
Scions of the Prophecy: Mad King’s War

We don’t fight to survive, we fight to protect.

_sylveria · Fantasie
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4 Chs

Special Chapter: Potion Gone Wrong| Part 2

Callista fiddled her skirt on the floor when something suddenly fell on her shoulder making her look at it to see Ignis peacefully sleeping while leaning on her. She smiled happily to herself when the classroom door suddenly opened making her flinch.

Ignis was surprised with this action thus waking him up making him scratch his eyes. "Someone's here" Callista cautiously whispered making Ignis fully awake "We have to hide" he whispered back.

They crawled underneath the table as the sound of footsteps became clearer and clearer until two pairs of black shoes appeared in front of them.

"Are you sure you left it here Caspian?" An unfamiliar voice asked frustratingly "Yes, I'm sure its somewhere in here Kaellis" Caspian's familiar voice replied "You don't think the students from the last class already threw it away right?" the man asked

"I doubt it" the man standing in front of the table their hiding in walked away as they shuffled. Callista and Ignis looked at each other "Have you tried looking in the lost and found?" the man's distant voice asked.

Caspian asked back "Do you think my notebook would be there?"

"So, for short, you haven't thought of looking there! Geez, anyone with basic common sense would obviously look there first"

"How would I know? I only left it here for a few minutes and its already gone"

"Then lets look at the lost and found. Sigh! Really Caspian your making me do so many work!"

"Your just exaggerating.."

Callista and Ignis nodded at each other when their footsteps finally disappearing as they crawled out below the table. "We have to hurry!" Callista whisper shouted as she grasped his hands

"I don't think its a good idea to leave the classroom" he shook his head "We'll get caught once the other students comes in" she explained as she tugged on his hand

"Come on now!" she said and was about to pull him away when Ignis suddenly felt himself getting lifted off the ground.

"Found 'ya"

Callista stared at the man who lifted Ignis by the collar with wide eyes 'How wasn't i able to feel his presence?!'

"Told you there was someone here" Kaellis's grinning face turned towards Caspian who had a look of horror "Children?! Kaellis, get him down!" he exclaimed so Kaellis put Ignis down.

"You! How dare you! You shouldn't touch him like that!"

"Ow! What the hell?!"

Kaellis grunted as Callista began kicking him in the leg "Ow! What the fuck?! How come she's so strong?!" Kaellis took a step back to avoid her attacks as he winced in pain "Did they wander off from the elementary building?" Caspian wondered looking at them worriedly

"Although, why does it seem like they look familiar?" Caspian confusedly said so Callista took his moment of distraction to good use as she pulled Ignis up and run away.

"Hey! Hey! Wait!"

They heard Caspian shouting behind them but they were already running for their lives as if they were a bunch of children getting chased by a lion.


"I don't think I can do this Ana! That guy freaks the shit out of me!"

"Your the one who did this so take responsibility!"

"I agree"

Ivan gritted his teeth as Anastasia glared at him so he hesitantly knocked at Wilford's office, Anastasia pushed Ivan aside seeing that he didn't have any intentions in opening the door as she pushed the door open.

Ivan tried stopping them but they had already entered the office "What can I help you with, children?" Wilford raised a brow at them and Ivan felt as if it was him opening hell's gates.

"Good afternoon, Professor Wilford. There was an unexpected mishap and Ivan wanted to explain this to you" Anastasia smiled "Mishap?" Wilford repeated as he took of his glasses gesturing towards Ivan to come closer

"A-Ah, yeah. About that..." Ivan chuckled nervously as he walked forward. Wilford raised an eyebrow at him as he fidgeted before he breathed out the air he was holding.

"I was trying to make a youth potion under Callista's orders when I somehow managed to mess with the ingredients and change the potion entirely? Rather than making a youth potion it somehow turned into a baby potion wherein Callista and Ignis had accidentally digested and had turned into babies and I don't know what to do and how to fix it or—"


"—how to undo it because I wasn't informed that a potion might change with the simple dose of ingredients might affect the whole potion altogether"

"Ivan! That's enough"

Ivan finally stopped blabbering as he smacked his lips together as he nervously smiled when Wilford's gaze sharpened.

