
scumbag ex-husband wants to remarry

A conspiracy made everyone believe that she had created a medical "miracle" and gave birth to a pair of twins, a daughter who was born from her husband, and a son who was born from an unknown father. Her husband constantly harassed and humiliated her, determined to find out who the father of the son was. The mistrust and accusations between the couple eventually led to a divorce. After uncovering the conspiracy, she finally found her biological son and only wanted to live a peaceful life with him, but her ex-husband continued to harass her every day.(Warning: Some parts are heartbreaking. Please prepare tissues.)

ArcticVoyager · Urban
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183 Chs

Can only rely on oneself(2)

"Whimper..." Carl Edwards couldn't make a sound as the police dragged him out. His gaze was fixed on Elizabeth, hoping she could save him, but she lowered her head and pretended to read the files in front of her.

Alice Garcia, who had been following the meeting results closely, arrived just in time to see Carl Edwards being dragged away with his mouth covered. She was stunned.

Carl Edwards also saw her and, with some unknown strength, broke free from the police and ran to Alice Garcia, looking at her with pleading eyes and a face full of "save me, save me".

Alice Garcia furrowed her brow fiercely and said, "Who are you people, daring to arrest someone here?"

Her tone was particularly arrogant, after all, this was Starlight, a place where she had the final say.

"We are the police," said one of the plainclothes officers, coldly.

Alice Garcia was so shocked that she took a step back and looked subconsciously at Elizabeth. Seeing Elizabeth shaking her head at her, she quickly distanced herself from Carl Edwards.

Carl Edwards furrowed his brow in distress, whimpering frantically, hoping that Alice Garcia would save him.

Alice Garcia bit her lip, turned her head away, and ignored him. The plainclothes officer regained control of Carl Edwards and dragged him towards the staircase.

Carl Edwards turned his head back, staring at Alice Garcia with a fixed gaze.

Alice Garcia clenched her fists at her side and trembled slightly.

"The meeting is adjourned here," Elizabeth announced expressionlessly, standing up to leave.

Jane spoke up at this moment, "I have a candidate for a talent agent. I will send her personal information to everyone later and hope that everyone can give her more support."

Mr. Green immediately said, "If it weren't for General Garcia, we would have been fooled by Carl Edwards. With General Garcia's cautious attitude, the person she chooses will definitely not be inferior. Rest assured, we will support her."

The other executives nodded in agreement and then dispersed.

After everyone had left, Elizabeth's face was dark. "Jane, you should have told me about Carl Edwards earlier."

If she had known earlier, she wouldn't have lost face today.

Jane lowered her head with a faint smile. Elizabeth obviously only helped Alice Garcia, while Jane could only rely on herself and be careful with every step she took.

Suppressing her bitterness, she apologized, "I'm sorry, Mom. I only received the evidence five minutes before the meeting, and I didn't have time to notify you."

Elizabeth snorted and turned to leave the meeting room.

Alice Garcia was still standing at the door, looking slightly pale.

"Cousin, why do you look so awful?" Jane walked over and looked at Alice Garcia with concern.

Alice Garcia was so angry that her teeth itched. She snorted heavily and turned to leave.

She followed Elizabeth into her office, and as soon as the door closed, she cursed Jane. After a bitter scolding, she waved her fists. "Jane is getting more and more outrageous. She dared to send Carl Edwards to prison. What else is she not afraid of? I'm so angry!"

They had finally found a valuable piece of information, and now it was all wasted!

Elizabeth sat behind her desk, drinking coffee elegantly. After Alice Garcia had finished venting, she smiled and comforted her. "What's the rush? She has cancer and won't be able to cause trouble for much longer. We just need to wait."

Alice Garcia's eyes flashed.

Only she and Carl Edwards knew the truth about Jane's cancer. Nobody else was aware.

Yesterday, Carl Edwards had given her the medicine. All she had to do was to slip it into Jane's tea when the time was right. She would have a cancer attack, and even if she didn't die, she would become mute.

Thinking of this, her turbulent heart calmed down. "You're right. She's just a cancer patient. I don't have to be afraid of her."