
scumbag ex-husband wants to remarry

A conspiracy made everyone believe that she had created a medical "miracle" and gave birth to a pair of twins, a daughter who was born from her husband, and a son who was born from an unknown father. Her husband constantly harassed and humiliated her, determined to find out who the father of the son was. The mistrust and accusations between the couple eventually led to a divorce. After uncovering the conspiracy, she finally found her biological son and only wanted to live a peaceful life with him, but her ex-husband continued to harass her every day.(Warning: Some parts are heartbreaking. Please prepare tissues.)

ArcticVoyager · Urban
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183 Chs

pass on to Jill's dad(2)

"Jane, don't struggle anymore. Come with me, Alice Garcia will bring your son back home," Carl Edwards pulled her, she stumbled and walked towards his Honda car.

At this moment, Alice Garcia got out of the passenger seat and walked straight to Jack.

When Jack saw her, he snarled like a mad beast and shouted loudly, "Let go of my mom, let go of my mom."

He crawled up and ran towards Carl Edwards, with Alice Garcia unable to catch him.

"Carl Edwards, help me!" Alice Garcia shouted.

Jack collided with Carl Edwards like a bullet, which was equivalent to throwing himself into the trap. Carl Edwards grabbed him with one hand, and Alice Garcia immediately came over to pick him up, "Your mom and Uncle Edwards have something to do, you come home with me."

"I don't want to, I want to be with my mom." Jack struggled constantly, and Alice Garcia became angry. She secretly pinched Jack's flesh, causing him to cry and speak intermittently.

Jane looked at this scene and felt sorry for Jack. She wanted to rush over and hug him, but Carl Edwards hugged her and turned her around to put her in the car. She kicked the ground and waved her arms to stop him. At this moment, a strong light shone on them, and a Wrangler Jeep stopped in front of them.

The car door opened, and a pair of long legs first showed, it was Mark Cooper.

He looked at them and glanced at Jane and Jack's faces. As a doctor, he immediately saw that Jane was not normal. He walked up to Carl Edwards, "Let her go."

Carl Edwards had met Mark Cooper at Jane and John's wedding and knew he was the son of the Cooper family. He couldn't afford to offend him because of his power and status, "Jane was drugged at the banquet, and I just wanted to take her to the hospital."

Mark Cooper was impatient, "I told you to let her go."

Carl Edwards' face stiffened, and he had to let go. Jane couldn't stand steady and was about to fall down, but Mark Cooper calmly reached out and supported her. He pulled her onto his own car and looked back at Jack, who was crying heartbreakingly in Alice Garcia's arms, "Let him go."

He doesn't like children and hates it most when they cry and make noise. It annoys him to no end.

Mark Cooper is John's close friend, and to win John's favor, it's essential to gain Mark Cooper's approval. Thinking of this, Alice Garcia pleasingly let go of Jack. Jack fell to the ground and then, with his short legs, climbed towards Mark Cooper's car.

But the car was too high, and he fell a few times and couldn't get in. He looked pitiful.

Mark Cooper walked over with a fierce face and picked him up, throwing him into the car. "Sit still and don't move," he said.

Jane saw Jack and hugged him tightly in her arms. Jack checked her condition.

Mark Cooper drove away, with a cold face and his gaze frequently glancing towards the back seat. He received a phone call but didn't tell John because he thought Jane just wanted to bother him. He had never intended to come in the first place.

The car drove fast and arrived at the Flame Club. Mark Cooper got out of the car and pulled Jane out, but Jack wanted to follow, and Mark Cooper stopped him. "You stay in the car, and I'll find someone to take you home."

Jack glared, "I don't want to. I want to be with my mom."

Mark Cooper sneered, "You're such a troublesome kid. If you don't listen, I'll throw your mom on the road."

Jack looked at the busy road, and if his mom was thrown on it, she would get hit by a car. He tightly pursed his lips and watched his mom being taken away. Soon after, an uncle arrived, drove him home.