"What?" his tone was sharp as he glared at him before Wilford sighed and massaged his temples "Even an amateur knows that adding the required amount of ingredient would entirely change a potion!" he scolded making them flinch especially Ivan

"Mr. Haven your the worst student I have ever encountered in my life" he scowled that seemed to have pierced Ivan's heart "What do we do, Professor?" Anastasia worriedly asked

"Where are Mr. Hawksley and Ms. Alberts?" Wilford asked "We left them in the Witchcraft Classroom" Denovan answered as Wilford stood up from his seat "Hurry now. We shouldn't take too long and Mr. Haven?" he glanced at Ivan who gulped

"Yes Professor?" Wilford squinted his eyes at him "We'll talk about this behavior of yours" he said as Ivan felt his soul left his body making Denovan chuckle and Anastasia to shake her head.



Ignis stared as Callista cursed the sky while stamping her feet "Quiet down" he groaned as Callista clicked her tongue "He'll get scolded by Professor Wilford so you don't have to torture him" he said

"But the joy of seeing him suffer in my hands is different" she replied and sat down beside him. After running around the building for a few minutes they managed to hide deep through the maze garden.

"You can't really blame him. You knew from the start that his impossible with witchcraft yet you left him there to mix the ingredients" Ignis said with furrowed brows remembering the time where he had to tutor Ivan every few seconds of the day

"Well, that's a mistake in my part" she shrugged "Do you think they have found Professor Wilford yet?" she asked and stood up with a huff to stand behind him to brush away the leaves on his hair

"I don't know. We might as well be thankful that the potion wasn't that strong that our minds will suit our body's age" he said referring to their current bodies "You think so?" she said so he nodded.

Callista chuckled finally finished in playing with his hair to leave it in braids with flowers. She giggled happily as she suddenly hugged him from behind circling her arms around his neck pulling him towards her. Ignis only sighed hopelessly letting her do whatever she wanted with a groan.


"Callista! Ignis! Were back with Professor Wilford!" Anastasia announced their presence as they entered the classroom to see no one there "Where are they?" Ivan asked in confusion as Denovan looked around

"Their not here" he shook his head "Where could they have possibly gone?" Anastasia asked with furrowed brows "You don't think they got caught right?" Ivan said with widened eyes "Find them" Wilford ordered.

"Professor?" they turned to the door to see Caspian peeking inside "What is it Mr. Wade?" Wilford asked "Kaellis and I found two children in the classroom. I think we should let you know" he said

"Children? Where are they now Caspian?" Anastasia asked "They ran off. Me and Kaellis tried looking for them but we thought we should inform Professor Wilford first. Why? Is there a problem?" Caspian worriedly asked

"Where is Mr. Golya?" Wilford asked.

"He already left for practice. I'm the only one free right now so I went out looking for you" he answered "Where could've they possibly gone to?" Anastasia worriedly asked and bit her nail

"Caspi? There you are" Marin suddenly entered the classroom and hugged Caspian "I've been looking for you. Didn't you say we'll be going to the Capital?" she asked

"Yeah, sorry" Caspian apologetically smiled before turning to the others "Those children seemed to run off because Kaellis somehow frightened them" he said

"Children? Are you looking for two children? A boy and a girl?" their attention turned to Marin when she spoke "Yes, have you seen them?" Ivan asked

"Emily found children in the maze garden. They seem too young to attend the Academy so she insisted in taking them to the Headmaster's office but one of them insisted in staying there. I asked if I could help but she said she can already handle it" Marin confusedly explained

"Maze garden?! How in the hell did they end up there?!" Ivan exclaimed exiting the classroom "Thank you Marin and Caspian" Anastasia smiled and followed after Ivan "Wait, what's happening?" Caspian confusedly asked

"Those two children seemed to have gotten lost so we were looking for them" Denovan lied before turning to Wilford with a smile "Professor lets go now" Wilford only nodded as he was guided outside leaving Caspian and Marin to look at each other.


Ivan nearly stumbled his way towards the garden maze running around shouting either Callista or Ignis's name only to catch sight of Emily in one of the corners of the maze sitting down on a flower bed.

"Emily! Hey! Have you seen two children?!" he asked with a loud voice in which Emily shushed him "Lower down your voice Ivan" she said making him cover his mouth.

