
scumbag ex-husband wants to remarry

A conspiracy made everyone believe that she had created a medical "miracle" and gave birth to a pair of twins, a daughter who was born from her husband, and a son who was born from an unknown father. Her husband constantly harassed and humiliated her, determined to find out who the father of the son was. The mistrust and accusations between the couple eventually led to a divorce. After uncovering the conspiracy, she finally found her biological son and only wanted to live a peaceful life with him, but her ex-husband continued to harass her every day.(Warning: Some parts are heartbreaking. Please prepare tissues.)

ArcticVoyager · Urban
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183 Chs

Excessive blood loss(2)

Mark Cooper frowned as Brian only told him to hurry to the hospital on the phone without mentioning how John got injured. It turned out to be a human bite, "What did John do wrong to Miss Jane? They even got divorced, and she still treated John like this?"

Jane lowered her head, looking like a well-behaved student.

To be fair, she did use a bit too much force. After all, John was just trying to scare her and make her reveal who her lover was. But instead, she bit down hard, causing him to lose 800ml of blood. If Mrs. Land found out, she could probably pull out one of Jane's teeth directly.

Now she was only getting scolded a bit, which she felt was already very light.

The door of the emergency room opened, and John was pushed out. His wound had been treated and covered with gauze, but his complexion didn't look good.

Mark Cooper walked over and spoke forcefully, "With a bite wound and cervical spondylosis, you need to be hospitalized for rest."

John didn't say anything.

He just looked at Jane and raised his finger to point at her. Jane had to walk to his side and heard him say, "You're responsible for taking care of me."

Jane frowned. She had just become the Vice President of Starlight and had a lot of work to do. How could she have time to serve this gentleman?

But their three-month contract had not yet expired, and she was primarily responsible for this incident. She nodded helplessly, "Okay, Mr. John."

She didn't know what she had done to offend him, but John's face turned slightly cold, "And my medical expenses, you'll pay."

A great CEO wanted her, a small figure, to pay for his medical expenses?

"Mark Cooper nodded in agreement, 'And there's also compensation for mental anguish, lost wages, nutrition expenses, transportation expenses, my consultation fee... After John recovers, I'll compile the bill and send it to you.'"

Kevin pointed at himself, "And don't forget my suit, the latest Armani. I'll show you the receipt."

Jane looked at the three men, her anger simmering inside, but she kept silent and forced a smile. "Okay, you can come to me later."

John was staying in a VVIP room with a suite attached, complete with a small kitchen and bathroom, much like a hotel.

Kevin and Mark Cooper lingered by John's bedside, both casting suspicious glances at Jane. Kevin couldn't help but speak up first, "It was her who bit you like this. Aren't you afraid she'll do it again if you keep her here?"

Mark Cooper didn't trust Jane either. "They say women's hearts are the most treacherous. What if she poisons you while you're asleep? The hospital has plenty of senior nurses, why bother with her?"

"She won't dare," John said.

Kevin and Mark Cooper were skeptical and wanted to persuade him more, but John grew impatient. "I need to rest. You guys can leave now."

The two had no choice but to leave.

After cleaning the blood off her hands, Jane ordered fruits, flowers, and some home-cooked meals online. With her touch, the hospital room that had been filled with the scent of disinfectant now had a touch of floral fragrance and a homey atmosphere.

As she sliced a large apple, she noticed it was almost four o'clock and grew restless.

John had already taken a nap and woke up to eat the apple she had cut. Seeing how fidgety she was, his eyes grew heavy. "Do you want to leave?"

Jane looked at him uneasily, her hands fidgeting. "I've finally become Starlight's deputy general manager. Everyone who opposes me in the company is watching me like a hawk. If I take too much time off, it won't be good."

John fell silent for a moment, until he finished the apple and lifted his eyelids. "How could Jack's real father abandon you like this?"