
Ch11: My New Position.

I woke up only to be blinded by powerful lights shining at my eyes. After some adjustments I saw that I was alone in some medical wing.

I looked down on myself and saw that I was wearing a hospital gown and arms and legs were covered in bandages, I tried standing up from the hospital's bed but found out that my arms and legs were chained to the bed.

After a while several armed men came in accompanied by a orange-haired scientist wearing glasses and a strange necklace with a red gem in the middle of it.

The scientist took a chair and sat next to me, he then spoke in a very familiar voice: "Hello D-2467, I see you are finally awake, you see it has come to our attention that you somehow managed single handedly defeat a small group group of scp 939." Dr Bright said as he flipped through some files he was carrying. "We know that you have came into contact with several anomalies, however, the one that stands out from the rest of them is a gameboy, are you familiar with it?"

"Uhhhh, yes I am." I said as I remember the the thing that gave me this system.

"Well you see we don't have much information on it so can you please tell us was it's properties?" Dr bright said.

This caused me to panic, if these people find out about my system they will most likely kill me, I need to think of a plan and fast!

"Uhhhmmm.....well I guess I have been feeling highly motivated lately?" I said slowly.

"Oh is that so?" Dr bright said as he began writing something in his file. "Please explain more."

"Well it's like this constant surge of powerful motivation that never stops coming and only becomes stronger and stronger as I progress." I lied. "It's the very reason I kept doing intense work out."

"I see, so if I am correct there is no physical effects only mental?" Dr bright asked.

"What?, no!" I lied again.

"Welp I guess I will be leaving now." He said as he and the soldiers began leaving the room, but then then doctor stopped halfway through the door only to turn around and say: "Oh yeah I forgot to tell you, the guy you saved was actually a high ranking commander and he wanted to thank you by offering you position as a member of his team, please think about it." And with that he left.

"Uhhh, what just happened?" I said.