
scumbag ex-husband wants to remarry

A conspiracy made everyone believe that she had created a medical "miracle" and gave birth to a pair of twins, a daughter who was born from her husband, and a son who was born from an unknown father. Her husband constantly harassed and humiliated her, determined to find out who the father of the son was. The mistrust and accusations between the couple eventually led to a divorce. After uncovering the conspiracy, she finally found her biological son and only wanted to live a peaceful life with him, but her ex-husband continued to harass her every day.(Warning: Some parts are heartbreaking. Please prepare tissues.)

ArcticVoyager · Urban
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183 Chs

All of them came to torture her(2)

"Unworthy of virtue? Her own mother, conspiring with outsiders to scheme against her, is that called having virtue?"

Jane lowered her head, her eyes filled with a mocking cold light. She was just testing the waters with her words, without any hope of actually achieving anything. This couple had long stopped treating her like a daughter.

After dinner, Jack watched TV in the living room while Jane went upstairs to her room. At the door, she was stopped by Alice Garcia. "Jane, how does it feel to watch your lifelong honors being taken away from you?"

Jane's heart ached, but she forced a smile on her face. "Those honors are all in the past. They won't take away anything from me now. It's not a big deal." Her voice was light and her beautiful face shone brightly, as if she truly didn't care. This sharp pain pierced Alice Garcia's heart.

"Don't pretend, Jane. I know how much you care about music. I know you're hurting, but you have no choice. You're at the mercy of the company. Even if you go to work and put on a show, no one will listen to you."

"Is that so? Maybe fate will help me." Jane remained calm and composed, but her heart was in agony.

Alice Garcia sneered, "Will fate work with John? Let me tell you, John is taking me out to dinner tomorrow. Our relationship is not what it used to be. Sooner or later, I will become the mistress of the John family."

Jane laughed.

Mrs. Land's favored daughter-in-law candidate has always been Vivian West. In terms of background, Vivian West and John are a match made in heaven, and in terms of looks, she outshines Alice Garcia by miles. Alice Garcia is really naive.

"Well, good luck to you then." Jane opened the bedroom door and went inside to rest.

Alice Garcia saw that Jane was not angry or jealous at all, so she snorted and walked into Elizabeth's bedroom with a stern face. At that moment, Franklin Garcia was in the study, and the two of them could talk for a while.

"Mom, this Jane is so annoying, like a cockroach that won't die. She's driving me crazy," Alice said, her eyebrows furrowed with displeasure.

Elizabeth had just finished taking a shower and was sitting in front of the vanity, applying skincare products from head to toe. "Even the strongest person has a limit. Let's wait and see. If she doesn't improve, we'll make her suffer even more," she replied calmly.

Alice Garcia walked over and gave Elizabeth a shoulder massage with a grin. "Mom, you always love me the most."

Elizabeth smiled, and the two of them were so happy together that they looked like a mother and daughter.

The next day, Jane dressed up and went to work at Starlight. It was Monday, and the company had its regular morning meeting where important events were announced and discussed.

After several days of fermenting, the replacement incident was already well-known.

Before, Starlight's artists didn't dare to embarrass her in person, but now it was different. As soon as she entered the lobby of Starlight, someone poured a bucket of cold water on her and said, "Die, plagiarist! Don't come here and tarnish our Starlight."

She lifted her head coldly. Even though every artist at Starlight knew she was the real singer, they joined in attacking her along with those ignorant netizens.

"I'll remember you," she said coldly, determined to remember all those who had targeted her and make them pay.

"Hmph, you have no capital left, yet you're still here showing off. Who's afraid of you?" Sarah Ford also came to the company and joined in the collective attack against Jane.

Jane smirked and glanced at her wristwatch. The meeting was about to start, and she didn't bother with these petty people. She headed straight for the conference room.

"Jane, you really know how to act high and mighty. You pretend to be indifferent on the surface, but behind our backs, you go and sleep with Mr. Green. He's fat and bloated, and you're willing to kiss up to him. Tsk tsk, I'm disgusted on your behalf," Alice Garcia said, blocking Jane's path to the conference room with a smug look on her face.