
scumbag ex-husband wants to remarry

A conspiracy made everyone believe that she had created a medical "miracle" and gave birth to a pair of twins, a daughter who was born from her husband, and a son who was born from an unknown father. Her husband constantly harassed and humiliated her, determined to find out who the father of the son was. The mistrust and accusations between the couple eventually led to a divorce. After uncovering the conspiracy, she finally found her biological son and only wanted to live a peaceful life with him, but her ex-husband continued to harass her every day.(Warning: Some parts are heartbreaking. Please prepare tissues.)

ArcticVoyager · Urban
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183 Chs

Pierced by Ten Thousand Arrows

Jane took a step back, her gaze trembling.

John had been suspicious of her, and the paternity test had confirmed his doubts.

"Don't you trust me?" His attitude couldn't have been clearer, but she still couldn't give up.

She just couldn't believe that the man who had loved her so much didn't trust her.

John took a heavy drag of his cigarette, his tone icy cold, "Do you think you're worthy of my trust?"

"Cough... Cough..." The smoke was choking her, causing discomfort in her throat. Jane coughed hastily, clutching her chest as her back bent slightly. "I'm your wife, after all."

Tears flowed uncontrollably down her cheeks, as she coughed and choked.

Tears blurred, John's expression could not be seen clearly, only heard him coldly say: "If you tell me who the adulterer is, I may let you go earlier."

Her heart was cold.

One word of pain is not enough to describe her mood now.

More is disappointment, anger and grievance.

From beginning to end, she has only been with him.

"Miss Jane, you said, I'm very curious what kind of dog man is worth you betraying John elder brother?" Mark added fuel to the fire beside him, looking at Jane's eyes, like looking at a pile of dirt.

Jane's chest was so painful that her throat was burning like fire.

"I didn't." She opened her mouth and still defended herself.

But in return, it was John's cold sneer, "Is this protecting him?"

The cold tone, with a chill, seemed to come from hell.

The scarlet in the eyes, frightening people.

"I really didn't." Jane was frightened, she had never seen such an angry and bloody John.

John laughed coldly, extinguished the cigarette butt at the same time, coldly said: "I have ways to make you confess voluntarily, and you will definitely regret defending him today."

When Jane walked out of the identification center, she was in a trance.

She couldn't understand why Jack wasn't John's child?

She shed tears and called home.

The one who answered the phone was Jane's mother Elizabeth.

After Jane cried and finished, Elizabeth comforted her on the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Elizabeth's side Alice happily jumped up and said, "Haha, this villain finally knows that Jack is not John's kind, she is also stupid enough to pay so much energy to raise a wild species that I don't know where it comes from, think about it and be relieved."

Elizabeth waved her hand lightly, indicating Alice to be quiet.

Alice playfully stuck out her tongue and leaned in close to Elizabeth's ear, proudly saying, "Mom, that night at Jill's birthday with so many ladies and ladies present, Mrs. John let me stay overnight. She must be satisfied with me as John's daughter-in-law. Ha ha, just thinking of becoming John's woman, I feel like the whole world is mine."

Just then, a commotion came from the door.

The two of them looked over suspiciously and saw it was Jack.

"Granny——" Seeing Elizabeth, Jack greeted politely, "Why hasn't my mother come back yet?"

Jack had grown used to Jane's company, so he didn't sleep well when she didn't come home all night.

Elizabeth was just about to say that your mother would be home soon, when Alice rushed in front of Jack, seemingly pitying him, holding his small hand with a serious face, "Jack, do you remember what your aunt said to you? Your mother took you and Jill to do a paternity test yesterday…"

It rained on the way back, and Jane was drenched when she got home.

Aunt Xia saw her and felt especially sorry for her, wrapping her up in a big bath towel and nagging her for not being careful and getting wet.

She was aware of her embarrassment, but she didn't care about herself.

She asked concernedly, "Where's Jack?"

He hadn't seen her all night, he must miss her.

Aunt Xia looked up the stairs, "He's playing upstairs."

Just as Jane was about to go upstairs, Jack had already walked down.

But when he saw her, Jack had a strange expression, like a little abandoned monster, eyes red and teeth clenched.

"Jack——" She was surprised.

Jack had a cold little face and suddenly pushed her forward, "Shameless bad mother, it's your fault that Jill and I don't have the same father, so dad hates me and doesn't want us, it's all your fault…"

"I hate you!"

