
Ch7 - Hags and Durge

The next morning followed as usual for the party, Lae'zel complains about not being at the creche and I fry up some breakfast, which does wonders masking the scent of burnt bodies in the nearby woods.

Whilst I'm cooking Durge comes over to me, "Hey Charles, I'm just wondering, do you know anything about these tadpoles?" He seemed quite nervous and weighed down by something.

"I know quite a bit, I'm sure you know about ceremorphosis by now as Lea'zel loves to explain it." I say as I make sunny side up eggs and sasauges.

"Yes I do, do you know of any other side-effects? Like voices? Or maybe urges?" He scratched his arm nervously as he asked.

"I suppose not, I've been doing my own research on the mind flayers and nothing like that has appeared. Unless you have a craving for someone's pre-frontal cortex, then I think it might just be you." I pass out the food and we start talking near the stone slab where I do my dissections.

"Thank you, I was just curious. Do you know anything else?"

"For voices, schizophrenia is an option, however because there are beings that can just talk into your mind then you can't rule out external influences. Plus you aren't showing any of the other symptoms for schizophrenia like anhedonia" I'm worried for him, conditions like this need treatment and I don't know if a medieval fantasy world is the best place to get modern medication.

"I'm just worried I might do something I'll regret, I kicked a squirrel to death yesterday. It didn't feel like it was me doing it… Can I ask, could you restrain me at nights so I don't do anything?" He looked truly hopeful and sorry.

"Whatever makes you comfortable, I will look into your condition myself as we travel. Gale may also know stuff about voices he is quite well-read." I finish the conversation by going to pat him on the shoulder but my arm just goes through him.


The group go once again into the grove as I stay, I need to make priorities in what I'm learning so I get the best benefits quickly. What do I already know a lot about? What abilities will go the furthest in this world? And what will happen after the netherbrain?

Mentally I recall what I know about: psychology, sociology, criminology, illithids, a bit about fey, undead, ghosts (obviously), the dark souls franchise and obviously travelling. Psychology, illithids and the dark souls franchise are my top picks, but if Ethel teaches me about fey I'll learn disguise self most likely.

I've decided, psychology may give benefits that Durge could mentally benefit from, so that is number one. And when I'm waiting on the cooldown for that, illithids will be researched, I might get the ability to extract them. Then I'll learn about fey, they have abilities that I greatly want to learn, maybe I'll specialise with hags? Then dark souls, it encompasses undead as well as little bit.

[Exam cooldown 28 days]

Actually, if I go to Ethel now, she knows a lot about biology, psychology, alchemy and obviously being fey, she could teach me a great deal in a short time. So I might make a deal with her, I'm not too morally bothered by her existence so I'll be fine.

With that I walk over to Auntie Ethel's potion shop, grabbing some gruel along the way.

"Hello sweetie what can auntie Ethel get for you today?" Her sickly sweet voice paired well with her persona of a friendly old lady.

"Hello Ethel, I want to talk about some stuff that I think you're a bit of an expert on. I would like to make a deal with you." I introduce my idea to her, she doesn't seem bothered in the slightest.

"Oh and what could that be dearie?" She smiles.

"Well I know about… your whole thing and I would like to learn from you, like an apprentice. Obviously I'll give something in return, be it knowledge or a service maybe?" I slide around the fact she's a hag not so elegantly and give her the deal.

"Now this is new… Now suppose I accept your offer, what could you give me? In case you haven't noticed, you're dead so I can't get many materials or services out of you." Her voice went an octave lower and a decibel lower as we begun our bartering.

I match her volume and say, "I'm not stuck in this form you know? I can turn into this weird aberration thing, I don't have a name for it, but I can give you materials from that. If I learn enough about biology or related subjects, I think I'll be able to regenerate, giving you more materials."

She pauses, looking quite surprised, yet also like she's creating new complex plans in her head. "You drive a good bargain young man, though I do have to say one thing!" She suddenly paused laying out a lure for my response.

"And what's that?"

"I need to see this form of yours petal, come meet me in my house by the swamps, come alone and we'll take it from there." And with that the deal was made, I think I'll have to leave the party for a while whilst I learn under her, unless I could teleport.

After getting a few healing potions from her, I left. I went to go watch Dammon make a warhammer for one of the guards. I spent the rest of my day hanging around different people and learning more about basic tasks here before night fell once again.

This time however, camp has a new member Wyll Ravenguard. A great swordsman and warlock, but to me he is a great way to learn about fiends and maybe rapier wielding.

On that note, i should probably think about learning about the Gods from Shart, githyankis from Lae'zel… I've been neglecting wells of knowledge this entire time!