Anastasia and the others followed behind him "Their asleep" Emily smiled and looked down beside him to show two small figures laying down on the flower bed peacefully sleeping.

With the little girl's arm and leg above the little boy's sleeping figure who was peacefully sleeping.

"Woah, what happened to them?" Anastasia gasped "I found them here playing. They didn't want to come with me to the Headmaster's office so I gave them some snacks to pass time and they fell asleep after" Emily chuckled

"Let's take them to my office" Wilford said so Denovan walked forward "Thank you for taking care of them Emily. Their parents were looking for them" Denovan smiled as he carried Callista's sleeping figure

"Is that so. I'm glad that I was of help" Emily sighed in relief as he stood up. Ivan was amazed on how Denovan could easily spout lies like that as Anastasia carried the sleeping Ignis "Then we'll be leaving then" Ivan said "Farewell then" Emily smiled as she waved them off.


Callista woke up feeling pissed at herself for being tempted by Emily's snacks she offered them and she was a stupid now to fall asleep after eating. Was she really a child now?!

"Oh your awake" Ivan smiled but she only scowled at him "Woah, someone woke up in the wrong side of the bed" he said earning him a kick from Callista.

What the fuck?! Again, why was she so strong?!

Ivan only grunted in pain as Ignis stirred awake beside her to see himself in Professor Wilford's office laying on the sofa.

Professor Wilford turned to them holding two tubes of the same color "Come here you two. This will turn you back to normal" Callista stood up and walked towards to reach for the potion with her small little arms followed by Ignis that Anastasia literally fawned over.

Professor Wilford handed them the potion "Thank god. My energy is drained faster than I thought" Callista sighed as Ignis nodded in agreement "Well, at least you get to taste your childhood once again" Anastasia smiled but the both of them only narrowed their eyes

"This wouldn't have happened in the first place if both of you had been careful" Wilford scolded referring to Callista and Ivan "I'm aware of my mistakes Professor. I apologies if I had caused unnecessary trouble" Callista looked down with a guilty look that the others know that she was faking

"Its fine. You had also given Mr. Haven a lesson that he should learn from. The both of you won't always be partners so Mr. Haven should know what to do on his own without anyone's help. I appreciate the effort you put in" Wilford smiled at her before his gaze sharpened at Ivan who immediately looked away

"Mr. Haven doesn't seem to understand this and lacks common sense" Ivan couldn't deny this fact so he chose to shut his mouth. "But he had made the right decision in asking for help when a situation like this had occurred. You did a good job." Ivan looked at him in surprise as his eyes brightened.

'He praised me! He really praised me!' Ivan thought.

"But. Your lack of focus is what will kill you" Wilford added breaking all fantasies Ivan had "Thank you for helping us Professor" Callista smiled at him "No worries. Drink it up now so all of you can rest" he said so Callista and Ignis drank it at the same time.

Anastasia suddenly realized something as the both of them gulped down the potion "Wait, shouldn't we get something to cover them first? They would immediately sprout if they drank it—" Anastasia was cut off when a blue mist covered both of them.

Realizing what Anastasia was trying to say, Denovan and Ivan moved quickly to try and cover up the two people who lacks clothing. Denovan immediately covered Ignis with a blanket he was able to snatch from the sofa when the mist started to disappear the same time Ivan covered up Callista with his coat.

Since she was already wearing her white sleeves Ivan went and covered her lower parts with his coat "Too tight" Callista complained when Ivan gripped his coat around her waist too tightly

"How am I supposed to cover you up then?" Ivan asked with furrowed brows "Remember, your a gentleman. You came from a prestigious family but you absolutely lack the prestigiousness at this moment" Callista deadpanned

"Huh?! What does that mean?!" he scowled "That means your an asshole with no manners" she replied remembering to lower down her voice for Wilford not to hear "Are you okay Young Duke?" Denovan asked as Callista and Ivan was in the middle of bickering

"Yeah, I'm fine" he nodded "The both of you, stop it. You should let her dress first Ivan" Anastasia said that the both had completely ignored too immersed in their conversation— argument.

Wilford looked at them and sighed. "Its nice to be young"