
scumbag ex-husband wants to remarry

A conspiracy made everyone believe that she had created a medical "miracle" and gave birth to a pair of twins, a daughter who was born from her husband, and a son who was born from an unknown father. Her husband constantly harassed and humiliated her, determined to find out who the father of the son was. The mistrust and accusations between the couple eventually led to a divorce. After uncovering the conspiracy, she finally found her biological son and only wanted to live a peaceful life with him, but her ex-husband continued to harass her every day.(Warning: Some parts are heartbreaking. Please prepare tissues.)

ArcticVoyager · Urban
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183 Chs

Humiliated while confessing love(1)

During the confession, Alice Garcia was humiliated

Alice Garcia could barely meet Vivian West's gaze, but Vivian West stared at her directly with a gentle and playful smile, "John, am I interrupting your beautiful confession?"

Her tone was gentle and lacked any attack.

Just as Alice Garcia was about to let out a sigh of relief, Mark Cooper sneered with disdain, "She's just a flashy actress who's relying on Jane's family name. Being confessed to by someone like her will only lower your value."

Vivian West frowned, disagreeing, "Cooper, how can you say that about a girl?"

Mark Cooper sneered again, "She's trying to steal your lover, and you're still protecting her?"

Vivian West looked at Alice Garcia and smiled indifferently, "John and I haven't even gotten engaged yet. If you have the courage, compete with me fairly."

"Her? Is she even worthy?" Mark Cooper held Alice Garcia in contempt.

Alice Garcia had always thought highly of herself, and ever since she changed her name to Garcia, she had never been insulted like this before. In front of Vivian West, she felt inferior and couldn't even lift her head. However, with the confession already made, there was no going back.

Taking a deep breath, she ignored Mark Cooper and Vivian West and gazed affectionately at the cold and aloof John, "John, can you consider me?"

She seemed to muster up all her courage in front of Vivian West.

John looked at her and curled his sexy lips in a cold sneer, "Sorry, I'm not interested in you."

He had already seen through Alice Garcia's intentions towards him, even before he divorced Jane. She had deliberately or inadvertently approached him, even trying to gain attention from his mother.

Unfortunately, everything she had done was in vain.

Alice Garcia was rejected mercilessly. Before she could even feel heartbroken, Mark Cooper started to ridicule her, "She's a prostitute, and what's so good about her?"

Alice Garcia couldn't take it anymore and tears started to pour down her face. She retorted, "I'm not like Jane who can't live without men. I am pure."

Mark Cooper sneered, "We just heard you say that you were keeping yourself for John. Unfortunately, John doesn't want you."

The phrase "keeping oneself pure" was emphasized so much that it sounded like a joke.

Alice Garcia's face turned red with anger, and she glared at Mark Cooper before covering her face and running away.

After Alice left, Mark Cooper frowned with disgust and went over to John's side, "This shameless woman deserves to be humiliated. Let's make sure she never has the guts to come back."

Vivian West disagreed and shook her head, "Cooper, you're not gentle with girls."

Mark Cooper shrugged off her comment and shifted his gaze to John. John looked at him questioningly, and he suddenly realized that he was getting in the way. John gestured to him, and they walked ten meters away from Vivian West.

"I checked the medical system. Jane just has a common cold, nothing serious," Mark Cooper said.

It was already dark, and they were standing under a streetlamp with dim light, obscuring the shadow that flickered across Mark Cooper's face.