
Scarlett Reaper

Auburn red hair. Eyes many shades of blue. These are the physical attributes found in the Reaper family. A family of Hybrids. Scarlett Reaper is the only known living descendant of the Reaper ancestor, Raymond Philippe Reaper; as the rest had been ingested by the greedy vamps, who sought their blood for power. She seeks vengeance. Feelings of revenge are deeply rooted in her heart, though she hid it from her adopted father and uncle. Unknown to her, her relatives are still around, though dead. And they don't want her to avenge them, as it would lead to disastrous consequences.

DaoistwNILWl · Fantasie
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2 Chs


On a cold winter night, a young red haired man in his mid-twenties walked quickly into the cemetery after ensuring he was alone. His name was Simon Reaper. He maneuvered around the neatly arranged gravestones and plaques, headed for a beautifully shaped crypt, his left hand clenched tightly around a small gold-silver key.

He reached the crypt, unlocked it and ventured inside the large tomb, walking steadily down the steep steps until he reached the bottom, where there were numerous tunnels.

Each of the tunnels had a name written on a marble plaque in gold.

He didn't spare a glance at any of the other tunnels and instead made his way to the tomb labeled in glittering gold:

𝕷𝖎𝖆𝖒 𝕽𝖆𝖞𝖓𝖆𝖗𝖉 𝕽𝖊𝖆𝖕𝖊𝖗 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝕰𝖛𝖎𝖊 𝕽𝖔𝖘𝖊

Inside the tunnel were two glass caskets. One held a good-looking red-haired, lightly tanned man who had his eyes closed.

The other held a beautiful blonde woman.

They both looked like they were sleeping.

"Brother..." Simon muttered, his voice breaking. His eyes filled with tears as he gazed at his older brother's face through the glass casket. He swallowed with difficulty and hastily wiped at his eyes. "We lost Simone" he managed to choke out, his eyes stinging with more tears as he was reminded of the death of his twin sister. "But you needn't worry, Scarlett is safe and sound. Nothing's going to happen to her." He sighed "There haven't been recent sightings of vampire activity lately, and I'm getting anxious." He knelt next to the casket. "I swear I'll keep your daughter safe, none of those vermin would even get close to her, as long as I'm alive." He paused for a while, combing his hand through his red mane, a sign of frustration and stress. "I have to leave now, brother, it's getting late" he stood and dusted his knees "Take care of my older brother, sister-in-law". He turned away and left the tunnel.

Once in front of the marble steps, he bowed to each tunnel in turn, straightened and set off carefully up the steps.

Once outside, he locked the crypt and transported the key to it's holder located in his apartment. He stared at the door thoughtfully, then he heard an almost silent sound. He tensed and slowly turned to the source of the noise. "Who's there?" he asked, his blue eyes darting from one side of the cemetery to the other, his nerves quaking. He was the weakest of his siblings, and he had zero offensive power, and his defensive skills were nothing to brag about, especially when compared to a vamp's.

He didn't hear anything again, his eyes narrowed to slits. He didn't bother staying any longer and left directly.

Suddenly, he was blocked by a small group of children. They were seven in number and had varying expressions.

"Vampires" Simon hissed, his eyes filled with fiery hatred as he reached for the silver dagger he carried with him.

One of them, the one that was seemingly the oldest and the leader of the group scoffed "Don't bother" he said "You're still gonna end up dead"

"Brother~" another whined, "Can we skip the foreplay? I'm starving~"

"Patience Shawn, we're getting there" a third soothed

Simon glared at them and took on a fighting stance, which made the leader to sigh in disappointment and annoyance "Your downfall" he shrugged and in a blink Simon was flat on his back groaning in pain, the vamp straddling him. He wrestled the dagger out of his hands and tossed it away in disgust. "Sal, Sam, hold him down"

"With pleasure" They crooned, licking their lips.

"Get your filthy claws off me!" Simon yelled, struggling out of their hold.

"Quiet you!" one of the vamps said, smacking his face. Hard.

"Dami! What are you doing standing around?!" The leader yelled at the seventh little boy, the only one who didn't speak.

"...I don't want any part in this" the little boy mumbled, his head lowered.

They scoffed. "That's what you always say." One of them said with a sarcastic roll of his eyes "This is probably the last on we'd be getting for who knows how long, and Father said you have to do it"

'Dami' froze at the mention of his father, his tiny fingers clenched into fists. The brother closest him grabbed his shoulder and shoved him roughly in the direction of Simon. The oldest brother got off Simon and Sal and Sam forced him on his knees. Dami hesitantly pressed his tiny but sharp fangs against Simon's throat. He didn't want to do it. Simon reflexively jerked, causing his fangs to break through flesh and straight to the vein.

Simon began to panic, worried about his lovely niece. "What's going to happen to her if I die? Who'll take care of her?" He struggled fiercely against the small boy, but the two boys holding him firmly were too strong.

He could feel his strength waning as Dami started to drink and when he thought it was over, the remaining six joined in. He gritted his teeth, feeling weak and slightly nauseous, he mustered up all his strength and struggled, cold sweat dampening his forehead and back as he held back the urge to moan out in pain.

It ended quickly. The young boys separated themselves from his now cold body, licking their lips in satisfaction, their veins glowing gold through their pale skin. They left quickly, changing their forms to gorgeous eagles, spreading their wings and flying off into the orange sunset.

All of them except Dami, who guiltily stayed behind, his eyes staring deeply into Simon's glassy gaze. He bent to close them, muttering a quick prayer for him. Only then did he disappear.

This is my first try at an original, I hope you like it :)

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