
Scarlette Overland

(IMPORTANT NOTE: Editing chapters are still under revisions and only titled chapters can be unlock to read. Thank you for patience! Please enjoy reading! ^_^) **** What is the SECRET behind her name? **** “Is it just plain curiosity in your part that is why you are pestering me all over again? If that is the case then, why not uncover the mysteries that surrounds me all by yourself if you are that eager to know?” **** A mysterious and powerful adventurer within the whole Empire has a deep secret, and that secret alone is hers to be known and no one else. But what will happen if her secrets are slowly being revealed by the people who are hunting her from her past? What will she do? SILVERIA EMPIRE, known as the largest and most powerful within the five empires of Miris Continent. Inside the walls of this powerful empire, there is a lone adventurer that is well known within both commoners and nobles alike. Even the Royal family of Silveria didn’t dare to provoke this person in fear of her wrath will cast upon them. That is because… despite being a commoner status, she is the only history’s SSS-rank adventurer that appears within the millennium years had come by. She is an enigma to all her fellow adventurers and everyone around her because no one has ever seen her actual face as she kept it hidden underneath the veil she is wearing. There is a reason for it. She’s hiding a SECRET. But there is a saying that; ‘All secrets are bound to be revealed.’ Are you ready to unveil the mysteries and secrets of her past? **** Book Cover by Omnitheus You may visit his IG account @kathangjk for more of his artwork. **** Discord: empressblackrose09#7769 IG: @empblackrose_09

empressblackrose09 · Fantasie
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240 Chs

The Aftermath



Scarlette's words are like venom whenever she speaks with her cold voice and Ferix knew that this time, he screwed up!


'This woman! She looks slim and petite but her grips are way too strong for a woman! Her SSS-rank status is no joke!'


Ferix thought as he suffered from the pain as the crimson-haired woman grip tightly on his chin.


Scarlette moved her head forward and went over to Ferix's ear as she whispered; "Make sure that you hide from now on because if you don't, you'll suffer the consequences for appearing in front of me"


Scarlette's cold and vicious voice rang inside Ferix's mind as he nodded immediately while trembling in fear.


She looked at Ferix once again and stare directly at the man's eyes as her crimson-lilac eyes began to glow and Ferix's trembling appearance became calm as if he is being possessed as his eyes became dull.


Scarlette made a whispered command through his mind.


={Bait. Outside the city. Wait for my command. Bring them}=


She commanded and Ferix's eyes are still dull as ever. Ryan noticed the sudden change of the atmosphere between the two as he had a confused expression.


'What is she doing? What happens?'


He thought and as he was about to speak, Scarlette stood up as she shoved off Ferix on the ground.




A single command is all she needs for Ferix to follow and the man just stood up and walked away from the scene and didn't look back behind them. Because of that, the fight has been resolve.


Ryan was flabbergasted as he watches what just happen in front of his eyes.


'O-okay? He was cowering in fear before but now, he just walked away as if nothing happens?'


He thought as he had a stunned expression as he didn't know how to react.


However, he remembered what the crimson-haired woman stated before when she interferes in the fight to protect him.


'It seems that you are challenging my authority, Ferix! You're quite bold for a mere B-ranker and dared to harm my companion in the process!'


With those words being stated by the crimson-haired woman, Ryan felt his cheeks turned red in embarrassment and he felt like a shy maiden in the process.


He immediately snapped those thoughts of his and he composed himself to calm down but Scarlette's words are still echoing through his mind.


'Why do I feel that our roles have been reversed?! I am a man and a man should be the one who protects a woman, not the other way around!'


Ryan thought as he mentally scolded himself and he didn't know what to feel right now.


This is the first time that Ryan has been saved by a woman and it felt uncomfortable on his part since he is not used to it.


'But I should be thankful that Scarlette intercepts the fight since I don't have to reveal myself in front of these people.'