Jane widened her eyes, incredulously looking at the child who was pushing and shouting at her.

"What did he say?"

"Ahem--" Maybe because of the rain, she suddenly coughed violently, her throat was already uncomfortable and now it hurt sharply.

But this pain was far less than the shock Jack's words brought her.

It was like being struck by a thousand arrows through the heart.

"Jack, I won't allow you to talk nonsense. You are your father's child," she squeezed out the complete sentence between coughs, holding her throat.

But Jack didn't believe her.

He screamed uncontrollably, "You're still lying to me. Haven't you tested your blood against Dad's? Auntie even told me that I'm not his child."

John was a god-like figure, with his appearance, background, and abilities making him the envy of all. Especially for a little boy who had longed for his father's love since childhood.

Jane understood Jack's feelings.

"No, Mom didn't do anything. You are your father's child," she remained firm in her tone.

At this moment, Alice walked over leisurely, "Jane, Jack is precocious, you can't fool him."

Her tone was implying that Jane was a liar.

Jane glared at Alice in anger, "Are you deliberately inciting Jack? Using such a young child, don't you think it's shameful?"

Alice covered her mouth and giggled, "A married woman who cheats on her husband doesn't think it's shameful. What's so shameful about me?"

Jane became furious and reached out to hit Alice, but her weak body was easily restrained by Alice, who held her wrist.

"Enough!" Emma and Elizabeth came down from upstairs together, both with serious faces.

"Jane, you have gone too far in this matter," Elizabeth frowned, looking disappointed and pained.

Emma had the same expression, but with a touch of anger in his eyes, "The truth about Jack's parentage is probably known by John's family for a long time, which is why they've been so cold to you and our family for the past four years," he paused for a moment, "Jane, for the sake of our dignity, please take the initiative to divorce."

Jane couldn't believe what she was hearing and her eyes darted back and forth between Elizabeth and Emma's faces. How could her parents, just like John, not even ask her for an explanation and assume she had done something wrong?

"I didn't do anything wrong, Jack is just John's child," she held back a cough tightly, defending herself.

But what she got in return was the disappointment in her parents' eyes.

Fortunately, Aunt Xia felt sorry for her and spoke up, "Miss isn't feeling well, let her rest for a while."

Emma nodded with a worried expression on her face, while Elizabeth could barely hide her disdain.

Jane was physically and mentally exhausted, her vision turning black. In her last moment of consciousness, she heard Aunt Xia's panicked scream.

"Wherever I look, I see your shadow."

"Your name is the shortest love poem I've ever seen."

"On life's journey, there are many passersby, but I only look to you..."

It was a beautiful dream. In the dream, a girl stood on a high platform confessing her love with a song, the lyrics were captivating, making people linger.

The man smiled and leaned down to kiss her.

She woke up from the sweet dream, only to be faced with white walls and the smell of hospital disinfectant.

Alice sat confidently by her bedside, scrolling on her phone.

Seeing Jane wake up, Alice eagerly handed her the phone, "Jane, look, you're trending."

Jane reluctantly looked at the screen, the first trending headline caught her eye: Singer Jane uses a surrogate to sing for her.

The second trend: Singer Jane makes her assistant kneel down and put on her shoes.

The third trend: The morality of a certain star in the music industry!

"I didn't expect you to dominate the headlines within three hours of fainting. It's like a social media funeral, and John really went all out," Alice gleefully watched the overwhelmingly negative public opinion against Jane.

She even read out some of the comments with great enthusiasm, "I used to think she was a breath of fresh air in the music industry, but I didn't expect her to be so disgusting. She can't even sing her own songs and has to resort to using a surrogate."

"She's really shameless, making her assistant kneel down to put on her shoes. How good can her character be?"

"According to my deep digging, Jane stole those popular lyrics from other musicians, and her claim of donating 30% of her album profits to charity is also fake... This woman's list of crimes is endless!"

Jane felt lost and helpless, unable to believe what was happening.

She has loved music since she was a child, and at the age of 18, she became popular with her first personal album. Over the years, she has worked diligently on original music, never participating in any variety shows or commercial performances, purely dedicated to music.

Music is her lifelong pursuit and passion, but now, her image as a singer has been completely destroyed by the harsh criticism.

"Do you think John did all of this?" she said dryly, her mind feeling a bit empty.