
scumbag ex-husband wants to remarry

A conspiracy made everyone believe that she had created a medical "miracle" and gave birth to a pair of twins, a daughter who was born from her husband, and a son who was born from an unknown father. Her husband constantly harassed and humiliated her, determined to find out who the father of the son was. The mistrust and accusations between the couple eventually led to a divorce. After uncovering the conspiracy, she finally found her biological son and only wanted to live a peaceful life with him, but her ex-husband continued to harass her every day.(Warning: Some parts are heartbreaking. Please prepare tissues.)

ArcticVoyager · Urban
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183 Chs

Demanding justice(1)

Aunt Xia nodded, "As you said, everything is ready."

Jane nodded and, with Aunt Xia's support, returned to her room. She changed into loose white clothes and removed her makeup. Then she knocked on Franklin Garcia's door as she had planned.

Franklin Garcia had been on a business trip until recently and had just returned to S city on the second day that Jane went to A city. He had also been dealing with gastrointestinal problems and was recuperating at home.

"Come in." Franklin Garcia's voice was weak.

Jane lowered her head and, as she turned the doorknob, quietly encouraged herself. When the door opened, she rushed towards Franklin Garcia, clutching her throat in misery. Franklin Garcia was startled by her strange appearance, "Jane--"

He was sitting on the sofa by the window, drinking tea, and thought he had seen a ghost when Jane came running towards him.

Jane stumbled and fell to his feet, tears streaming down her face. "Dad, daddy..."

Her voice was broken and harsh, which startled Franklin Garcia, "What happened to you, Jane?"

She was his own daughter, and he was shocked to hear that she had cancer. He reached out and helped her up, and Jane grabbed onto his arm, tears pouring down her face as she said with difficulty, "Dad, I don't have cancer. It was Carl Edwards and Alice Garcia who conspired to harm me. Dad, you have to help me."

Jane was rarely seen crying, and her beauty added to the sadness of the moment. Franklin Garcia was moved despite his heart of stone, and he was even more surprised by what she said, "You don't have cancer? What happened?"

He had been upset that he had lost a potential marriage alliance with Jane because of her sudden illness. But now he realized that it was all a lie.

Tears flowed down Jane's face like pearls, "Dad, Carl Edwards bribed the doctor who was treating me and said I had throat cancer, but I was poisoned. Later, when I was at home, I drank Jack's sugar-frosted snow pear, and I was poisoned again. Someone poisoned the sugar, and that person was my cousin."

She was shaking all over as she spoke, not out of anger, but because speaking was difficult. She could feel the sweat on her forehead.

Even breathing had become difficult.

"They...they were jealous of me and destroyed my voice." She pointed to her throat, full of anger and sorrow.

Franklin Garcia watched her and thought about how she had loved music since she was a child, and how her singing had become incredibly popular later on. When he came back from his business trip, he heard from people that Carl Edwards had stolen over 50 million from her. That much money would have been enough to invest in the Garcia family's conglomerate and solve their urgent financial difficulties, but it had been swallowed up by an outsider.

"This is outrageous." He angrily slapped the table. "I'll call Alice Garcia back now and make her explain to you."

Jane's face was full of tears, but she shook her head. "Dad, please don't. Mom is protecting her, and I don't want to cause trouble for you."

Franklin Garcia frowned. He knew that Elizabeth was protecting this niece to some extent, but she was still just a niece, not a blood relative. "It's okay. Just wait. Dad will definitely seek justice for you."

Since she didn't have cancer and with this face, she could still marry into a good family and bring more glory to the Garcia family. Even though he was usually indifferent, he couldn't let outsiders threaten his daughter's life.

Franklin Garcia made a few phone calls.

In less than half an hour, Elizabeth and Alice Garcia hurried back. They came to Franklin Garcia's room, puzzled, and when they saw Jane sitting on the sofa, her eyes swollen from crying, they couldn't help but feel wary.

Franklin Garcia looked at Alice Garcia with a cold face. "Jane says you poisoned her. Is it true?"

Alice Garcia trembled. She had been very careful when poisoning Jane, sending away all the servants at the time, except for Elizabeth. "Dad, I don't know what she's talking about."