
Scarlett Wayne ( His obsession)

My mum abandoned me with my dad when i was just a child, now I'm being followed by a sick stalker. my friend and my Dad is all i have, but now my life is about to take a drastic twist full of; Regret, pain, betrayal and obsession.

Ria2345 · Teenager
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4 Chs

chapter 4: New text

My eyes were welling up with tears; I'd never been more terrified in my life. With tears streaming down my cheeks, I became so engrossed in my thoughts that when I heard a loud bang on the door, I swear I fainted and my heart was ripped from its rip cage. I quickly regained my composure and grabbed my base ball stick. I tiptoed out of the kitchen and crept silently to the sitting room, where I gently grabbed my pepper spray from my bag and stuffed it into my jean pocket, where I could swear I looked mad.The banging became so loud that I considered calling the police, but then the banging stopped, and I waited for about ten seconds to see what would happen next, but the place was as still as a graveyard, which I wouldn't mind calling it because I was probably going to die soon. Well, I think my father and I should sit down and reconsider staying here because this isn't the tranquil Dunning we moved into, and what the heck is Chicago becoming every day. Seriously, I need to stop talking to myself in my head. I nervously approached the door and peered through the peephole.Waiting (stupid me) to see who would be at the door, but there was no one, damn whatever sick creature was scaring the shit out of me, if this person was trying to make me seem or get insane, then this person deserves an award since this is truly working, and then my idiotic phone had to buzz. "It damn better be Liz," I thought to myself. Well, I got another strange text, but I guess it was from someone else; this one says "Scar, this isn't going to end here, I've watched you grow up and you look so much like her, and it's time you pay for her evil deeds".

So I guess it's about time I found out how many people are attempting to kill me or who are pursuing me; I can't help but think my father is concealing something from me; I can't believe I'm getting bizarre messages every morning, and I think it's about time I find out. I just get a strange sense that someone I know is behind it all, so I keep reading this letter over and over in the hopes of understanding or gaining some insight. I tried to dismiss it, but it didn't change the fact that some strange text could appear in my phone, unlike the normal texts I get from my stalker (yes, he/she is my stalker now). Could this be a typo, or who the hell is this supposed to be referring to? I was buried in my monotonous contemplation when the door knocked, and I swear my heart stopped beating (again), yet there was something odd about the pounding; it seemed a little familiar.I mustered up the courage to look through the peephole when I heard what I thought was someone trying to open the door from outside and saw Elizabeth Patterson, my best friend. Damn it boy, I didn't hesitate to help her open the door and I gave her a damn tight hug, mind you with some kisses on her cheeks and forehead, it's actually not that bad.

"Calm down, girl. I got your blasted text and had to come here. Jezz, I drove here like a total lunatic.I hope you're doing well. What the hell happened?" Liz asked, worry on her face.

"I guess I should be fine, and seeing you here with me makes me feel more safe and better; things just got messy when you dropped me off and left." Someone dropped a letter on the door step, and when I turned around, I swear I saw someone, but the person ran away, and I rushed inside." "Show me the letter and this can't be a joke any longer, you look like a total mess and do you suspect anyone?"Liz said and asked as usual, being my mother, and I adore her.

"Well, I also received a freaking text message from the creep, I could say the guy in the hoodie, the transfer student Ralph, he's the only one I can think of right now?" I replied with a raised brow and showed her the last message I received; I just thought she needed to know because it was really confusing, and with Liz's reaction, I realized that things were getting complicated. I began chewing my nails, as I always do when I am anxious, and my father would have actually smiled at me, telling me how much I act like my mother, and I would have died inside, wanting to know what she might look like.I don't mind knowing everything about her, but I secretly hope and pray that our paths will cross someday; does she really think of me? Is she as eager to meet me as I am to meet her beautiful self? I had no idea that tears were falling down my cheeks and that Liz was wrapping her arms around me, hugging me and assuring me that everything would be fine.

"I know you miss her terribly, but you should know your father is doing his best to fill her shoes, but I understand you, you always feel like something is missing, I get it, but just know I'm with you through every trouble."Liz said kissing me on my forehead.

