Summer's voice sounded next to her, shaking her to the core.

It took her a moment to come back to her senses. "What happened to Jack?" she asked.

Summer looked worried. "Jack was taken away by some men in black."

Jane suddenly stood up, realizing that Jack must have been taken by someone John had sent.

She was about to hurry to find him, but as she arrived at the hospital ward downstairs, her steps slowed down.

John had taken Jack as revenge for her colluding with Carl to deceive him. He had every intention of doing this, and even if she went to look for Jack, she wouldn't be able to find him easily, unless she met John and begged him in person.

But if they met, he would take the opportunity to force her to reveal the identity of her lover, whom she couldn't even name.

Her hesitant steps came to a complete stop.

Jack was just his tool. As long as she didn't show up, he wouldn't harm his tool.

Realizing this, she simply went back to the ward and found Summer, asking her to take care of Carl while she prepared to go to Starlight.

Her mother, Elizabeth, was a famous actress in her youth who later became a producer and founded Starlight Media. After more than a decade of operation, Starlight's reputation and strength in the entertainment industry were not inferior to Alexander, John's company.

Previously, Elizabeth used to say that she would inherit Starlight in the future, but in recent years, she hadn't mentioned it again.

Before going to Starlight, she went to Mingzhu Garden and applied light makeup and changed into a beautiful outfit before driving there.

Since being diagnosed with throat cancer, her emotions had been on the verge of collapse, and she had been worried about what would happen to her two children without a mother. She hadn't been to Starlight in a month, and a lot had happened during that time, including the destruction of her singing career.

Her appearance at Starlight seemed sudden to others, and they all looked at her with strange eyes, especially the artists in the company who she had previously overshadowed, deliberately walking past her with their noses in the air.

But she didn't care about any of that and went straight to Elizabeth's office, where she found her.

Elizabeth saw Jane and a flash of surprise quickly passed through her eyes before she stood up to greet her. "Jane, what brings you here all of a sudden? Isn't Jack still in the hospital?"

"Mom..." Jane muttered softly, feeling uneasy in front of Elizabeth.

When she was a child, her mother had loved her so much that she would go to great lengths to fulfill her every wish, even if it meant plucking the stars from the sky. However, ever since Song Ru came into their home, Elizabeth's love for her seemed to have slowly faded.

Seeing Jane hesitate to speak, Elizabeth stepped forward and took her arm. "Are you blaming Mom for being too harsh on you lately?"

Her smile was kind and motherly, just like Jane remembered from her childhood.

Jane slowly relaxed and was about to ask Elizabeth about some details regarding her childbirth when the office door suddenly burst open and Alice rushed in. Seeing Jane, she seemed surprised for a moment. "Jane, you're here!"

Jane turned to look at the open office door. Even she had to knock before entering, but Alice had just barged in.

"Jane, you've come at the perfect time! I've been nominated for the Dark Horse Award, and I might just win the Best Actress award!" Alice exclaimed excitedly, her makeup and glittering long dress making her shine.

Alice was 27 years old, two years older than Jane, and had been in the entertainment industry for a decade. She had always had the pick of the best resources, but both she and her manager had poor judgment when it came to selecting scripts and roles, causing her career to remain lukewarm in the entertainment industry.