
scumbag ex-husband wants to remarry

A conspiracy made everyone believe that she had created a medical "miracle" and gave birth to a pair of twins, a daughter who was born from her husband, and a son who was born from an unknown father. Her husband constantly harassed and humiliated her, determined to find out who the father of the son was. The mistrust and accusations between the couple eventually led to a divorce. After uncovering the conspiracy, she finally found her biological son and only wanted to live a peaceful life with him, but her ex-husband continued to harass her every day.(Warning: Some parts are heartbreaking. Please prepare tissues.)

ArcticVoyager · Urban
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183 Chs

Meeting with Mr. Green(2)

However, not only did she leave the house, but she also dressed very sexily and beautifully, with a bright radiance between her eyebrows, not at all like someone who had been deeply affected.

When Sarah Ford saw that Jane was in such good spirits, she immediately became unhappy and spoke rudely, "Miss Jane, it's the middle of the night, and you're dressed like this in a hotel. Are you here to work as a prostitute?"

Although Jane was mentally prepared, she still felt uncomfortable, especially in front of this person who had blatantly stolen all of her achievements and could still brazenly act arrogant in front of her.

"What I do is none of your business." Jane raised her chin slightly. Even if she was hurting and resentful inside, she remained poker-faced to avoid becoming the laughingstock and letting others enjoy a good laugh at her expense.

"You—" Sarah Ford was unwilling to accept this and puffed out her chest, almost bumping into Jane, "Didn't you say last time that I had no works? I'm different now, with a ton of classic works that are beyond your reach."

Jane couldn't help but laugh at her.

There are still shameless people like her in the world.

To brazenly claim her works as her own and still have the audacity to boast in front of the original creator?

"You're just a shameless thief, what do you have that's worth looking up to?" She mercilessly fired back.

Sarah Ford was so angry that she wanted to slap Jane in the face, but Jane dodged and took advantage of the opportunity to push her. She stumbled and twisted her ankle in the 12cm high heels she was wearing, falling to the ground.

"Jane, you bitch!" Sarah Ford screamed in pain and spewed out vicious insults.

Jane coldly glanced at her and walked away.

After Jane left, Lisa approached and helped Sarah Ford up. "Jane is so arrogant, she has no value left and still dares to treat you like this."

This comment undoubtedly added fuel to the fire.

Sarah Ford gritted her teeth in pain. "I won't let that bitch get away with this."

Lisa's eyes flickered.

Alice Garcia had appointed her as Sarah Ford's agent to better control her. Sarah Ford was a pawn that could be used to make money for the company and also add an enemy to Jane, killing two birds with one stone.

Jane went home, took three careful showers, and then fell asleep.

In these few days, Brian clearly felt that the big boss was not in a good mood, and so did everyone else.

The entire CEO office floor was filled with a sense of depression, and people dared not even breathe heavily.

In the pantry, a secretary couldn't help but ask Brian about the situation, "Mr. Brian, what's going on?"

Brian was also confused, "All I know is that it started five days ago."

The pantry was a place to catch one's breath, and people were less careful with their words. Someone joked, "Five days ago? My goddess just fell from grace five days ago, and I've been in a bad mood for the past five days."

"Are you talking about Jane finding Sarah Ford to lip-sync for her? I saw the news too, it's just outrageous."

"Come on, the entertainment industry is so cutthroat. Jane has been in the industry for seven years, and who in their right mind would be willing to hide behind the scenes for seven years? Besides, I looked up Sarah Ford's family background online, and her parents are just ordinary office workers. They couldn't have afforded to send her to learn so many instruments, and she never won any music awards when she was a child. Jane, on the other hand, has been winning awards at various music festivals since she was young... Do you really think she needs someone to lip-sync for her?"

Most of the people who could work for the John family were graduates of prestigious universities with high cognitive abilities. Hearing his explanation, everyone suddenly realized and began to criticize Starlight for their unscrupulous behavior.

"Do you really understand her?" John suddenly asked, releasing the pent-up tension among the elite group.