
scumbag ex-husband wants to remarry

A conspiracy made everyone believe that she had created a medical "miracle" and gave birth to a pair of twins, a daughter who was born from her husband, and a son who was born from an unknown father. Her husband constantly harassed and humiliated her, determined to find out who the father of the son was. The mistrust and accusations between the couple eventually led to a divorce. After uncovering the conspiracy, she finally found her biological son and only wanted to live a peaceful life with him, but her ex-husband continued to harass her every day.(Warning: Some parts are heartbreaking. Please prepare tissues.)

ArcticVoyager · Urban
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183 Chs

Have no shame(1)

Carl Edwards' eyes flickered with surprise, but in an instant, he regained his composure.

Jane was not a fool who only knew how to sing. It was not surprising that she realized the key to the situation after being repeatedly bombarded. But even if she knew, what could she do?

"Outside, I, Carl Edwards, have a good reputation. In the company, I have the support of Elizabeth. How can't I afford to be a top player?"

Jane sneered. Carl Edwards' thick skin was almost as good as Alice Garcia's.

"Jane, sis..." As the two faced off, Oliver Ford walked over, happy to see Jane.

Kevin Flores, who was not far away, saw the commotion and walked over as well. The two of them chatted and laughed with Jane and Jack, while Carl Edwards turned and walked away.

"What were you two just talking about?" Alice Garcia walked up to Carl Edwards and narrowed her eyes, asking.

Carl Edwards clenched his fists in secret. "She said I'm not qualified to be Oliver Ford and Kevin Flores' agent."

Alice Garcia sneered. "Whether you're qualified or not is up to the company, not her."

Hearing this, Carl Edwards' heart, which he had been holding, fell back into his chest. Perhaps it was his upbringing and lack of support that made him overly insecure and sensitive. Even though he knew Jane was isolated and helpless, her aura of confidence and strength still intimidated him.

This woman was like a dazzling star in the sky, making one want to smash her with a stick.

Alice Garcia sensed Carl Edwards' surging thoughts and smiled, leaning in to whisper in his ear, "Do you want to pin her down and ravish her?"

Carl Edwards glanced at Alice Garcia. The two of them were like grasshoppers on the same boat, and there was no need to hide anything. "Yes."

Alice Garcia chuckled lightly. "Why wait? Why not just go for it?"

After chatting with Kevin Flores for a while, Jane and Oliver went to speak with the director about the filming process. While they were talking, the assistant director had already started shooting a fight scene between Alice Garcia and Kevin Flores. Kevin Flores performed very well, but Alice Garcia had to redo the scene five or six times, and Kevin Flores ended up shooting for a long time due to exhaustion.

"You have a good eye for people. Kevin Flores has some talent and is diligent, hardworking, and low-key. With more practice, his acting skills will definitely improve. As for how famous he will become, it's hard to say," said the director honestly. In the entertainment industry, even if you have good acting skills, it doesn't guarantee success, especially with the recent trend. Even those who champion acting skills like him find it hard to tolerate.

Jane understood the director's meaning and nodded, "I know, as long as I'm here, I'll try my best to fight for resources for him."

The director smiled, "Oliver Ford is also good. He's patient and not arrogant. For his age, it's commendable that he has studied the script and character so thoroughly."

Before, Jane had recommended Oliver Ford to him, but he had disagreed since Oliver was too young and he was afraid he wouldn't be able to handle the role of the male lead.

Both of her recommendations were praised, and Jane was very happy. So, when the director invited her to the opening banquet that night, she did not refuse.

At 8 o'clock in the evening, the crew finished work, and the banquet was ready. Jane sat with Jack at the director's table, and many people came to toast them, but Jack politely refused, "My mom is sick, so I can't drink."

His voice was firm and full of vitality, and he wasn't intimidated by the unfamiliar faces. When someone wouldn't take no for an answer, he climbed onto his chair, stood tall, and stared at them coldly with his hands on his hips. He asked, "I said my mom can't drink. She's so pretty and beautiful. How can you force her?"

After being scolded by him, they no longer dared to insist.