“Hey relax, no need to be on defense, I came in good faith. Okay, I looked for you when you left.” Bass tells her
“Why? To fire me ..oh you did that already. Why did you look for me, to get back to me for ruining your suit? “
“oh no. actually, that file, the one you forgot to bring along …”
“Right, I apologized for that and it’s what.. over three months ago, are we still on that?’’
He smiles “I just wanted to let you know that I ran into the head of Council of leaders about a month ago after you left and I gave him the file, he was impressed..more impressed about the addition you made to the project, it was quite revealing. I had a sit-down, it took a few weeks but I finally got it, the approval, now I would have waited another year, I guess they liked it too much..i got it. Work commenced 3 weeks ago.