Ryan thought thankfully, even though it's uncomfortable for him since his pride as a man hurts him but he doesn't have a choice but to keep quiet for now.


While Ryan is lost in his thoughts, Scarlette sighed as she felt an incoming headache because of this and since Ryan is her companion, she needs to clean his mess.


'Be thankful that I am tolerating you right now, Ryan. When the time comes, you should explain to me why are you here.' 


Scarlette thought as she looked around the area where they are and she saw that there are some damages and it looks like Scarlette needs to make a report to the City Lord because of this incident.


'Another reason why I don't like taking someone with me is that it would be troublesome. However, Ryan is different. After this, I won't be taking someone with me anymore.'


Scarlette thought as she sighed and looked at her side where Ryan was standing beside her.


"Any injuries? Hurt?"


The crimson-haired woman asked him nonchalantly and Ryan snapped back from his thoughts and looked at his side when Scarlette asked him.


It seems like he understood what the crimson-haired woman stated as he noticed that the woman is looking at his body to check some injuries.


He is getting used to the woman's treatment of him. She is neither cold nor gentle but Ryan knew that the woman cared. A little bit, he thinks.


"I am all right. Just a few scratches I guess but my previous injuries haven't healed yet"


Ryan said and Scarlette took something from her pouch and gave it to him.


The chestnut-haired man scan at the small bag that the woman took from her pouch and had a confused expression as he looked back at her.


Even though he didn't understand what that small bag is, he accepts it anyway as he took it from her hands and opened it to see what's inside.


Upon recognizing the items in the small bag, his eyes widened in shock as he looked back and forth at Scarlette and the small bag he is holding.




"Forget the payment. Compensation"


'Excuse me?! What compensation? Could you please elaborate it clearly!'


Even though he didn't understand what Scarlette is trying to convey, he just accepted the small bag that contains medicinal herbs. 


"Thank you" 


Ryan said it wholeheartedly because he might be ashamed to admit it but this is the first time that he received such sincerity from another person.


He was used by other people who curry favor from him because of his status and identity that he couldn't differentiate what is sincere and what is not from them. 


But even though this woman is made of a block of ice sometimes, by her actions alone, Ryan could tell that the woman had a soft heart.


He felt guilty sometimes because he is lying to her and kept his identity hidden.


What made him even more guilty is that Ryan made Scarlette his primary key to search for the person that he is looking for.


'I didn't want to lie to her but I need to keep my identity hidden for my mission. If there would be a day that my identity would be exposed, I hope that Scarlette would listen to me first.'


Ryan thought as he looked around and he saw that there are some damages around the area because of the fight earlier.


He sighed as he mentally scolded himself.


"We should go. Let me handle this first"


Scarlette said and Ryan snapped back when he heard what the woman said.


"W-wait a minute! Should I accompany you? Since I need to explain as well"


Ryan said anxiously as he looked at the woman and Scarlette just stared at him with a blank expression.


When the chestnut-haired man saw the woman's expression, he didn't pursue the matter because it seems like Scarlette is pissed off and he didn't want to be on her bad side.


He felt ashamed even further as the woman walked away from him and approach the guards in the area.


Seems like Scarlette would take full responsibility for this incident.


After the incident happens, the spectators who watched the fight take their chance to leave the place and some whispers are being spread for today's event.


Scarlette knew that this incident would spread around the nearby cities in the Empire and she would not be surprised if that happens.


Scarlette made a written report about today's incident and after that, she passed it to one of the guards and told them that she would visit the City Lord after she took care of some important matter.


The guards recognize the crimson-haired woman as they knew her reputation well so they complied and take the written report that the woman made.


They told Scarlette that they would convey her message to the City Lord and deliver the written report that she made.


The woman thanked the guards and after she settled the accounts for today, Scarlette and Ryan leave the place as they went over to the nearby stall where Jeffrey is waiting for them. 

Scarlette needs to clean up the mess that Ryan did (Even though he is not the one who started it) xD

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