
scumbag ex-husband wants to remarry

A conspiracy made everyone believe that she had created a medical "miracle" and gave birth to a pair of twins, a daughter who was born from her husband, and a son who was born from an unknown father. Her husband constantly harassed and humiliated her, determined to find out who the father of the son was. The mistrust and accusations between the couple eventually led to a divorce. After uncovering the conspiracy, she finally found her biological son and only wanted to live a peaceful life with him, but her ex-husband continued to harass her every day.(Warning: Some parts are heartbreaking. Please prepare tissues.)

ArcticVoyager · Urban
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183 Chs

Prove one's own innocence(2)

"What is this?" Sarah Ford bent down and picked it up from the ground. After just a few pages, her face turned pale, as did Kevin Flores's.

Jane looked coldly at the two of them, with a sarcastic smile on her lips. "Do you still have any questions?"

Sarah Ford stiffened, but stubbornly refused to admit defeat. Kevin Flores glanced at her and knew that Alice Garcia was backing Sarah Ford, but Jane had no one behind her. So she immediately conceded, "I'm sorry, Vice President. I will do my best to support your work in the future."

Jane stood up and approached Kevin Flores, patting her shoulder gently. "I have been through a lot lately and feel especially sad. And there's no one to talk to. If you really support my work, just do your job well. And one more thing..."

She suddenly leaned in close to Kevin Flores's ear. "If Alice Garcia spreads any rumors again, you'll be the first one to tell me, and there will be a big reward for you."

Jane had looked over Kevin Flores's information. She was a trained actress with a solid foundation, but unfortunately, she had gone astray and signed with Starlight two years ago, without playing any important roles. When she was desperate, she ended up in Mr. Green's bed.

Kevin Flores nodded after thinking for a moment. "I understand."

Jane waved her hand and left immediately.

Sarah Ford saw that Kevin Flores seemed to have been won over, and was so angry that she gritted her teeth and turned to leave. Jane's voice sounded faintly behind her, "Sarah Ford, if you dare to slander me again, I'll expose these scandals. In the future, you won't be able to make it in the entertainment industry."

Sarah Ford was so angry that her face turned red, but she had given Jane the handle, and she had no way out.

After dealing with the trouble, Jane began to work on two film projects, a TV drama and a movie. These two projects were the highlights of Starlight's second half of the year, and she had to do them well!

Sarah Ford, who couldn't swallow her anger, went to find Alice Garcia and told her that Jane had used scandals to threaten her. Alice Garcia's face also looked bad after hearing it.

Jane knew that Sarah Ford was a favored artist in the company, but still embarrassed her publicly. This was obviously slapping her and Elizabeth in the face.

"I'll go see her." Wrapped in anger, Alice Garcia went straight to Jane's office without knocking. Sarah Ford followed her arrogantly.

Jane saw the two of them and frowned impatiently, closing the files on her desk and putting them in the drawer before looking at them directly. "What's the matter?"

Alice Garcia glared at Jane with jealous and resentful eyes.

Jane changed into a new outfit, a light blue silk blouse with off-white trousers. Despite its simplicity, she managed to exude a sense of fashion with her elegant and composed demeanor. Her face was beautiful, with shining starry eyes and well-defined features that revealed a sense of toughness amidst her artistic elegance.

"I was worried about you just now. John took you away, are you okay?" Alice Garcia gathered her thoughts and forced herself to remain calm.

Jane raised an eyebrow, stood up, and leaned against the desk, "Do I look like I have a problem?"

In reality, she had bruises on the back of her neck from where John had grabbed her, but her hair had covered it, so no one could see.

Alice Garcia gritted her teeth. She had seen the way John looked at Jane before, like he wanted to kill her. Yet, here she was, a few hours later, appearing unscathed in the office.

"Just now, Sarah Ford offended you. I'm here to apologize on her behalf," Alice Garcia said.

Sarah Ford, standing on the side, was dumbfounded. Weren't they here to demand an explanation?

Jane smiled generously, "It's okay. Rumors end with the wise. I believe that one day, everyone will believe in me and support me."

Alice Garcia couldn't bear to listen anymore. She forced a smile, led Sarah Ford out of the office, and walked down the corridor. Sarah Ford became anxious, "Alice, why did you apologize to that bitch?"