
scumbag ex-husband wants to remarry

A conspiracy made everyone believe that she had created a medical "miracle" and gave birth to a pair of twins, a daughter who was born from her husband, and a son who was born from an unknown father. Her husband constantly harassed and humiliated her, determined to find out who the father of the son was. The mistrust and accusations between the couple eventually led to a divorce. After uncovering the conspiracy, she finally found her biological son and only wanted to live a peaceful life with him, but her ex-husband continued to harass her every day.(Warning: Some parts are heartbreaking. Please prepare tissues.)

ArcticVoyager · Urban
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183 Chs

Male fans' support(1)

The night outside the window was dark, and since she had returned, she had been staying at home with Jack for three days.

George sent her an email saying that the situation was very complicated, and there was a great deal of uncertainty about whether they would find the child in the end.

It was impossible to have results in three to five days. It might take several months, or even a year or two. She needed to be psychologically prepared.

If there was any news, she would be notified immediately.

While lost in thought, she received a message from Oliver on WeChat, "There's a rumor going around the company that Alice Garcia will become the inheritor. Is this what your parents intended?"

She looked at the message and didn't know how to respond.

Did her parents have no hope for her and put their hopes on a stranger?

Or was Alice Garcia just to scheming?

After changing her words back and forth, she finally settled on three words, "Not gonna happen."

The Starlight company would be inherited by her, and so would the Garcia family. Alice Garcia wouldn't be able to take anything from her.

"You're already abroad, how are you going to fight for it?" Oliver clearly felt that the wind had changed in Starlight and spoke these words. Originally, he had nothing to do with this matter, but he couldn't bear to see Jane being wronged, nor could he tolerate Alice Garcia's arrogant attitude.

He really hoped that Jane could come back to the company and put her foot down on her.

"I have a way." After replying four words to Oliver, she got up to see Jack. The little guy fell asleep after listening to stories with his reading pen for a while, and she kissed his forehead before going to sleep herself.

The next day, she took Jack to kindergarten as usual. Jack asked her in confusion, "Mom, don't we need to hide anymore?"

She smiled and shook her head, "No need."

Jack cheered and happily went into the kindergarten.

After leaving the kindergarten, she went straight to the CBD area of the city and found the Chen's office building, walking into the lobby gracefully.

S City was a metropolitan city on par with the Imperial Capital. There were many wealthy families in the city, and Chen's was one of them. Although not as influential as John's, with the capital of Garcia, they were still out of her league.

When she asked to see Brandon Chen by name, the front desk thought she was some disabled internet celebrity. After all, she wore a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses, showing only her pointed chin. So the front desk was not polite and said she couldn't see him without an appointment.

She was in no hurry and sat in the lobby waiting slowly.

As it approached noon, she finally saw Brandon Chen come out of the private elevator.

He was wearing a dark pink suit, tall and straight, with broad shoulders and long legs. His face was also very handsome. She quickly took off her hat and sunglasses and walked over to him, "Brandon Chen."

Suddenly hearing a familiar voice, Brandon Chen was momentarily startled. When he saw Jane standing in front of him, his deep black eyes lit up, "Jane, what brings you here?"

Jane smiled, "It's been a long time. I want to invite you to dinner."

Brandon Chen was very happy and took Jane to a Chinese restaurant. As they sat down and ordered their food, Jane looked at Alex's calm demeanor and her slightly nervous mood relaxed.

Brandon Chen is one of her fans. He liked her songs when she just debuted and had specifically come to see her many times. They often discussed music together.

Later, when she got married, they gradually lost contact to avoid suspicion.

"I heard you got divorced?" Just as they put down their menus, Brandon Chen looked at her with an approving look.

She lowered her eyes and nodded gently. Brandon Chen let out a refreshing laugh, "Good for you. What's so great about John, a cold and boring man? And he even let Kevin intentionally slander you, he deserves to be condemned."

Brandon Chen had been on a business trip abroad for a while and had just returned to S City in the past two days.