" Liz I miss her terribly, I want her here with me, I know she left me but I desperately want details and I can't help but feel this way, I want her to tell me she loves me and to apologize for missing every part of my childhood, I want her to feel guilty for everything, and I want her to understand how I felt like the strange little girl growing up without a mother and knowing her mother wasn't dead but abandoned her little baby to god knows where and maybe she's still alive. I despise this feeling that tells me this damn creepy message has something to do with my mother."Loud sobs were all I could manage to do.

"It's all right." Scar, you're trying to make me cry, but damn you girls, it's working, well if your mother abandoned you girl, we are damn sure karma is at the door, and I wouldn't deny the fact that this creepy text might have something to do with your mother, but we aren't sure about the whole damn thing, so what you're trying to say is that you could be stalked by more than one person? Liz asked, her brow furrowed.

I couldn't say anything; all I could do was nod my head like a lizard; the more I thought about it, the more adrenaline I felt.

I'm only 17 years old, will turn 18 in less than a week, and will graduate from high school tomorrow; why all the fuss? I grabbed my phone and texted my dad to come home right away, and I could hear Liz on the phone with the corps, and yes, everything is completely messed up now.

"I had to call the corps, I would have told you to let everything go but damn girl this isn't happening I'm afraid of losing you and you mean the world to me I can't let you go through this alone," she said in my ear. I'm not sure what would have happened to me if Lizzy hadn't been there.Definitely the best is her Although she is mine, I would suggest her to anyone who needs help.

The corps arrived before my dad and we tried to explain things to them. Well, at one point they actually believed it was a high school prank, but with Liz's serious expression, I guess they had to believe. This stupid corps would actually believe we would wake up and play this stupid creepy prank and I would look this terrified. I guess if we were playing a prank, we could actually be great actresses with Hollywood. When my dad entered, I could tell he was perplexed and knew it would be difficult to explain things to him.You don't wake up in this quiet little Dunning neighborhood every day to find a company at your door. Since this is unheard of in my neighborhood, I can't really blame the corps.

My dad hastened up to my place and he hugged me so tight I could actually feel myself suffocating and he gave me a light kiss on my fore head, I can't see myself living a day without him, I love him so much he has been going through a lot but I know he has been strong for my sake. My mom should be at a greater loss for leaving someone like him. I bet she should be jealous of me right now, cause she lost the best man. Well I need to speak up because I'm damn suffocating in this man's arm.

"Dad, I'm suffocating here, I'm fine for now, and I'm fine, I guess you should loosen up with the hug," I said childishly. "Did anyone hurt you? Why didn't you call me earlier?" I should have avoided such questions, but I just chuckled and answered my father's

"Dad, don't panic, I'm fine. In fact, nothing happened. I'm sorry if I never opened up to you, but believe me when I say that I never expected things to turn out this way; I just thought it was a joke, but it's far more serious than I imagined. Liz thinks I'm being paranoid or just taking things seriously because a strange kid at my school shows up and begins stalking me for no apparent reason, and I get this strange message that appears to threaten my life. I just thought I should report to the school administration, which is Mrs Wilson, the vice principal". I replied

"You never thought I would care, yes I know I've been so busy and occupied with work and I do this just for you my princess, but darling without you I don't know what the world will be like for me and I can't ever imagine being away from you," he said with tears streaming from his weary eyes down to his cheeks. At that moment, I could feel my heart breaking.

"Dad, it's fine, I completely understand, but seeing you cry right now breaks my heart. Dad, you do all of this for my sake; you try to provide for me and keep me happy, and that is sufficient." I smiled, attempting to reassure him that I was fine.

"I can't imagine what those stalkers would do to you while I'm gone; all I want is for you to be safe because you are my little bundle of joy, all I have, and everything I've ever lived for revolves around you, my little princess. Just stay safe, alert, and call me whenever you need to. I'd rush to you. You may address me as your knight". Dad said with a smile.

I smiled and replied, "Dad, you will always be my knight, I love you dad." He kissed me on the forehead.

Lizzy yelled, "You're making me jealous here!" She chipped in and received a hug.

While Dad was cooking dinner, Lizzy and I continued chatting, and when I told her what had happened and how scared I was, she couldn't stop laughing and teasing me. We had dinner, and I could see cops outside my house for a night parol, and I thought I could finally sleep, but Lizzy wouldn't let me, and we kept talking about prom. Finally, I'd finished high school and would soon be an adult, yea. But, as happy as my heart was, I couldn't stop thinking about what had just happened and the last message I received. Who could it be?....